How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I think Dion and I agree on many more things than we DISAGREE on. But, we part ways when it comes to socialism vs. capitalism.

I think that an all powerful Federal government embodies, more than any other entity in the United States, his idea of "the cattle/populace" sentiment.

The Federal Government, unfettered, can enforce it's will by whatever means they deem "necessary". I cannot think of anything more dangerours/nefarious than that. And I am not attributing that "style" of governance to either party.
That's the very reason we built checks and balances into our government. To constrain it from ever having the "unfettered" power you're describing. From multiple competing branches of government to the Bill of Rights, we codified these restraints to contrast with the absolute power of the monarchies that had come before. Our democratic principles themselves are a restraint on the power of authority; if someone does something we don't like we, the people, vote them out. I support most forms of democratic reforms like Initiative, Referendum, and Recall which you can see the clear historical progression of through the Western states.

None of this has anything to do with the discussion of how to run the economy. There have been authoritarian capitalist monarchies, authoritarian socialist oligarchies, authoritarian feudalist collectives, and authoritarian slaver states. And just about every mashup of the above and others not mentioned. What none of us want is totalitarian/authoritarianism, regardless of what guise it's cloaked in. Being capitalist didn't save Japanese Americans from the internment camps in WWII. What matters are the specific actions, not any of these ideological labels we bandy about.

Verdict was the end of May so handful of polls, national and in various states, since then.
538 has really cool sports interactive tools but their political polling metrics and compilations suck. 16 and 20 were way, way off. They projected 18 mid elections pretty close, but 22 was also way off.

Most of the commentary on there is left-based and misrepresents how Americans actually feel.
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538 has really cool sports interactive tools but their political polling metrics and compilations suck. 16 and 20 were way, way off. They projected 18 mid elections pretty close, but 22 was also way off.

Most of the commentary on there is left-based and misrepresents how Americans actually feel.
Compilations and commentary on most things are trash imo. I was just linking direct access to the polls themselves where you can inspect methodology and results for yourself. I always find going directly to source documents to be the most useful. 538 doesn't do the polling, just aggregates it.
Really? You're going to quote The Eagles?

That is NOT a good look. To put it mildly...

Yep. Amazing isnt it.

The irony. The hypocrisy. The blindness to self all wrapped up in one complete package. Shamblowmestains is all that and THE mentally challenged, spiritually mute, and mainstream media programmed Democrat poster child. They need to create a reality TV show "Democrats Gone The Full Ouitard Here" and Sham can be the climax of the first season contestants.
Compilations and commentary on most things are trash imo. I was just linking direct access to the polls themselves where you can inspect methodology and results for yourself. I always find going directly to source documents to be the most useful.

Crazy how no one trusts polls now because you all cheat elections and commit to fascist techniques

You Jewish hating lover of Hitler
😂 funny how Dion/Sam Networks ran with “Russian Collusion” on Hunter’s laptop is now actually entered into court as evidence hahahahaha

Banned from liberal run Twitter in 2020

Compilations and commentary on most things are trash imo. I was just linking direct access to the polls themselves where you can inspect methodology and results for yourself. I always find going directly to source documents to be the most useful. 538 doesn't do the polling, just aggregates it.
I completely understand that. I like listening to Nate Silver break things down but even he has been miffed the last two Presidential elections.
Yeah. The little scientist that devoted his entire life to making advancements in virology to save lives is a terrorist while the NYC con man felon who boinks porn stars and sings with insurrectionists is God's "Chosen One". Cults are truly strange things.

Crazy but true: Fauci murdered more people than Hitler.
So, no link. got it.
I could've gone with something from just about any period of the conflict, but y'all complain when I use history so here's one from just the last few weeks:

"many of those who died were burned alive inside their tents."

To serve as a physical barrier against blood and bodily fluid splashes.

When was the last surgery you performed, Dr Sambo?
Educate yourself. Masks are just as much about protecting others as yourself. Tough for the ego centric to understand I guess.

Lol, no masks are safe with Covid. Unless it’s a Hazmat suit. I doubt that the Wuhan center researchers were wearing blue paper masks and N95s from the virus that Obama Fauci created.

No. Again, you keep posting propaganda and not actual real news. Mayo Clinic is under of the control of Big Pharma.

no. Micron level of the Covid particle varies. They are not an one size fit all. N95s and even the little blue paper masks (which the box says is not effective Covid for protection). It’s like throwing sand through a chain link fence. Just stupid. You are stupid
Educate yourself. Masks are just as much about protecting others as yourself. Tough for the ego centric to understand I guess.
No they aren’t. That’s a lie. Quit posting propaganda.
Is Kari Lake that bad of a candidate? Why is she significantly underperforming Trump in AZ? Maybe the Republicans should nominate Lamb. Their primary is way too late and the eventual pick may be too bruised for the general.
- AZ will nominate whomever Trump endorsed.
- Lake & many other Pubs appear to be underperforming because Biden turns Trump into overperforming. Not aware of any Pubs in open Senate races outperforming Trump.
Educate yourself. Masks are just as much about protecting others as yourself. Tough for the ego centric to understand I guess.

“Paging Dr Sambo to the operating room”

“Dr Sambo, we’ve got a sperm cell to save in the OR #1, stat! Don’t forget your Biden/Harris mask!
I could've gone with something from just about any period of the conflict, but y'all complain when I use history so here's one from just the last few weeks:

"many of those who died were burned alive inside their tents."

You said IDF was doing the same thing Hamas did on O-7. I asked, "IDF put Hamas babies in ovens? Link?"

And you cannot find 1 FU**ING link to back up your baseless claim. The BEST you can do is Al Jazeera, the news source trusted less, esp on THIS issue: Israel v Gaza, than CNN...and something that is not even related to my initial comment. Idiot...

And you're too dumb to realize this is EXACTLY what the terrorists want...people like you too dumb to realize this is WHY they put their own families and children on top of military targets. They have been doing this for decades ... even tried in Gulf War I with human shields. And they want brainless, spineless twerps to carry their water for them. Funny how you have ZERO ability to see true propaganda.

Dude, How many kids have you groomed so far this month? And which country has communism worked?
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Lol, no masks are safe with Covid. Unless it’s a Hazmat suit. I doubt that the Wuhan center researchers were wearing blue paper masks and N95s from the virus that Obama Fauci created.

No. Again, you keep posting propaganda and not actual real news. Mayo Clinic is under of the control of Big Pharma.

no. Micron level of the Covid particle varies. They are not an one size fit all. N95s and even the little blue paper masks (which the box says is not effective Covid for protection). It’s like throwing sand through a chain link fence. Just stupid. You are stupid
I used to say during that dumbest period of time ... every time I walked into the restroom at work i knew 2 things: 1. I didn't have covid ... 2. the masks literally do not stop shit!
You said IDF was doing the same thing Hamas did on O-7. I asked, "IDF put Hamas babies in ovens? Link?"

And you cannot find 1 FU**ING link to back up your baseless claim. The BEST you can do is Al Jazeera, the news source trusted less, esp on THIS issue: Israel v Gaza, than CNN...and something that is not even related to my initial comment. Idiot...

And you're too dumb to realize this is EXACTLY what the terrorists want...people like you too dumb to realize this is WHY they put their own families and children on top of military targets. They have been doing this for decades ... even tried in Gulf War I with human shields. And they want brainless, spineless twerps to carry their water for them. Funny how you have ZERO ability to see true propaganda.

Dude, How many kids have you groomed so far this month? And which country has communism worked?
You asked for a link about the IDF burning children alive and I gave you a direct link to that. From just the last few weeks. And like I already said in the first post you took issue with, you don't want to get into comparing numbers.
Absolutely not self defense. Reminds me of what Pops said in the movie Friday, "Easy to pull a gun and not take an as$ whippin". The dude def threw the first punch but absolutely showed no deadly threat that deserved being shot to death. Just glad I have been lucky in the neighbor department. Current ones could not be any better.
Few days after we moved in to the house we’re in now, our neighbors came knocking one morning to introduce themselves. My then fiancé had just gotten up and was still in her pajamas so I talked briefly to them and said we’d come over once she was ready. Ended up spending an entire afternoon and several beers with them. They’ve since become our best friends, drinking buddies and Steve actually got ordained so he could officiate our wedding. Couldn’t ask for better neighbors.