How will they rule ??!

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Good point but did we go get them and bring them here? Or did they come to become American?

And how many of those people came from countries shouting "death to America "?
Nobody is coming to the US against their will. We certainly aren't going and getting them.

We've accepted quite a few immigrants from Germany, Russia, Cuba...all at times those countries had (or have) anti-American policies and beliefs. We also turned away many European Jews who where fleeing the Holocaust and returned them to Nazi Germany, Nazi occupied France, Nazi occupied Poland...was that the right thing to do?

So you don't believe that people in other countries have different POVs? You think that if one group shouts "death to America" that it means all people from that country feel likewise? Do you agree with all the protest here in the US? Don't all Americans think alike? Do the people being slaughtered by groups shouting "death to America" hold the same beliefs as those doing the slaughtering?

Here is a little lesson for you...countries don't shout, people do. If everyone in the ME agreed with ISIS then ISIS wouldn't be killing thousands if not millions of middle eastern people. There wouldn't be a refugee crisis because they would have no reason to leave.
People are fleeing Syria and other parts of the middle east for the same reason that Jews were fleeing much of Europe during WWII. People are being killed if they stay.
It's also no surprise that the states with the least amount of education and lowest amount of those with college degrees vote Republican. Kentucky is among those. Easily duped into believing conspiracy theories, scared by people of color, and vulnerable to circular logic arguments.
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It is long past time to be in the regular habit of disallowing the use of the word "immigrant" during conditions of "undocumented" and/or "illegal", as with such an immigrant NO CAN BE. An immigrant IS legal. An immigrant IS documented. there is NO SUCH THING . . . undocumented immigrant. there is NO SUCH THING . . . illegal immigrant. Know it . . . Live it . . . kiss my white azz.

  1. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Definition of immigrant

  1. : one that immigrates: such as
    a: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
    b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown

Nowhere in the definition does the word legal or documented get mentioned.
Do not think these celebs, far left crazies, etc. really understand how small their bubble is compared to the rest of America. Take out the left coast and New England area and the majority of America could care less about their feelings. I have several friends who are Dems who do not like Trump but are even more embarrassed with how juvenile their party leaders and crazy left supporters are acting like now.

As Trump gets his team fully together and really starts to implement his agenda its going to be an absolute bloodbath for Dems in 2018 when folks start to work again, have more money in their pockets, inner cities start to get some help, the list goes on.

My question is, when things are successful with jobs, security, curbing illegal immigration and improving the lives of those in actual important states and the left continues to act so crazy with protests, unhinged celebrities lecturing them and the media continuing to be obvious that they're Democrat propagandists, how are they going to look to voters?

How are Democrats going to be seen with the constant protests and backing of illegals and refusal to acknowledge anything good about Trump's policies? Not well, I imagine.

I hope Trump helps Flint with the water crisis and locks in Michigan for 2020.
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[laughing] Yeah, because everyday, average citizens, who have zero association with media, dabbling in conspiracy theories is equal to the Fourth Estate MSM blantantly reporting fake news as facts and truth to the masses
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[laughing] Yeah, because everyday, average citizens, who have zero association with media, dabbling in conspiracy theories is equal to the Fourth Estate MSM blantantly reporting fake news as facts and truth to the masses

This is what they do. Steven Crowder pointed to an article by Vox or some liberal rag where they claimed conservatives were boycotting Kia over a Super Bowl commercial. It was based off of one tweet from a guy who had 83 followers. He was the only person to tweet this on all of Twitter yet lib media claimed it was this big conservative boycott.
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Still wondering why Obama's economy under-performed so badly (the weakest recovery since WW2)?

Here's a clue: since 2009, a total of of 20,642 new federal regulations were passed, and the number of employees in federal regulatory positions increased by 50,000.

Source: Tom Lee, Fundstrat, November 2016
Trump should go up to flint, drink that water, fake sick line he's dying, miraculously heal himself, and then spend a week immediately fixing that mess.
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Still wondering why Obama's economy under-performed so badly (the weakest recovery since WW2)?

Here's a clue: since 2009, a total of of 20,642 new federal regulations were passed, and the number of employees in federal regulatory positions increased by 50,000.

Source: Tom Lee, Fundstrat, November 2016

LMAOOO unreal
Meanwhile Trump and the right believes that Sandy Hook was a false flag attack, that millions of illegals voted based on some tweets, that thousands of Muslims were partying in NJ while the WTC fell, that Pizzagate was real, that the government is putting 'gay in the water, etc.

But yeah, a false report about a MLK bust that no one cared about is the real danger here. The faux outrage over false reports that don't actually change reality is much less dangerous than Nazi style news that changes official policy based on b.s. tweets and Alex Jones. One is sensational journalism and the other is 1984 style history changing.

I'm also curious at what Trump has actually done in his couple of weeks other than tweet and sign some documents? His one big executive decision got shot down as unconstitutional. Other than getting rid of things that helped poor people, all he has done is piss the world off and delete all mentions of climate change and science. Real impressive. Oh and of course show how unethical and sleezy his administration plans on being.

Yup, 2018 will be a cakewalk for Republicans. [roll]

Holy shit Cardkilla, the left has lost its mind.
The MLK bust news was put out in order to anger the black community, to continue the false narrative that Trump is racist, that is dangerous and reckless.
The left is the ones attacking people with opposing views, before and after the election, yet it's the right that is reported as radical.

The left is the side trying to delegitimize a President, shutting down opposing views even though it was being reported the right would be the ones doing the unthinkable.

If you can read and set aside emotion it's obvious that the Constitution gives the President the power to do exactly what Trump did. Whether or not he wanted a Muslim ban is beside the point, he didn't ban Muslims, he followed the law appointed to him by the Constitution.

Living behind barriers has become " normal" for us. You can't get on an airplane without going through strict screening, sporting events and public outdoor gatherings now have armed military guards and f*cking dump trucks full of sand sealing in the spectators.
That isn't a free an open society, that's quite the opposite, and why do we have to do that now?
It pisses me off that people like you accept that now, and you're worried about Trump?!?!
Guys act like theres some huge mandate when ya didn't even win the popular vote. And Dems had the lowest turnout since 2004. That won't happen in 2018.
You really think liberals are going to gain or even keep as many seats as they have now in 2018? Recent history has proven otherwise and with the way liberals have acted since Trump was elected, hell even before then when you talk about Baltimore, etc., there is no way in hell liberals don't lose even more seats in 2018.
You really think liberals are going to gain or even keep as many seats as they have now in 2018? Recent history has proven otherwise and with the way liberals have acted since Trump was elected, hell even before then when you talk about Baltimore, etc., there is no way in hell liberals don't lose even more seats in 2018.
dems need to keep pushing their anarchist agenda. Resist, fight, riot, disrupt, assault. Be vile, and self righteous. Keep it up.
Holy shit Cardkilla, the left has lost its mind.

Although I liked the rest of your comments, you really could have just stopped right there. They've lost it. Completely lost it. Mooning Trump Towers, protesting outside McConnell's home, rioting, etc. all about nothing. 95% of their arguments aren't even valid when seriously debated.

You can't argue with a 3 year old. Or, most liberals these days.


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Guys act like theres some huge mandate when ya didn't even win the popular vote. And Dems had the lowest turnout since 2004. That won't happen in 2018.

2018??? The next presidential election is in 2020. If you are referring to the House or Senate, there is virtually no shot that the dems take either back. The GOP only has one senate seat that could flip but the dems have 10 that are from states that Trump carried.
Cardkilla, the state with the lowest percentage of high school graduates...


NEW YORK is down near the bottom as well with 85.6% of the population.


I know that doesn't fit your narrative. Enjoy.
dems need to keep pushing their anarchist agenda. Resist, fight, riot, disrupt, assault. Be vile, and self righteous. Keep it up.
Liberals have shown by their actions just how violent, crazy, extreme they are not by their words, but actions. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle, no taking the videos off of Youtube, etc. Conservatives didn't go burn down buildings, kidnap mentally disabled people and torture them. Liberals are crazy, unstable people , who only accept people that think like them. They have more in common with ISIS than they do with conservatives or independents in this country.
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You really think liberals are going to gain or even keep as many seats as they have now in 2018? Recent history has proven otherwise and with the way liberals have acted since Trump was elected, hell even before then when you talk about Baltimore, etc., there is no way in hell liberals don't lose even more seats in 2018.
He thinks everything going on with protests and negative media coverage is literally the pulse of real America, is all grassroots and not a facade. That's how CNN and the like report it.

A mandate was most definitely given to Trump when the people also gave him a Republican House and Senate. They all seem think the people giving the GOP so much control and power happened by luck or accident.
[QUOTE="moe_schmoe, post: 5633351, member: 78064"
A mandate was most definitely given to Trump when the people also gave him a Republican House and Senate. They all seem think the people giving the GOP so much control and power happened by luck or accident.[/QUOTE]

Excellent point, and one that I will steal when necessary.
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He thinks everything going on with protests and negative media coverage is literally the pulse of real America, is all grassroots and not a facade. That's how CNN and the like report it.

A mandate was most definitely given to Trump when the people also gave him a Republican House and Senate. They all seem think the people giving the GOP so much control and power happened by luck or accident.
He's a idiot, and they will lose again in 2018 just like in 2016. Then will come more destruction of property, protests calling for the killing of cops, etc. Who in their right mind, with any common sense at all would vote for people who believe or campaign on that platform?
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Name one protest since Trump became President that actually has changed one vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania? Just one?

Contrast that hooliganism with Trump promising jobs and parading companies out one after the other to pledge they are bringing jobs back to the midwest. With Trump sitting constantly right in the sweet spot of those midwestern voters while these San Francisco nuts think they're changing the world because they're getting applause all over California and New York... you know, those battleground states we as Democrats need to be focusing on. #rollseyesatmorons

Now, last night, we have black militants up beebopping at the Grammy's rapping about "President Agent Orange"...

Good Lord. Folks, we have lost the entire midwest for a generation. This is the Civil Rights Act and the South all over again. I have warned and shouted from the rooftops to deaf Democratic ears. RUN don't walk away from BLM. You are on the wrong side of everything. The entire Democratic Party has been hijacked by completely out-of-touch idiots that are completely destroying the party only they're too excited about hearing the sound of their own dumbassed protests to realize it. Stop looking at demographics. You have a precious few months to show all of Trump's bluster was just cover for more of the same old trickle down bread crumbs off the rich man's table economics. More slop to fill the troughs of the fat rich bastards that stacked the deck against you.

If the Democrats do not come to their senses and get the fight back on economics and the collapsing middle class then they are over. They can look forward to winning many more popular vote elections while they run it up in the west and the northeast, but the electoral college will have them locked out of the presidency for a generation with an impregnable south and midwestern voting block chock full of white blue collar workers that don't give two shits what some "star" croons about on an awards show.
[QUOTE="moe_schmoe, post: 5633351, member: 78064"Excellent point, and one that I will steal when necessary.

When you look at the numbers, it makes it very clear what the mood of the country is and what voters had in mind, regardless of what the MSM reports.

Over the last couple of years, the people have rejected everyone and everything from the left, up and down the ladder of government. The Republicans have never had so much control, and the Democrats have never had so little.

After the 2016 elections, Republicans maintained a majority in the Senate, House, Governorships, and elected Donald Trump as President. The Republican Party is set to control 69 of 99 state legislative chambers in 2017, the most it has held in history, and at least 33 governorships, the most it has held since 1922. The party will have total control of government (legislative chambers and governorship) in 25 states the most since 1952, while the opposing Democratic Party will have full control in five states.
Liberals don't get it. Bill Clinton type democrats have also started to understand how dangerous the new generation of liberals are. In order for mainstream democrats to be accepted by these lunatic new age liberals they can't just agree on most of the economic platform of their party, but they have to agree on every issue they believe in also. If they don't agree completely with their views/narrative of everything, then mainstream democrats are seen as just big of a problem as conservatives or independents are. Slowly mainstream democrats are coming to our side.
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Guys act like theres some huge mandate when ya didn't even win the popular vote. And Dems had the lowest turnout since 2004. That won't happen in 2018.

mandate doesn't matter. Popular vote doesn't matter. It's who won...the White House, the House, The Senate, the Governorships, the state house seats. The left has been repudiated overwhelmingly nationwide.

And as for turnout, just keep on letting Madonna, Ashley Judd, Sarah Silverman, Meryl Streep & the Hollywood nuts lecture the rest of us. Oh, and have some more of those marches where people destroy businesses & 'ladies' walk around with vaginas on their heads & people stop traffic & disrupts airports.
You are adding more & more voters to the "R" side with each embarrassing thing the left says & does.
It's really sad what's happened to the Democratic party. This country needs both parties to be centralist parties but the left has went full bore communist. Really hoping they get it together and stop the alt radical left from seizing full control.
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Meanwhile Trump and the right believes that Sandy Hook was a false flag attack, that millions of illegals voted based on some tweets, that thousands of Muslims were partying in NJ while the WTC fell, that Pizzagate was real, that the government is putting 'gay in the water, etc.

But yeah, a false report about a MLK bust that no one cared about is the real danger here. The faux outrage over false reports that don't actually change reality is much less dangerous than Nazi style news that changes official policy based on b.s. tweets and Alex Jones. One is sensational journalism and the other is 1984 style history changing.

I'm also curious at what Trump has actually done in his couple of weeks other than tweet and sign some documents? His one big executive decision got shot down as unconstitutional. Other than getting rid of things that helped poor people, all he has done is piss the world off and delete all mentions of climate change and science. Real impressive. Oh and of course show how unethical and sleezy his administration plans on being.

Yup, 2018 will be a cakewalk for Republicans. [roll]

Let me summarize your post:

First two paragraphs: Your'ns crazy is much worse than our'ns crazy. Because Nazi/1984.
Last Paragraph: Since becoming President, Trump hasn't done anything, or only done bad things.
Final sentence: Mocking those saying Democrats will lose ground in 2018.


Crazy is crazy, yours ain't no better than ours.
Trump is doing what he said he would, which is good if you supported him, bad if you opposed him.
And, with regard to 2018, the Democrats are blind to reality because they have deceived themselves into believing their own lies. Laugh now, but don't forget we told you so.
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Is it good when a porn star roast you?

I watched the Bill Mayer thing Friday night and honestly felt he is a lefty but likes the anti terrorist angle.

But having Jenna Jameson call you out for your actions at the playboy mansion is awesome! No response of course.

-I don't mind resistant music, and I always liked Chuck D as a kid not knowing what he was really saying. But Fight the Power and 911 is a joke were catchy. Whatever that was last night was a reach.

It's fine to want to be against a politician, but my thing is if you are going to use your platform to do so in hopes of impacting a different outcome don't just be a naggy bitch, offer at least 1 solution.
Why are the MSM, liberals and Democrats holding Trump to such a higher standard than the last President?

Do they think the black man is so incompetent that he has to be given breaks and held to a lower standard? Such shameful racists.
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Name one protest since Trump became President that actually has changed one vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania? Just one?

Contrast that hooliganism with Trump promising jobs and parading companies out one after the other to pledge they are bringing jobs back to the midwest. With Trump sitting constantly right in the sweet spot of those midwestern voters while these San Francisco nuts think they're changing the world because they're getting applause all over California and New York... you know, those battleground states we as Democrats need to be focusing on. #rollseyesatmorons

Now, last night, we have black militants up beebopping at the Grammy's rapping about "President Agent Orange"...

Good Lord. Folks, we have lost the entire midwest for a generation. This is the Civil Rights Act and the South all over again. I have warned and shouted from the rooftops to deaf Democratic ears. RUN don't walk away from BLM. You are on the wrong side of everything. The entire Democratic Party has been hijacked by completely out-of-touch idiots that are completely destroying the party only they're too excited about hearing the sound of their own dumbassed protests to realize it. Stop looking at demographics. You have a precious few months to show all of Trump's bluster was just cover for more of the same old trickle down bread crumbs off the rich man's table economics. More slop to fill the troughs of the fat rich bastards that stacked the deck against you.

If the Democrats do not come to their senses and get the fight back on economics and the collapsing middle class then they are over. They can look forward to winning many more popular vote elections while they run it up in the west and the northeast, but the electoral college will have them locked out of the presidency for a generation with an impregnable south and midwestern voting block chock full of white blue collar workers that don't give two shits what some "star" croons about on an awards show.

lol at Z trying to paint himself in the image of some political prophet . . . re-declaring his recent predictions that ordinary conservatives like me stated as the obvious back in the 80s. lmao
Why are the MSM, liberals and Democrats holding Trump to such a higher standard than the last President?

Do they think the black man is so incompetent that he has to be given breaks and held to a lower standard? Such shameful racists.

That's good terminology to describe it. Racism. It's also time to acknowledge that racism towards whites exist. Just ask any white kid that went to a predominantly black school.