How will they rule ??!

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No. You’re the one making a claim. That those things have firm scientific concrete definitions. The burden lies with you. So what are they?
Uh oh. About to get bad for you. I advise to back out. Up to you if you don’t want to continue and get embarrassed. I’ll leave you with this (I understand if I don’t get a response):

I highlighted your statement and said it was inaccurate. That statement, which has continued the conversation based on your quote response, is on you. It’s not on me. I can’t prove a negative and it’s illogical to think I should.
Who am I to determine when a fully human person begins? Production of sperm and egg, act of deliverance of sperm to egg, fertilization of egg by sperm, initial now-joined zygote cell reproduction, implantation of zygote into uterine wall, cell type differentiation, internal organ formation, circulatory system initiation, response to stimuli, viability outside womb, birth, separation of umbilical cord, crawling, walking, talking, weaning, cooking, personal independence, financial independence, parental death. All are just some of the steps involved in the ongoing process of life.

We, as a society based on laws, have to define when an individual person is conveyed individual legal rights. We have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere in that ongoing process, just like we do with other phases of life for legal reasons. Such as drinking age at 21 or military service without parental consent at 18. Currently in America that line is birth. That seems the cleanest, as it is generally the moment of physical separation. But I understand other people having different opinions. My personal opinion on the matter isn't a strong one, like I said at the start I 'm just one voice in the crowd. As you need to realize you are as well, and it isn't just as simple as 'Baby murderer!!!1!!'
Save the drivel for mindless liberal morons. Human life begins upon conception. The fetus/baby cannot become anything other than human. You're just trying to justify your lust for eliminating those you don't want like babies, jews, and Trump.

I said it before and will say it again, you are an evil person.
Incomparable. MTG is a QAnon nutbag who posts about Jewish space lasers starting forest fires. AOC is a boring European centrist.
Save the drivel for mindless liberal morons. Human life begins upon conception. The fetus/baby cannot become anything other than human. You're just trying to justify your lust for eliminating those you don't want like babies, jews, and Trump.

I said it before and will say it again, you are an evil person.

The only reason why leftists love abortion is because they hate conservatives more.

You see. I hate liberals. But I don’t wish they kill their babies because those babies may grow up to be America First supporters unlike their evil ass leftist parents.

Leftists are awful human beings and should be treated like food on a plate
In normal times, the President of the USA would’ve gone public with congratulations and support 5 minutes after Israel announced the raid and its success.
I almost never do it but I looked at CNN’s account of it and their headline is that Gaza is saying 200 people were killed to save four. Liberals are rotten to the core.
Who am I to determine when a fully human person begins? Production of sperm and egg, act of deliverance of sperm to egg, fertilization of egg by sperm, initial now-joined zygote cell reproduction, implantation of zygote into uterine wall, cell type differentiation, internal organ formation, circulatory system initiation, response to stimuli, viability outside womb, birth, separation of umbilical cord, crawling, walking, talking, weaning, cooking, personal independence, financial independence, parental death. All are just some of the steps involved in the ongoing process of life.

We, as a society based on laws, have to define when an individual person is conveyed individual legal rights. We have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere in that ongoing process, just like we do with other phases of life for legal reasons. Such as drinking age at 21 or military service without parental consent at 18. Currently in America that line is birth. That seems the cleanest, as it is generally the moment of physical separation. But I understand other people having different opinions. My personal opinion on the matter isn't a strong one, like I said at the start I 'm just one voice in the crowd. As you need to realize you are as well, and it isn't just as simple as 'Baby murderer!!!1!!'

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@Stan the caddy is the biggest fvcking pussy on this board. I staunchly disagree with 90+% of what Sam, Dion, Nightwish etc have to say but at least they get in the ring and state their case for they believe in,

Well, Stan is Johnkba, the Canuck who throws out the n-word about justice Thomas, amd he's banned from posting here, but like a complete loser, still reads posts, and leaves laughy face emojis like a 10 year old.

Infamous for his boasting of his W-2.
I honestly hadn’t thought of this before. Tough situation and good question.
Actually it is quite simple. Consider this for the scenario in which the mother's life is in jeopardy ... if a doctor COULD save both, would they? That answer is YES. Also, if the doctor does NOTHING, then both patients would die. Therefore, it is technically a procedure to save the mother and unfortunately, the child often doesn't or is unable to survive.

So, it is not really a good question. It is a tough situation because sane, moral people want to save BOTH lives, but unfortunately are unable to.
You have the burden of proof my man
Yes Dion. You said ... "There aren’t hard-and-fast scientific demarcations on these [baby, child, adult] things."

JSgorocks said, It's an inaccurate statement. So NOW you have the burden of proof to demonstrate there aren't hard and fast scientific demarcations. Good luck moving the goalposts!

And I'm still waiting to find out where communism has worked. The way you argue for it, there should be many, many examples. But you never provide any. Wonder why?
Uh oh. About to get bad for you. I advise to back out. Up to you if you don’t want to continue and get embarrassed. I’ll leave you with this (I understand if I don’t get a response):

I highlighted your statement and said it was inaccurate. That statement, which has continued the conversation based on your quote response, is on you. It’s not on me. I can’t prove a negative and it’s illogical to think I should.
Here's the statement you're referring to that you bolded in its appropriate context:
Good point, even though you were trying to make the opposite one. All of those things, a “man”, “woman”, or “baby” are all societally defined. When does a child cease being a ‘baby’ and become a ‘child’? Or when a ‘child’ becomes an ‘adult’? There aren’t hard-and-fast scientific demarcations on these things. Just societally determined, vaguely agreed upon arbitrary lines.
I gave other examples of similar concepts in that very post. And in this one on the same page I lay out specific other legal examples of the same thing:
We, as a society based on laws, have to define when an individual person is conveyed individual legal rights. We have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere in that ongoing process, just like we do with other phases of life for legal reasons. Such as drinking age at 21 or military service without parental consent at 18.
Are you arguing that 21 should always be the legal drinking age in all circumstances? Of course not, many societies have different drinking ages. Some idiots shouldn't be drinking no matter how old they are. It isn't a hard-and-fast scientific law like the Second Law of Thermodynamics. That's readily apparent, but I can continue providing examples if you'd like. Now where's your support for your assertion that the opposite is true and these things are concrete? Because that's the only way my assertion could possibly be "inaccurate".
Actually it is quite simple. Consider this for the scenario in which the mother's life is in jeopardy ... if a doctor COULD save both, would they? That answer is YES. Also, if the doctor does NOTHING, then both patients would die. Therefore, it is technically a procedure to save the mother and unfortunately, the child often doesn't or is unable to survive.

So, it is not really a good question. It is a tough situation because sane, moral people want to save BOTH lives, but unfortunately are unable to.
What about if the fetus is viable and can be saved OR the mother can, but not both?
Good point, even though you were trying to make the opposite one. All of those things, a “man”, “woman”, or “baby” are all societally defined. When does a child cease being a ‘baby’ and become a ‘child’? Or when a ‘child’ becomes an ‘adult’? There aren’t hard-and-fast scientific demarcations on these things. Just societally determined, vaguely agreed upon arbitrary lines.

This is the sort of thing your cult loves. Words mean nothing, so you can say anything. I agree that following your cult would lead to arbitrariness.

Science is clear, even if you are blind. Human life starts in the womb. Abortion kills humans. You must bend words and seek false distinctions so that you can attempt to justify the killing. The most innocent and helpless killed by your cult by the millions.

And, you talk about the oppressed. You are the oppressor.
Merriam-Webster has it as: a human individual. Seems reasonable to me. What's your definition?
Typically lazy of you. You once again demonstrate zero ability to think on your own. You need someone else to tell you what to think. Good thing I'm here.

How do you define a "human individual"? Is a unique set of human DNA a unique human individual? Yes or no?
Who am I to determine when a fully human person begins? Production of sperm and egg, act of deliverance of sperm to egg, fertilization of egg by sperm, initial now-joined zygote cell reproduction, implantation of zygote into uterine wall, cell type differentiation, internal organ formation, circulatory system initiation, response to stimuli, viability outside womb, birth, separation of umbilical cord, crawling, walking, talking, weaning, cooking, personal independence, financial independence, parental death. All are just some of the steps involved in the ongoing process of life.

We, as a society based on laws, have to define when an individual person is conveyed individual legal rights. We have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere in that ongoing process, just like we do with other phases of life for legal reasons. Such as drinking age at 21 or military service without parental consent at 18. Currently in America that line is birth. That seems the cleanest, as it is generally the moment of physical separation. But I understand other people having different opinions. My personal opinion on the matter isn't a strong one, like I said at the start I 'm just one voice in the crowd. As you need to realize you are as well, and it isn't just as simple as 'Baby murderer!!!1!!'

“Who am I to decide, so let’s err on the side of death!!!!”

The rationale of the oppressor. KILL THE BABIES!