Merchan, upon learning of this, will probably slap Trump with additional fines/defamation charges for promoting this rumor, when it was clearly Russian disinformation.
Look, we don't have to agree on politics or candidates, but I don't see how anyone can, with a straight face, declare that Trump has not been targeted, prosecuted, and now convicted, by a two tier justice system.
Nobody that claims to be impartial can possibly delude themselves to that degree.
I'd have much more respect for you, if you just came out and said, "Yes, he is being prosecuted on technicalities, while others skate for the same "crimes", and I'm okay with that." But to maintain the outraged piousness, and prattle on about rule of law, as though Trump has received an "even shake", without bias is... Well, I'll put it this way, it's hard to even "look at you" (figuratively speaking), I mean, it's embarassing. I feel embarassed for you.