How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It is long past time to be in the regular habit of disallowing the use of the word "immigrant" during conditions of "undocumented" and/or "illegal", as with such an immigrant NO CAN BE. An immigrant IS legal. An immigrant IS documented. there is NO SUCH THING . . . undocumented immigrant. there is NO SUCH THING . . . illegal immigrant. Know it . . . Live it . . . kiss my white azz.
[laughing] Law abiding[laughing]. If they are illegal, how are they law abiding.
It's also no surprise that the states with the least amount of education and lowest amount of those with college degrees vote Republican. Kentucky is among those. Easily duped into believing conspiracy theories, scared by people of color, and vulnerable to circular logic arguments.
So, how does that account for those of us with multiple degrees that consistently vote Republican?
Watching TYT and The Jimmy Dore show, damn. I find it odd how the left isn't able to understand the position they're in. The party has been hijacked by the progressive movement, or as most are now calling the alt left. What the progressive alt left doesn't fully comprehend just how much of their platform the media and mainstream democratic party has accepted, and pushed. The examples (at minimum) of the appeasement by traditional liberals toward hard core alt left progressives is stunning

1. Immigration.

2. Gay rights = Gender "equality" and "Identity".

3. Government interference.

4. Capatlism. Liberals have always believed in a somewhat irresponsible fiscal vision for the nation, but never to the level of outright socialism where the heads of the party now openly support. Never have democrats openly supported the destruction of capitalism and our way of life.

And there are many, many other examples that could go on. My theory as to why these alt left fanatical leftist like Dore, TYT etc are pushing the narrative that "it's their turn" to rule the democrats, is because they don't want people to realize they have been ruling the democrats, at least socially and somewhat fiscally; and it's failed so miserably that the only thing left to do is accept it, or deny it. Better yet, Jimmy Dore is going to take the approach that the alt left hasn't even had a turn yet. Yea right.[laughing]

Hillary was shoved through so Bernie couldn't win the primary because the traditional liberal base of the democrats knew Bernie would have been shredded on substance the moment he won the nomination. Hillary was really their only shot.

Fun watching the media completely ignore the alt left takeover of the democratic party, while not shutting up for 8 years about the split within the republican party. Liberals need to start drawing a stark difference between themselves and the progressive alt left. What was once believed a safe play by coalescing every leftist ideology together as one, is no longer feasible even though the media won't tell you that. Either define the difference or be included in with their destruction. Have a few morals, at least one or two, and take your damn party back.
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I'm still holding out hope that this last election and the current state of affairs of both parties leads to a legit 3rd party. I mean, Trump isn't exactly a Republican…not a traditional one anyway. And he beat 16 of those dudes on his way to the party's nomination. Be interesting to see what happens.

At the very least both parties are going to have to adjust. Even the Dems will figure that out eventually.
the dems are just the party of the coast now. and basically just New England and California. look at those who are leading the party or are a voice of the party, they are all largely from New York and Cali. partly because the dems have lost most of their seats and governorships everywhere throughout the country except those two regions, and Chicago. so there isn't any elected persons left to lead the party coming from anywhere else. all these "demonstrations and protests" are very small in reality and very regionally located. the media blows them up in an attempt to give them credibility.
You claim that an illegal immigrant can't be an immigrant and offer as proof visa categories for immigrant and non-immigrants?

Let me help you...if someone comes to this (or any) country from another country and plan to stay and they have the proper visa then they are a legal immigrant. If they plan to stay but do not have the proper visa, they are an illegal immigrant.

I'm still holding out hope that this last election and the current state of affairs of both parties leads to a legit 3rd party. I mean, Trump isn't exactly a Republican…not a traditional one anyway. And he beat 16 of those dudes on his way to the party's nomination. Be interesting to see what happens.

At the very least both parties are going to have to adjust. Even the Dems will figure that out eventually.

I think Republicans have adjusted already. Especially socially. I'm a traditional conservative who's a little hawkish. I don't agree with Trump on everything. But I fully support him as president.

Half of the democratic base is claiming they won't even support a liberal anymore after Hilary, and even have stipulations on what race you must be to lead the democratic party.

The alt left is unwilling to bend and it's because they think liberals are bad, conservatives are bad, and moderate independents are bad. There's no equivalence between liberals and alt left progressives anymore. And there certainly isn't between republicans and democrats.

If the media did its job, people would already understand this.
If this stuff about General Flynn is true, then yes he probably should be and will be fired. And I would be fine with that. The only problem is the MSM lies so much that all of it could be completely fake news as well. After the fake Trump dossier, its hard to know if anything they report on Trump and his team are true.
If this stuff about General Flynn is true, then yes he probably should be and will be fired. And I would be fine with that. The only problem is the MSM lies so much that all of it could be completely fake news as well. After the fake Trump dossier, its hard to know if anything they report on Trump and his team are true.

Him discussing sanctions with them is not a problem to me as they never should have happened. However, him lying about it is what will get him the boot and hard to argue that.

A cover up is always worse than the act.
Him discussing sanctions with them is not a problem to me as they never should have happened. However, him lying about it is what will get him the boot and hard to argue that.

A cover up is always worse than the act.
Very true. The WaPo story cited "anonymous sources" which 95% of the time is another way of saying the person who wrote the article is full of shit and completely made it up. That's why I have doubts about it. It very well could be true, but how the hell can we know for sure?
Its nice to have an administration where you'll have to leave if you lie, unlike the last administration of Obama that if you lied you were hailed as a democrat hero.
I wondered how you guys would spin this. I assumed you would go with the "they did it too" angle like with everything else, I just didn't know how you'd get there. Gotta love our corrupt 2 party system with 2 corrupt parties and a country full of sheep willing to defend every thing they do.
I wondered how you guys would spin this. I assumed you would go with the "they did it too" angle like with everything else, I just didn't know how you'd get there. Gotta love our corrupt 2 party system with 2 corrupt parties and a country full of sheep willing to defend every thing they do.

From what I read in that post no one was defending Flynn, only the actions Trump has taken. Why shouldn't Trump be given credit for standing up, doing the right thing, and firing a man who broke the rules? I mean, he could have concocted an elaborate lie and blamed it on a YouTube video in order to protect him.
DAMNNN!!!! Thayt's some fugged up shiite right thayer...


Out of the mouth of some of the top surrogates in the base. Stipulations on race for leadership roles and the entire progressive alt left base threatening 3rd party candidates and splitting from the democrats if the party candidate isn't extreme.

It's happening. (gif of Ron Paul here)
From what I read in that post no one was defending Flynn, only the actions Trump has taken. Why shouldn't Trump be given credit for standing up, doing the right thing, and firing a man who broke the rules? I mean, he could have concocted an elaborate lie and blamed it on a YouTube video in order to protect him.
Maybe I read the story wrong, but didnt he resign? Also, you're giving him props for "firing" his NSA who may have committed treason? LOL, this is how far the country has sunk with the 2 waring tribes.
I wondered how you guys would spin this. I assumed you would go with the "they did it too" angle like with everything else, I just didn't know how you'd get there. Gotta love our corrupt 2 party system with 2 corrupt parties and a country full of sheep willing to defend every thing they do.

I clearly made no excuses. Many people agreed with my post. He lied and there's no way to defend him. He had to go.

Many of us have no issues calling the GOP out. We've been doing it for a long time on here. The left are the ones who are incapable of criticism or acknowledging eff ups.
I wondered how you guys would spin this. I assumed you would go with the "they did it too" angle like with everything else, I just didn't know how you'd get there. Gotta love our corrupt 2 party system with 2 corrupt parties and a country full of sheep willing to defend every thing they do.

I love when people say "corrupt two party system". Do tell, how many parties do we need until we finally find the one that's not corrupt? Please, if we went to a three, four, or five party system, you'd have three, four, or five corrupt candidates. Men are corrupt, YOU'D be corrupt. I bet retirement to donuts you wouldn't be any different with the power. Men are weak.

At least Trump already made his bones and is trying to legacy build on my behalf. If you think that little incident is going to make people bash Trump harder than the media / insane progressive left already is, then you're in the wrong place.

But hey, if you like your reasoning, you can keep your reasoning.
Maybe I read the story wrong, but didnt he resign?
Technically, yes, but do you honestly believe that this wasn't at Trump's request, allowing him to resign to save face from being fired?

Also, you're giving him props for "firing" his NSA who may have committed treason?
Yes, especially when the last administration we had went out of their way to lie and cover up much worse. Isn't this what Trump is supposed to do? Why can't he be given credit for taking action when needed? Would you rather he handle it the way Obama's Administration did and sweep it under the rug?

So far nothing has been proven as far as Flynn breaking the law, only that he lied to and misled the VP, yet Trump still took action. He fired his left hand man just for lying. How is that not a good thing on Trump's part?

I also hope Trump seeks out, fires and holds to account the Obama holdovers in the intelligence agencies and State Department who broke the law by spying on Flynn (illegal to spy on a citizen) and then leaking the info to the media (also illegal).
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So Mexicans across the border are now paying for lawsuits to be filed on behalf of illegals?

But I could have swore the left said other countries interfering in our process should be held to the highest degree of scrutiny and punishment.

Ok lefties, let's see that outrage! Let's go smash the first car we see, and if @Willy4UK is in it, sexually assault.
Technically, yes, but do you honestly believe that this wasn't at Trump's request, allowing him to resign to save face from being fired?

Yes, especially when the last administration we had went out of their way to lie and cover up much worse. Isn't this what Trump is supposed to do? Why can't he be given credit for taking action when needed? Would you rather he handle it the way Obama's Administration did and sweep it under the rug?

So far nothing has been proven as far as Flynn breaking the law, only that he lied to and misled the VP, yet Trump still took action. He fired his left hand man just for lying. How is that not a good thing on Trump's part?

I also hope Trump seeks out, fires and holds to account the Obama holdovers in the intelligence agencies and State Department who broke the law by spying on Flynn (illegal to spy on a citizen) and then leaking the info to the media (also illegal).
WTF does the last administration have to do with anything? Right is right and wrong is wrong. You don't get to justify wrong because the other shitty party did it too. Trump could literally pull out a gun and murder someone on national TV and you guys would justify it by saying Obama killed people too with drones. It's embarrassing really.
I love when people say "corrupt two party system". Do tell, how many parties do we need until we finally find the one that's not corrupt? Please, if we went to a three, four, or five party system, you'd have three, four, or five corrupt candidates. Men are corrupt, YOU'D be corrupt. I bet retirement to donuts you wouldn't be any different with the power. Men are weak.

At least Trump already made his bones and is trying to legacy build on my behalf. If you think that little incident is going to make people bash Trump harder than the media / insane progressive left already is, then you're in the wrong place.

But hey, if you like your reasoning, you can keep your reasoning.
We have several parties but none that have any power. None get federal funding like the corrupt waring tribes, none get to participate in the debates, none get coverage from the left wing or right wing media. Liberals were all for the electoral college until it cost them because it props up the corrupt 2 party system.