How will they rule ??!

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Back in the sixties, 75% of the lamps and shades in the USA came from within 50 miles of my location in far western Ky. In the 80's it was still the major manufacturing area. People came from as far away as Texas, Florida, Minnesota, and Mass in big trucks to buy. There were 1,000's of jobs directly associated, plus many more indirectly. The textile mills in the Carolinas were a major supplier of raw goods. I wrote the newly elected MM a letter warning him what chinese imports would do to the people he was representing. That was before I knew his wife's connections to the shipping industry. He (his office I guess) wrote me a letter back telling me in a nice way to screw off and asked me for a campaign donation. Everything I told him in the letter happened and the industry and jobs are gone.
Yet another example of why Mitch McConnell sucks.
Nah, he's got that covered.

WTH?!?!?! 😛😛😛😳😳😳🤮🤮
i’m leaving the internet for the day. it’s making me sick. gonna drink beer and be thankful for air conditioning

Thank god we have dipshit lefties in KY protecting the children of Louisiana from learning not to steal or cover their neighbors wife.
I would much prefer these be posted over 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me', and 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image':


One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
One of the few bad ideas by Trump. Colleges are already a mess as is.

We need talented immigrants vs. educating them & sending them back. I agree with Trump provided a) there was a limitation to certain technical & business degrees, and b) people from certain countries such as China were disallowed. And that's why overwhelming most of them are here.

I still think we need what I call a yellow card system in addition to green cards to put these type folks on probation to a green card vs. straight to green.
This isn't outlandish. He's moderate by lib standards. He got elected twice in red state in part because of his relative moderate stances. He's empathetic which goes a long way with some people. Assuming Trump wins, Dims will be hungry for anyone with a better shot than out there progressive libs.

Lol, you’ll vote for Beshear because you’re a Democrat.
I would much prefer these be posted over 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me', and 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image':


One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

lol, you literally break every one of your own “tenets”.

Be opposite of you and you’ll be a good person in life.
Schools are government property though. You can’t possibly agree with this.

I don’t care either way. The kids don’t have to notice it just like they don’t have to notice a rainbow flag.. But i’ll tell you and sambo something. Im not a Christian. I am not a spiritual person. But the problems with this country caused by “The Christian Taliban” that Sam thinks is such a funny moniker, are infinitesimal compared with the problems coming from other sources.
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Funding has zero to do with why this is Unconstitutional.
You elect reps to decide what is funded and what isn't. There is nothing in the Constitution that rejects funding for Pride parades, education or trainings. Might be a waste of tax dollars but it's not unconstitutional.
There is, however, something called the First Amendment that states the government can't force or mandate a religion on the people. These 10 Commandments are doing that exactly.
If this was a Sharia Law poster you all would be losing your sh**.

It’s mandating nothing except that the commandments have to be hung. Are there going to be lessons taught based on these signs? I highly doubt it. It’s no different from a pride flag. Who makes the decision to hang one of those in a classroom? The teacher? Are the children and their parents consulted? Why not? It’s all a fu%%ing waste of money. The commandments signs included. But you feel virtuous when you hang that flag in your classroom. It gives you the warm and fuzzies.
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Yeah if this was a law to post the hadith or Satanic Tenets in public schools it would not be going over so well here. The hypocrisy is just naked and they don't care.

A fellow was arrested in Nebraska or Iowa for destroying a Satanic statue that had been placed in the Capitol building.
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What Pride poster are you forced by law to observe at work or what pride event are you forced to attend every day? Please elaborate.
Would you feel the same about this law if it was Muslim Sharia or Buddhist religious laws being posted in every GD Public school in Kentucky??
Total Christian Taliban BS. And y'all wonder why people are turning away from the church.
This will lose based on the Constitution. State mandated religion is exactly why the Pilgrims left Europe and why our Founding Fathers included the first amendment prohibiting religious establishment laws.
You're not content with religious freedom for yourself. You have to force it on people's children against their will by law. Totally Unconstitutional.
But fascists don't care.

Christian Taliban? Oh please. People avoid the church because they love their sin. Period.

You’re always hung up on this “it’s not a law” nonsense. Doesn’t matter if there’s not a law. What choice does a child have if a teacher or admin plasters the gay flag on the wall right in front of their desk? What does that have to do with “school?” There’s a school a few blocks from me that has a massive gay flag hanging over the main entrance to the school. And if the parents don’t like it and want to challenge the school or the board, the gov labels them domestic terrorists. This has gone far beyond “equality.” It’s tax payer funded indoctrination.
I don’t care either way. The kids don’t have to notice it just like they don’t have to notice a rainbow flag.. But i’ll tell you and sambo something. Im not a Christian. I am not a spiritual person. But the problems with this country caused by “The Christian Taliban” that Sam thinks is such a funny moniker, are infinitesimal compared with the problems coming from other sources.
Aren't you a constitutionalist though? It's an intentional direct violation of it. "I don't care either way" kind of revokes any authority or credibility you have on any other constitutional topic. Next time you rail about any other of our rights and freedoms, speech or press or 2nd Amendment, everyone can just give you the ol' 'I don't care either way...'
It’s tax payer funded indoctrination.
That's what education has always been. That's why you're such an America-lover. You were taught to be such. Did your history books present the Revolutionary War from the British perspective of the revolutionaries as violent secessionist terrorists? Or the Colonial one of them as righteous freedom fighters rallying for a just cause? You have these insights, but only about the things you don't like and never apply them broadly to wider society. Of course it's taxpayer funded indoctrination. To not be bigoted against the LGBTQ community. You only take issue with that because you think your religious values instruct you to be bigoted towards that community so those values come into conflict.
Aren't you a constitutionalist though? It's an intentional direct violation of it. "I don't care either way" kind of revokes any authority or credibility you have on any other constitutional topic. Next time you rail about any other of our rights and freedoms, speech or press or 2nd Amendment, everyone can just give you the ol' 'I don't care either way...'

You do that. I’ll worry about the violations of the constitution, that happen every day, taking away peoples freedom and lives. That’s where my priorities lie. You worry about an innocuous sign posted in a kids classroom probably right next to a pride flag the teacher has had hanging there for years.
i’m leaving the internet for the day. it’s making me sick. gonna drink beer and be thankful for air conditioning

Those kids don't have a chance.
You do that. I’ll worry about the violations of the constitution, that happen every day, taking away peoples freedom and lives. That’s where my priorities lie. You worry about an innocuous sign posted in a kids classroom probably right next to a pride flag the teacher has had hanging there for years.
"I don't care either way."
lol, you literally break every one of your own “tenets”.

That's the underlying tenet, lie and gaslight to advance your otherwise nonsensical argument, your anti-civilization selfish greedy cause masquerading itself as empathetic solidarity; patting yourself on the back the whole time for being so "smart" as you successfully convince masses of greater fools.

It's like McDonalds' billions served, only millions killed... with more to come
That's what education has always been. That's why you're such an America-lover. You were taught to be such. Did your history books present the Revolutionary War from the British perspective of the revolutionaries as violent secessionist terrorists? Or the Colonial one of them as righteous freedom fighters rallying for a just cause? You have these insights, but only about the things you don't like and never apply them broadly to wider society. Of course it's taxpayer funded indoctrination. To not be bigoted against the LGBTQ community. You only take issue with that because you think your religious values instruct you to be bigoted towards that community so those values come into conflict.

You’re assuming a lot about me there. You don’t think I understand the basic concept of the winners writing the history books?

It’s far beyond the scope of trying to quench the assumed prejudices of students. If that was the goal, we would see it across the board confronting all forms of discrimination at its roots. This is celebratory and preferential treatment towards a class that is defined by who they choose to have sex with. Straight or gay, celebrating and promoting sexual relations at schools in any fashion is clown world behavior when kids can barely do math, read, or write.

When a massive pride flag is hung over the main entrance of a school building front and center…that’s not about stopping bigotry, that’s a monument and a symbol signifying how that school portrays and defines itself to they eyes that come across it. This is not a “religious” take..plenty of non religious people have issue with this.

Reality is, it’s starting to backfire and have the opposite effect. Turns out kids, much like adults…don’t particularly like having agendas pushed on them and shoved in their faces by their ruling classes (teachers and administrators).
So it's still we the people, right? Shit like this is what makes me wonder if voting even matters. No matter who we send to DC the Corporations buy them anyway. They can kill, steal, abuse, and anything else they want to do and walk away to do it again because they own the entire legislative and executive branches.

One of the deepest conspiracy theories out there is Boeing is being sabatoged. Desensitized to the public about these problems. Engine issues doors flying off among all the other issues not being addressed or are being created.

Why, might you ask. Because Trump's plane is a Boeing. That's how they plan on taking him out making it look like a plane malfunction.

So it's still we the people, right? Shit like this is what makes me wonder if voting even matters. No matter who we send to DC the Corporations buy them anyway. They can kill, steal, abuse, and anything else they want to do and walk away to do it again because they own the entire legislative and executive branches.

"The US Justice dept is considering legislation that will help Boeing avoid criminal prosecution but they may appoint a government official to oversee progress"

I mean it's not as crazy as one might think.
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You’re assuming a lot about me there. You don’t think I understand the basic concept of the winners writing the history books?

It’s far beyond the scope of trying to quench the assumed prejudices of students. If that was the goal, we would see it across the board confronting all forms of discrimination at its roots. This is celebratory and preferential treatment towards a class that is defined by who they choose to have sex with. Straight or gay, celebrating and promoting sexual relations at schools in any fashion is clown world behavior when kids can barely do math, read, or write.

When a massive pride flag is hung over the main entrance of a school building front and center…that’s not about stopping bigotry, that’s a monument and a symbol signifying how that school portrays and defines itself to they eyes that come across it. This is not a “religious” take..plenty of non religious people have issue with this.

Reality is, it’s starting to backfire and have the opposite effect. Turns out kids, much like adults…don’t particularly like having agendas pushed on them and shoved in their faces by their ruling classes (teachers and administrators).
Inclusion is not "clown world behavior". We do see the same inclusionary steps for other areas of discrimination. February is Black History Month where all sorts of contributions to American society by Black Americans are recognized. Just like Pride Month.
Does the 'media' have a vendetta against Boeing? Moving operations to S. Carolina (that I believe was non union at the time)....moving offices to Chicago....etc? Seems like every day there are one or two stories about how a Boeing jet did this/or that, many times perhaps pilot error, but still a negative story about Boeing. Rarely do you see a story about Airbus. Seems like they are doing all they can to ruin the company.
There is definitely something going on, maybe the govt trying to get a better deal on a contract by strong arming Boeing, or these are all cover stories for something.