Anyone with half a brain should realize that the literal scum of 3rd world countries are being sent here to cross the border. If they get caught and deported, they haven't lost anything. But, with Biden's border 'policy' in place, there's a much better chance that they stay in the US and it's addition by subtraction for their home country. Added to that, many of the illegals have very few marketable skills, most likely speak no or very little English and, for many, the only way to make any money in the US is through criminal activity. The Left loonies are either too stupid to understand this very logical and obvious conclusion or they're consciously supporting such a foolish and dangerous policy (until, of course, it shows up in their neighborhood; See: every sanctuary state/city). Let's not forget how many US cities are gutting other services (homeless, veterans, public safety, police, etc.) to find budget dollars to fully support these individuals who have broken federal law, some of whom are career criminals who have continued their activity within our borders.
Mayorkas and Biden both are blatantly guilty of treason but no one will ever prosecute them. Hell, we couldn't even get the votes to impeach Mayorkas who continually lies to the American people and Congress and puts Border Patrol agents in harm's way every day this policy continues. I am no Trump fan but if he'll clean house if/when he's elected, I'll happily vote for him.