How will they rule ??!

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Exactly, "that's the damn job" is precisely the problem with American politics today, and why our political system is crumbling and full of elitest career politicians who represent their own financial interests over those they were elected to serve. Super PACs should be banned. Lobbying should be banned and there should be term limits in the house. You're "It's the damn job" approach is exactly why not too many on here have much respect for what you do.
You're living in a political fantasy world.
Just love how MAGA thinks a typical everyday Pub is no better than a Dim. It's as if Dims wouldn't have pushed more F-ed Up spending thru with a Dim House majority. And MAGA has the balls to call themselves conservative while supporting Trump to the hilt.

Which spending bills did McCarthy stop? I can remember. Obviously with multi-trillion dollar deficits, it seems like he didn’t stop many.

Trump’s Covid spending lot the fire. I and other have said that hundreds of times. That was terrible for the country.

Pretty sure I’ve probably called Trump a big spending New York liberal dozens of times. He’s what a democrat was before they underwent transition to full blown lunacy.
Kinda like the great outcomes for poor people in housing, healthcare and transportation?
Nah dude. Only beneficiaries of this BS are the wealthy. The poor will be still be trapped in terrible public schools. The middle class will end up paying more for mediocre private schools
You changed the subject with housing & transport, trying to make people think that those affect education. Education is what affects the other two.

You have a mindset as to how money would be allocated outside the common schools. What you state is a possibility, but they could gear to provide more to the poor kids. All bets would be off. Given what you admit about poor children being trapped, I don't see why you're not open to at least trying alternatives to get out of that trap.

You need to face that you have a one track fixed mind.
"Former President Trump ran up the national debt by about twice as much as President Biden, according to a new analysis of their fiscal track records."

Is there a difference between the “National debt” referenced in the headline and the 10 year borrowings in the graphic?

Been doing this long enough to know if Dion posts an economics headline, it’s probably bullshit. Immediately see the difference in the graphic and headline, then figure it’s definitely bullshit.

- So I guess you’re going to open and oversee 6-12 field offices per swing state?

- You’re going to hire the mid/senior staff in each state…who will be hiring multiple thousands of canvassers to talk to voters individually everyday?

- You’re going to take the data you receive nightly from the 225,000+ voter contacts PER DAY and frame the campaign messaging around what is being talked about in each unique area?

- You’re going to organize and travel to fundraisers to keep up with the dark money being poured in by Dem groups?

- You’re going to oversee the digital media messaging and budget?

- You’re going to speak to county parties in a dozen states about engaging their volunteers?

Oh wait…you won’t do any of that. Most likely you won’t even spend one afternoon block walking for a local congressional/school board candidate talking to voters on a grassroots level.

INSTEAD, you post your political “strategy” on a sports message board thinking you’re Roger Stone and think you’re making a massive difference.

…maybe I’m not the problem.
Said nothing about political strategy, other than state my opinion that some of what you described sounds like sleazy politics and pandering. "framing the campaign messaging" (pandering) without any real effort to actually follow through with what those constituents talk about. And I get it Politics is sleazy, pandering, garbage. It's why I don't actively engage in it beyond really, this message board, but that doesn't stop me from having an opinion on it. My whole point is that it's sad that politics has come to all of what you described, in order to sway or alter people's opinions when in the end those opinions only mean enough to the candidates to get them elected and to their cash cow. The majority have no intention of following through with anything all those canvassers discovered.

You’d be the first one pitching a fit that:




Again, if you want to really make a change to issues you’ve brought up, volunteer for a candidate that aligns with your beliefs. Make phone calls. Knock on doors. There no “dirty money” in that.

But you won’t. And THAT’S the problem.
Is there a difference between the “National debt” referenced in the headline and the 10 year borrowings in the graphic?

Been doing this long enough to know if Dion posts an economics headline, it’s probably bullshit. Immediately see the difference in the graphic and headline, then figure it’s definitely bullshit.
The 10 year window is just the metric they use so it stays consistent and nonpartisan between administrations.
Also to clarify…

“Framing” messaging doesn’t mean taking the candidate’s stance and twisting it around.

It means finding out what voters are concerned about in their particular area and interacting with them in various ways on the candidate’s stances.

Surprised you didn’t know that, man.
NH dems can’t vote in a GOP primary…I posted the law earlier if you want to re-read the last few pages.

Also lived/based in NH during the presidential primary. But again, you don’t have to take my word for it.
So, again, you present yourself as an expert with insider knowledge. So how close are your internals to the actual outcomes? They outperform public polling?
Can’t discuss internal polling from the PAC.
So if they are, why not just go into polling? So no, they aren't. You're working with the same data available to a dedicated layman. You just think your opinion is more valuable because you're privy to how the sausage is made. I'm not taking issue with your takes, just your attitude. Presenting your opinions as your own instead of as a front for something 'totally official but secret you guys' would probably serve you better. You are not special.
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You changed the subject with housing & transport, trying to make people think that those affect education. Education is what affects the other two.

You have a mindset as to how money would be allocated outside the common schools. What you state is a possibility, but they could gear to provide more to the poor kids. All bets would be off. Given what you admit about poor children being trapped, I don't see why you're not open to at least trying alternatives to get out of that trap.

You need to face that you have a one track fixed mind.
I absolutely hear what you are saying in a perfect world...but it is actually leftist, pie in the sky dreaming if you think handing out money to poor people for education will improve the schools.
The wealthy families will always prefer to remain divided from the low income poor kids and will pay to do so.
The better private schools will always cater to the wealthy and raise tuition to make it above the state allotment. They will continue raising it to make more and more $$$ off of that difference...much like how colleges have with the student loan programs.
The poor will then be left with whatever public schools haven't closed up or whatever cheapo private schools cater to that base allotment. Private schools with no accountability. No oversight. No skin in the game if they suck. Just grab their bag of taxpayer funded cash and run.
If you are upper middle class or uber wealthy....vouchers are fantastic. No argument from me on that. They will be increasing their wealth.
It's the lower middle and poor who will be always.

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You have no idea what you are talking about.

A. Only our communications team is allowed to publicly comment on internal polling, if/when released.

B. There are plenty of reasons not to release polling info whether good or bad. Or hold it to announce at a certain time that would make a bigger impact.
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You have no idea what you are talking about.

A. Only our communications team is allowed to publicly comment on internal polling, if/when released.

B. There are plenty of reasons not to release polling info whether good or bad. Or hold it to announce at a certain time that would make a bigger impact.
I'm not talking about releases. I'm talking about the data itself. If whoever does the numbers for your PAC had some formula that produced significantly more accurate polling than public polling firms they wouldn't just be doing it for your PAC. They'd be out there selling their methodology to anyone and everyone, raking in the big bucks. You don't have access to some font of insider knowledge about anything other than the internal logistics of campaign workings. No special insights into the American populace/electorate. Acting like you do is just hubris.
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You changed the subject with housing & transport, trying to make people think that those affect education. Education is what affects the other two.

You have a mindset as to how money would be allocated outside the common schools. What you state is a possibility, but they could gear to provide more to the poor kids. All bets would be off. Given what you admit about poor children being trapped, I don't see why you're not open to at least trying alternatives to get out of that trap.

You need to face that you have a one track fixed mind.
Btw...I also agree with you about more school choice and opportunities....But I think that can be provided at a better cost for taxpayers by taking existing public schools and turning them into public charter schools with oversight.
In other words...instead of creating a whole new bureaucracy....just unshackle some of the schools from government chains and give them more freedom to operate as private charter school so long as they meet state standards.
Why reinvent the wheel when you can modify it and make it better?
Make the schools cater to the strengths of its students instead of the reverse. Have schools for more artistically inclined, mechanically inclined, vocationally inclined, mathematically inclined etc.
Allow ALL public schools the power to remove students who can't follow rules and disrupt the learning environment.
They should go to in school or home remote learning until they can behave properly. Let the other 90 percent of kids learn without constant interruption.
Get the damn politicians out of the process and allow the teachers more say and power in how to improve the schools. That is the root cause of why some public schools are failing. The teachers have NO voice in the system anymore.
We don't need more private schools. We need more control over the public schools we have already.
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Which spending bills did McCarthy stop? I can remember. Obviously with multi-trillion dollar deficits, it seems like he didn’t stop many.

Trump’s Covid spending lot the fire. I and other have said that hundreds of times. That was terrible for the country.

Pretty sure I’ve probably called Trump a big spending New York liberal dozens of times. He’s what a democrat was before they underwent transition to full blown lunacy.
McCarthy & Johnson couldn't get 218 votes for lesser spending b/c it wasn't pure enough for the Gang of Eight who voted against lower spending above their liking Bunch of deutschbags. You can think letting the government shut down is the better idea, but you'd find out it's not.
I'm not talking about releases. I'm talking about the data itself. If whoever does the numbers for your PAC had some formula that produced significantly more accurate polling than public polling firms they wouldn't just be doing it for your PAC. They'd be out there selling their methodology to anyone and everyone, raking in the big bucks. You don't have access to some font of insider knowledge about anything other than the internal logistics of campaign workings. No special insights into the American populace/electorate. Acting like you do is just hubris.

You really have no idea how this works.

Internal polling doesn’t mean you have a pollster on staff…it means the campaign/PAC hire a professional firm to poll and the data is then property of the campaign/PAC.

God bless you.

You really have no idea how this works.

Internal polling doesn’t mean you have a pollster on staff…it means the campaign/PAC hire a professional firm to poll and the data is then property of the campaign/PAC.

God bless you.
Lol I didn't say you had one on staff, I said whoever does your numbers. Whichever polling firm you contract. You try to divert instead of addressing the content because you know you have no argument. Your numbers are no better than anyone else's. You dispute?

And your God can go get f*****.
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I can’t comment on it, as I stated three times.

I can’t release hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of proprietary data, violate a strict NDA, or even hint at it because you basically dare me to on a message board.

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I can’t comment on it, as I stated three times.

I can’t release hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of proprietary data, violate a strict NDA, or even hint at it because you basically dare me to on a message board.

Really? Time to report your ass then. These posts all contain specific information about your internal polling, far more data than answering a simple yes or no about its quality:
And that’s a reasonable take, @HymanKaplan. Better choice for you and a ton of others.

Haley, DeSantis, and Scott would win more decisively over Biden however.
A LOT of reform Jews who historically vote Dem won’t be voting Biden from the feedback we’ve been getting.

They won’t necessarily vote Trump, but will undervote for POTUS…which is basically a Trump vote.

200k voters in that demographic in Philly/Collar counties alone…VERY much could be a deciding factor in swing states like like PA and MI.
She would win decisively.

Overwhelming majority of that 30% votes for her, every Never Trump Republican votes for her, and a lot of moderates/lean Dems that are voting on the economy vote for her.

You're just trying to hide because you've been exposed.

Feedback isn’t polling. The general term feedback can refer to canvasser reports, questionnaires, digital media targeted ad reports.

The Haley, Scott, DeSantis post is all publicly available data that has been released almost a year ago, from a PAC no longer operating.

I specifically said that my candidate did not win the primary…so why would that Super PAC continue to operate?

Currently a sr strategist for national SuperPAC.

No way you are really like this. 😂
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As I already said, you don't have a constitutional right to any of that. And yes if you look in Kentucky law they used to not require a photo ID, now they do but they offer a free one. When they added the photo requirement they accompanied it with a free ID or it would've been unconstitutional. Again, I'm not saying anything that isn't common knowledge. Everyone knows about this, that's why it's part of every state's voter ID law. Y'all're contesting basic law for no reason.

Feedback isn’t polling. The general term feedback can refer to canvasser reports, questionnaires, digital media targeting ads.

The Haley, Scott, DeSantis post is all publicly available data that has been released almost a year ago, from a PAC no longer operating.

I specifically said that my candidate did not win the primary…so why would that Super PAC continue to operate?

Currently a sr strategist for national SuperPAC.
Ok then I'm asking specifically about the numbers from your work on the PAC that's already concluded so you're no longer under NDA. How much better were your internal numbers than the public polling?
They were much better than Harris and Rasmussen, worse than Trafager.
Exactly. Just one among many. Same as public. No special info. So come down off your high horse and join the conversation as a peer. Yes, the MAGAts are idiots. That doesn't make you special just because you're more informed than idiots.
I mean, we polled on a lot more than just the candidates.

A lot of polling on issues, head-to-head, etc etc etc that the public polls didn’t do so there is no comparison.
And why is polling your only metric of knowing anything?

You are a loon.
It isn't. It's just the area in which you claimed insider knowledge that the rest of us aren't privy to. Which you've now been forced to acknowledge was just bluster and not fact. We all have opinions on politics, based on our own areas of expertise and "knowing anything". Yours is not inherently better than someone's who isn't in your business, it depends on the specific person and their specific level of knowledge. You may be an authority, but that doesn't automatically make you the foremost authority in the room. And your assumption that you are is nothing but ego. As you say in this post, there are many ways to know things and others may have just as good as if not a better picture of a particular political scene than you do.