How will they rule ??!

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We have several parties but none that have any power. None get federal funding like the corrupt waring tribes, none get to participate in the debates, none get coverage from the left wing or right wing media. Liberals were all for the electoral college until it cost them because it props up the corrupt 2 party system.

You mean like the green party candidate that funneled money to her own cause and camouflaged it to look like a legitimate recall ? Maybe Bernie Sanders could run as a third party progressive socialist and spout nonsense about the "top one percent" while wanting to force single, one person businesses to pay for healthcare which would result in that owner (making less than 80,000 dollars per year) closing their doors? All while he's got 3 homes, backs candidates that are best friend of Wall Street, and attempts to take 90% of your income for his insane distribution plans?

Conservative American principles, whether they be of a Reagan / Trump philosophy, or a Ted Cruz philosophy, is the best way to run a country in an imperfect world. You won't beat greed and Human weakness. Common sense is all we have. Another party of corruption won't change it.
You don't get to justify wrong because the other shitty party did it too.
Show me one post where anyone has tried to justify Flynn doing the wrong thing. Just one. I believe you're confused and are conflating the two situations.

Someone giving Trump credit for taking action and doing the right thing, isn't them also justifying Flynn doing the wrong thing. Quite the opposite, really.
Flynn lied, it's almost obvious. And I'm not someone who wants a cozy relationship with Russia, so republicans, especially traditional ones, have always been on that side. Remember? The party that was laughed at by liberals for saying russia was a great geopolitical foe? Nothing has changed. But the outrage you throw at it now, man, you are some fake ass SOB's.

I remember when Deeefense went on a tirade a few years ago about how Russia and Ukraine got into a "squirmish" on the border and was laughing at the thought of a Russian threat.

btw, where is the prophet Nostradeeeeeemus?

Been a while since I've seen him. Did he reincarnate into a butterfly with antibodies and cure Aids?
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You take down Flynn and now we take down Priebus. Get him out DJT. Let's drain the swamp.

The GOP leaders are undermining the POTUS to destroy this administration. Priebus will be the next to one to fall. Then DJT needs to go after the other established GOP. The CIA needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. The FBI needs a shake down.

Unbelievable how corrupt our government is. Stop the left and right bullshit. DJT said it wasn't about party. This is about corruption. Release the 650K emails and let us clear house.
Its nice to have an administration where you'll have to leave if you lie, unlike the last administration of Obama that if you lied you were hailed as a democrat hero.
The dems would either applaud the actions of their people or just move them to another position. Anyone who bitches or complains about this going further simply cannot get past their own personal bias towards the right. Trump is not part of the 2 party system, that is why he won. People broke away from the system to put him in office. It is that simple.
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Local news just stated half of the 51 illegal immigrants detained by ICE during the latest sweep have felony records. Travis County TX Sheriff Sally Hernandez is in hot water again because a couple released illegals committed sex crimes with underage minors. One county commissioner is preparing to investigate. Stay tuned.
Local news just stated half of the 51 illegal immigrants detained by ICE during the latest sweep have felony records. Travis County TX Sheriff Sally Hernandez is in hot water again because a couple released illegals committed sex crimes with underage minors. One county commissioner is preparing to investigate. Stay tuned.
75% of all those detained across multiple cities have felony records. The other 25% had already been ordered by a judge to deport months, even years ago, but they ignored the judge's order and stayed anyways.
So Mexicans across the border are now paying for lawsuits to be filed on behalf of illegals?

But I could have swore the left said other countries interfering in our process should be held to the highest degree of scrutiny and punishment.

Ok lefties, let's see that outrage! Let's go smash the first car we see, and if @Willy4UK is in it, sexually assault.

Yeah, exactly what you said!!!!!!!
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I clearly made no excuses. Many people agreed with my post. He lied and there's no way to defend him. He had to go.

Many of us have no issues calling the GOP out. We've been doing it for a long time on here. The left are the ones who are incapable of criticism or acknowledging eff ups.

Yeah, you're absolutely right. He needs to go. (you'd never hear a shitty lib say this about their own party)

I will say this though. Those "sanctions" were bullshit. Obama knew the Russians didn't hack the election. "hack the election" is the goddamn dumbest thing I have ever heard. You'd have to be as dumb as shit to buy into it. You have Mexico interfering every day in U.S interest, but no one says a peep.
Exactly, and Trump did the right thing in this situation. So what's your problem? Why the fake outrage?
I don't get that either. But, it is what happens all of the time. CNN this morning has been all over the Flynn situation and the dinner. They are even saying that he had nuclear codes out allegedly. How stupid do you have to be not to know that this is a straight up lie conjured up by butt hurt liberal media types. Just moronic. They really haven't learned anything from the election.
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I don't agree with hitting women. With that being said, I know some chicks that would powerdrive that little loud mouth with one punch to her smug face.
I agree with not hitting women but, in today's "I am as strong as a man woman's world" maybe a hard right after they have attacked you would send a needed message. My X used to go on tirades and actually pummel me with punches and I would just cover up and take it. When she was finished she would cry and apologize for losing her temper but, the last time she did it we were in the middle of the divorce and I told her if she ever did it again I would retaliate. It never happened again, she new I was serious.

That being said, if a women was actually hurting me....yeah, I would do just enough to get her off of me.
I agree with not hitting women but, in today's "I am as strong as a man woman's world" maybe a hard right after they have attacked you would send a needed message. My X used to go on tirades and actually pummel me with punches and I would just cover up and take it. When she was finished she would cry and apologize for losing her temper but, the last time she did it we were in the middle of the divorce and I told her if she ever did it again I would retaliate. It never happened again, she new I was serious.

That being said, if a women was actually hurting me....yeah, I would do just enough to get her off of me.

Yeah, good points Warrior. Hell, my little 5'3 100 lb wife has choked me on two occasions and I have never laid a hand on her.

Hitting a woman won't work. Too political. You gotta stab or shoot them,
There was a dude on Adam Carolla show who knew a shit ton about the information war and how all the big countries use it to accomplish their agendas....Bill Gertz, Washington Tines...that's him. On 2/10/17 carolla podcast.

Anyway, he explained how we've gotten our ass whipped in the cyber world the last 8 years and Obama basically just bent over and said "nothing to see here". Just another example of dems not admitting/fixing anything that could make them look bad. Deny, deny, deny. Trump has vowed to not take it in the ass on the cyber front. He wants consequences for countries that steal/influence our shit. Crazy idea!!!! Just another example of why military/national security world fn love trump. They have worth again. A purpose to do what is necessary to defend our country and quit taking it in the asshole from the POS countries that are trying to snatch up world power while we are losing power.

The must fascinating part to me was the war of info and ideals. China and North Korea for example control their people by limiting e-access. Laptops/phones/digital access is the best way to change a nation. Just look at what happened here. We became total pussies subscribed to all this PC bullshit that is largely marketed and sold to us by the digital media world, and then carried out by our own citizens via social media. Gertz compared it all the Cold War.

He also credited Russia for coining "fake news" a long time ago. Very successful tool. If you can give a fact followed by a lie, the people will talk themselves into believing we do on here all day. We don't know wtf is real because we are bombarded daily, hourly by outlets attempting to persuade us towards ideas of the left and the right, and we gotta figure out if it's real or not. He said best way to take down North Korea is flood the country with free Obamaphones, laptops, etc. Just put the internet in everyone's hand.

The only thing Gertz was weary about was Russia. But ultimately we need to stick it to China and the Middle East. Russia cannot be trusted, but if they can help take some power and influence away from China then that is wonderful because China in many ways, as well as middle eastern ideas, are up our asshole and we need them out.
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Local news just stated half of the 51 illegal immigrants detained by ICE during the latest sweep have felony records. Travis County TX Sheriff Sally Hernandez is in hot water again because a couple released illegals committed sex crimes with underage minors. One county commissioner is preparing to investigate. Stay tuned.


Again, Trump doing exactly what he said.
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You take down Flynn and now we take down Priebus. Get him out DJT. Let's drain the swamp.

The GOP leaders are undermining the POTUS to destroy this administration. Priebus will be the next to one to fall. Then DJT needs to go after the other established GOP. The CIA needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. The FBI needs a shake down.

Unbelievable how corrupt our government is. Stop the left and right bullshit. DJT said it wasn't about party. This is about corruption. Release the 650K emails and let us clear house.

50/50 chance Trump doesn't finish his term IMO. Taking on too many powerful forces, and doesn't have enough friends in congress or the media.
I think Alex Jones can be rather insane with some of the things he says, but one thing I agree on is when he sent a strong message to Trump to be very careful with the folks he is surrounded by. There are some serious snakes in the grass whose mission is to sabotage this administration. Then you have the career bureaucrats in these departments who hate Trump and are undermining everything he does with these leaks. The Swamp is a machine in Washington and its going to be a monumental task on Trump's part to get rid of all these folks.

Then you have to deal with Soros, Obama, Clintons, etc. along with GOP establishment who are going to do what they can to bring him down as well. Many of these people have no souls and will/have sell this country out to line their pockets and increase their power.

Trump needs to make a serious example out of someone and first in line should be Hillary Clinton.

I do not care what party you support, everyone of us should be seriously concerned and irate at what we have allowed our government to become.
I see Keyser dropped back in hating on one side, but covering by saying how horrible both sides weak.

How am I a Briles slurper, for asking what he did? I seek the truth, you're terrified of the truth. You equate asking for facts about Briles and choosing not to judge him without facts as being a slurper. I see why you support Trump.

You want a truth? Trump is gonna be destroyed in one week and youre gonna spend the next 4 years whining about it.

Destroyed means lose bigly. Hillary is gonna knock the hell out of him.

Whoa Trump supporter, do you not know what bigly and knock the hell out of him means?

BIGLY! HUUUUGE! He's gonna lose.

He's gonna lose, just accept it. I'm not sure why you're mad at me, I'm not gonna lose, Donald Trump is.

He will lose HUGE, BIGLY, shes gonna knock the hell out of him.

Piss away my vote? Trump is gonna win Kentucky whether I vote for Coach Cal, Ronald McDonald, or Gary Johnson. How is voting my conscience throwing away my vote? I'm ot a sheep, I will never just follow along just to be a part of the group.
So the President-elect directs Flynn to let Russia know sanctions would be yanked so no problem?

Me thinks inept inexperienced dumbasses did exactly what I predicted they would do: stumble blindly right into an impeachable offense.

This trail is going to lead right back to Trump directing Flynn to undercut the United States of America in responding to Russian aggression in tampering with our elections and perhaps even sanctioning Crimea and Urkrianian aggression by promising a wink and a nod if Russia holds off until Trump rides into town.

Yep. That is going to lead right back to Donald Trump's big mouth and there will be bi-partisan support for kicking his fat stupid ass right out of the White House. Here we go.
I think Alex Jones can be rather insane with some of the things he says, but one thing I agree on is when he sent a strong message to Trump to be very careful with the folks he is surrounded by. There are some serious snakes in the grass whose mission is to sabotage this administration. Then you have the career bureaucrats in these departments who hate Trump and are undermining everything he does with these leaks. The Swamp is a machine in Washington and its going to be a monumental task on Trump's part to get rid of all these folks.

Then you have to deal with Soros, Obama, Clintons, etc. along with GOP establishment who are going to do what they can to bring him down as well. Many of these people have no souls and will/have sell this country out to line their pockets and increase their power.

Trump needs to make a serious example out of someone and first in line should be Hillary Clinton.

I do not care what party you support, everyone of us should be seriously concerned and irate at what we have allowed our government to become.
Exactly how are people around Trump sabotaging Trump? Trump is sabotaging Trump. Who else is making him suck up to the Russians like he has? Don't you find it the least bit curious that Trump has criticized every country on earth including our own but has steadfastly refused to criticize Russia or Putin? Why? What makes them special besides the fact that Trump's tax returns are going to show that he is playing footsie with Russian billionaires?
Has anyone that has claimed "Trump's tax returns are going to show" actually ever seen a tax return? Other than your own return claiming illegitimate dependents and EICs?
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This administration is [roll]

Make an example out of Hillary for what exactly? Trump is openly disregarding national security by his ridiculous display at his country club. I'm sure all those guests have been extremely vetted. No spies here baby! Let's post em on Facebook...woo hoo! Now everyone knows who is carrying the nuclear football as they say. Amateur hour.
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Me thinks inept inexperienced dumbasses did exactly what I predicted they would do: stumble blindly right into an impeachable offense.

Not defending Flynn whatsoever. He deserves to be fired for lying to and misleading Pence. As to your comment, it will never happen. About as wrong as you guaranteeing a Hillary victory.

You do realize even if it can be proven Flynn violated the Logan Act, he'll still never be charged, much less it leading back to Trump, because the evidence that could prove it was illegally obtained. How do you think the CIA was privy to his conversations with Russia?

Obama's Administration was spying on an American citizen, and then leaked that highly sensitive, illegally obtained information to the media. Both are against the law. None of it will ever see the light of day in a courtroom.
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This administration is [roll]

Make an example out of Hillary for what exactly? Trump is openly disregarding national security by his ridiculous display at his country club. I'm sure all those guests have been extremely vetted. No spies here baby! Let's post em on Facebook...woo hoo! Now everyone knows who is carrying the nuclear football as they say. Amateur hour.
Biden pointed the guy holding the codes TWICE within a week. Didn't hear you whining then. Hypocrite!
You know in the old westerns when something would happen then the sheriff would deputize a bunch of cowboys? Well Trump did something similar, he temporarily gave TOP SECRET SSBI clearances to all the diners at Mar-a-lago because he didn't want to get up and miss dessert.

Again, Trump doing exactly what he said.
Of course the people at ICE say that they are doing exactly what they have been doing for years it's just that this administration wants to publicize and take credit for it. Kind of like boasting about bombing ISIS although it had been documented that under the previous POTUS over 26,000 bombs had been dropped on ISIS targets.
Pretty obvious that our small handed POTUS needs the attention to feel validated.
Kellyanne was... delirious this morning. That was a bad look in front of Matt Lauer. She started out with a hint of hotness during the election but now is full blown confused crackho. I was seriously thinking she was going to offer to suck Matt's d*&% for two dollars there for a minute.
Of course the people at ICE say that they are doing exactly what they have been doing for years it's just that this administration wants to publicize and take credit for it. Kind of like boasting about bombing ISIS although it had been documented that under the previous POTUS over 26,000 bombs had been dropped on ISIS targets.
Pretty obvious that our small handed POTUS needs the attention to feel validated.

The administration isn't publicizing it, it's the media that apparently didn't publicize it under Obama...hmm I wonder why.
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