How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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  1. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Definition of immigrant

  1. : one that immigrates: such as
    a: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
    b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown

Nowhere in the definition does the word legal or documented get mentioned.

grow up
lol at Z trying to paint himself in the image of some political prophet . . . re-declaring his recent predictions that ordinary conservatives like me stated as the obvious back in the 80s. lmao

Z, Fuzz, CardKilla, Lek, etc. should really get together and and give their self some sort of official group name like the Globalist Federation of Elites. They could send in letters, boycott and protest together. The corporations are scared shitless of little leftest groups protesting their brand so who knows they may be able to get Ford, Toyota or GM to close their doors in KY and move to Mexico. Then they could tell us how much better off we are with Free Trade agreements. Their lord and master Elizabeth Warrren would be well pleased.
You claim that an illegal immigrant can't be an immigrant and offer as proof visa categories for immigrant and non-immigrants?

Let me help you...if someone comes to this (or any) country from another country and plan to stay and they have the proper visa then they are a legal immigrant. If they plan to stay but do not have the proper visa, they are an illegal immigrant.

Technically, according to the United States of America, @KopiKat is correct.

The U.S. Constitution and immigration laws describe all non-citizens as aliens. Those who are here illegally are specifically described as illegal aliens. Immigrant is specifically reserved to describe only aliens who are here legally.

To clarify, an alien is any person who is not a citizen or national of the United States. An immigrant is an alien admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident.

An illegal alien is someone who enters the United States without immigration inspection or without an appropriate visa authorizing entry.
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You claim that an illegal immigrant can't be an immigrant and offer as proof visa categories for immigrant and non-immigrants?

Let me help you...if someone comes to this (or any) country from another country and plan to stay and they have the proper visa then they are a legal immigrant. If they plan to stay but do not have the proper visa, they are an illegal immigrant.

okay . . . sort of, slightly incorrect on the last part because they are simply here "illegally" at that point, no longer in possession of "legal immigration" visa. More importantly, your scenario seems to LARGELY ignore persons who enter this country illegally from the get-go, which is precisely what your juvenile Webster presentation intended to defend. The laws that define immigrant require legality and stomp on you. I don't have to. go away.
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More coverage of the ICE protests in Austin. The Saturday evening incident on Lamar and Rundberg occurred just 1 mile from our place. My half-drunken ass had already gone to bed.

“I was actually heading home, Rundberg area, I was at a red light, saw the protesters, my light turned green, all those people started getting in front of me, blocking my way when I had a green light,” said Luis, who wants to remain partially anonymous.
“I was actually scared for my life,” he said.

Luis, a Mexican national who is in the U.S. on a work visa said he supported the protesters until they took a violent turn.

Justin Trudeau has to have the most punchable face I've ever seen on a human being. His face looks like its begging to be punched.
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I never fully understood why Kanye got locked up in a mental institution for being a Trump supporter. Wasn't it against his will?
Though I have no doubt Kanye is a bit of a nutjob, it was pretty odd how he was put in a mental hospital after he said nice things about Trump. Theres probably more to that story than we know, but something was up.
I'll tell you a difficult thing to decide. Who's hotter? Melania or Ivanka?

Both are stunning and will never be topped as best looking First Lady and first daughter for the rest of our lives.
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Also, I'm sure we've all heard it from the left a thousand times during this election cycle; "Entering the country illegally is a civil offense, not a criminal offense." Bullshit! That is a complete and total falsehood.

It is also a fact that, according to U.S. law, it is a crime to enter the United States without permission. The first offense is a misdemeanor, the second, a felony.

It is true, however, that most violations of immigration law are dealt with in a civil court and not in a criminal court.
An immigration judge is really an administrative adjudicator who has authority under the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) to determine whether or not an individual is deportable under U.S. law.

This procedure for handling immigration cases is designed to speed up the process of deportation; it should not be interpreted as an indication that violating immigration laws is not a criminal violation.

Because illegal aliens are not U.S. citizens, they are not entitled to the full panoply of rights and privileges under the Constitution as are citizens. Thus, they can be held subject to a non-judicial ruling instead of a jury trial for their criminal violation of immigration law.
It's also no surprise that the states with the least amount of education and lowest amount of those with college degrees vote Republican. Kentucky is among those. Easily duped into believing conspiracy theories, scared by people of color, and vulnerable to circular logic arguments.

Dude, take that snobby BS and shove it up your arse. The majority of AA vote liberal while not even being liberal. Are they educated? Are they voting for entitlements over ideology?

You don't have to be educated to know what's going on. You don't have to be educated to understand what you believe and what values you hold. Would you prefer only the college educated vote? I hold degrees from UofM. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met are over educated moron professors and most of the ignorant student body.
Guys act like theres some huge mandate when ya didn't even win the popular vote. And Dems had the lowest turnout since 2004. That won't happen in 2018.

The popular vote is meaningless. This is a republic. Weren't you the one that just put down the uneducated? You can't even fully comprehend our system. LMAO.

Just in case you missed it over the last 8 years, your party has lost more seats than any party since the 20's. Wake up and look around. That sound you've been hearing is liberals feet dragging the ground in the local, state, and federal levels while being drug out and thrown to the curb.

Isn't the total of seats lost under your boy a record? Over 1,000 total I believe. Yea, no mandate. Everyone really wanted liberals in control. You moron.
I find it HILARIOUS that the left talks out of both sides of their mouth on a constant basis. They want minority voter blocks, specifically UNeducated, to vote in mass numbers every cycle, yet, want to discriminate and chastise white uneducated vote as being unimportant.

Here's the hypocrisy. If they didn't have the black vote in lock step, they'd lose every presidential election. And that block of voters is probably 8 to 1 uneducated.

You can laugh now.
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I find it HILARIOUS that the left talks out of both sides of their mouth on a constant basis. They want minority voter blocks, specifically UNeducated, to vote in mass numbers every cycle, yet, want to discriminate and chastise white uneducated vote as being unimportant.

Here's the hypocrisy. If they didn't have the black vote in lock step, they'd lose every presidential election. And that block of voters is probably 8 to 1 uneducated.

You can laugh now.

Yep, which is why the "uneducated" label doesn't get applied to any other race. That's why on election night, we got "The uneducated white male decided this election" narrative. No word on the education level of blacks and Latinos during the election or in 2008 and 2012.

They like to act as if their voter base is so intelligent when in reality, it's some elitist urbanites targeting uneducated minorities by pandering to them with identity politics and also targets easily manipulated college students who contribute nothing and whose parents pay for everything.

They also claim to be for the litte guy while wanting to abolish the electoral college. Haha. The irony of the group always being obsessed about minorities talking about "the majority" regarding Hillary's votes, is not lost on me.
Yep, which is why the "uneducated" label doesn't get applied to any other race. That's why on election night, we got "The uneducated white male decided this election" narrative. No word on the education level of blacks and Latinos during the election or in 2008 and 2012.

They like to act as if their voter base is so intelligent when in reality, it's some elitist urbanites targeting uneducated minorities by pandering to them with identity politics and also targets easily manipulated college students who contribute nothing and whose parents pay for everything.

They also claim to be for the litte guy while wanting to abolish the electoral college. Haha. The irony of the group always being obsessed about minorities talking about "the majority" regarding Hillary's votes, is not lost on me.

I tweeted Hannity about 100 times and told him he needed to speak on it. He ended up doing it a few days later, brought it up to a liberal on the show who kept talking about "uneducated white vote". Of course the liberal said "well we're getting away from the point"......LMAO. I believe it was actually Bob Beckel.

I thought liberals were the ones that were for the little guy? Now they shit on them as long as they're the right color.

Again, without the uneducated black vote, liberals would have little to no power. Why is it only pointed out with whites.
Could be fake news, but Ann Coulter said it on Sean Hannity show. I am sure she knows.

Ann is awesome when it comes to this issue. She doesn't give a crap about how unpopular it makes her. In the book that I have promoted on here from her, she has incredible stats on this type of stuff including how much money these illegals are given in entitlements especially with kids. There was one case she cited where an illegal family had $30,000. How infuriating is that? Actual citizens working their butts off and struggling while Jorge and Margarita get handed money.
Joy Villa is now No. 1 on Amazon. Nicely done, Trump supporters.


I'm quoting myself because touch you, that's why. But I think it's funny that this really hurts the left's constant "Trump supporters are racists" argument.

These same people made this woman No. 1 in sales after probably never hearing of her until yesterday. Not only do you see her race destroying the narrative but that of her designer as well. He's what? A Filipino gay male Trump supporter? Ha