How will they rule ??!

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I thought I saw where they have bank records (through subpoena) that back that up. I mean, who doesn't already know that Hunter has terrible life skills/judgement though.
I rarely, if ever, post in this thread. Responses like this are why. There is not one person who would take this argument seriously, except for you, I guess. Have a good one man.
So aborting a one day old completely unformed clump of cells is murder....but destroying a sperm necessary for that life to form is not to be considered at all? According to the Bible and many Catholics it is. More than just your one point of view in this world.

Genesis 38
.....he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother.
10 What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death also.

Within the Catholic Church's teaching on human sexuality, masturbation is considered to be objectively disordered or intrinsically evil (in se malum or intrinsece malum)

Not my personal belief. Only pointing out the total hypocrisy of total abortion bans with no exceptions. Can't have a chicken without the egg.
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None. I'm still 100 percent correct.
These EOs will face sh**tons of legal challenges. They are NOT permanent law and are nothing but a TEMPORARY band-aid that can be swept away at the discretion of whoever is in the Oval Office next time.
It is a lazy man's solution that is a foundation for border control built on sand.
The administration worked for months on a legit border bill that the dumbazz Republicans shot down for pure political reasons.
From the article YOU posted....😂
"And like Trump, the Biden administration may also face legal challenges."
"Immigration policy experts also warn that the policy will do little to change the status quo at the border."
"But while Biden administration officials don’t expect the policy to resolve a crisis that requires congressional action, they do hope it can chip away at some of the political pressure facing the president ahead of November."
Husband and wife brutally attacked by teen mob in Chicago. She was 2 weeks pregnant and sufferred a miscarriage as a result. The teens found running from the scene? Caught, charged with misdemeanors and released.

Joe Biden/Liberal America. #Filth
Libs here and everywhere are good with killing babies. They are now willing to kill yours even if you are against abortion.
Find one post where I ever said border limitations were racist or xenophobic. Never have.
My only argument is that EOs are not permanent law and that the biggest issue with the border is ASYLUM.
Trump never stopped border crossings either because of ASYLUM claims.
That is why the Border Bill needed to be passed. It wasn't perfect but it had the Border Union's approval and limited ASYLUM claims.
Biden's EO only lasts until courts rule on it and/or the next President decides to keep or toss. That is not a recipe for good border legislation.
No way to trust any polls at this point.
No matter what happens or how large a lead Trump has in the polls, they will tighten the polls up just before the election, so it does not look like a steal. If he has a really large lead and Biden wins again with more votes than any president in history, it would be very hard to cover or explain.
I thought the Justice Dept was only weaponized against Republicans? Why would Biden's Justice Dept go after his own son?? 🤔
I thought the Justice Dept was only weaponized against Republicans? Why would Biden's Justice Dept go after his own son?? 🤔
IMO - so much evidence that they had no choice, and now it will switch to "management" mode. LOL

It sounds like they're already angling for the "not competent/accountable because of drug use "out"

I know that the FBI "suppresed a story (evidence, and then pressured media outlets to alter the narrative), to prevent damaging information from coming out, leading up to an election." Given the precedent recently set in New York's southern district, some other folks in the DOJ/FBI should be facing the same charges.

Good for the goose, and whatnot. But Merrick knows who is buttering his bread. LOL
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I thought the Justice Dept was only weaponized against Republicans? Why would Biden's Justice Dept go after his own son?? 🤔
This may be the latest step in a series of chess moves to push Biden aside prior to the DNC. Just my speculation.

IMO - so much evidence that they had no choice, and now it will switch to "management" mode. LOL

It sounds like they're already angling for the "not competent/accountable because of drug use "out"

I know that the FBI "suppresed a story (evidence, and then pressured media outlets to alter the narrative), to prevent damaging information from coming out, leading up to an election." Given the precedent recently set in New York's southern district, some other folks in the DOJ/FBI should be facing the same charges.

Good for the goose, and whatnot. But Merrick knows who is buttering his bread. LOL
I believe we are going to see a jury nullification outcome, or at least a hung jury.
Hyperbolic panting from a coronabro, not really surprised he can't keep all his bullshit straight.
Tensions between the neighbors had been nearing the boiling point for a while as Zamora(shooter) reportedly had “things against Mendoza for years.”

“He bothered him every time he (Mendoza) went out, bothered his children and wife, he made derogatory comments regarding Mendoza's nationality,” the unidentified witness said.

Here's more context to the story:

Man he wasted that dude. That wasn't self defense or premeditated persay but he's wanted to kill that guy for a while
So you are saying a human life is not dependent on a sperm for creation?
Do they not contain human genetic material?
Are they not a necessary part of a yet developed human being?
Are you not destroying a necessary part of a future human being when allowing your sperm to be killed in your sock puppet?
Not illogical...just contradictory to your rigid belief system.
And not saying I believe in unfettered abortion but don't believe in a rigid zero tolerance either.
The Catholic Church has strong religious beliefs regarding this killing of half a human.
Consequently, the Church has always definitively taught—and will always teach—that masturbation (CCC 2352) is “an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” And when committed with full knowledge and complete consent (CCC 1859), it is a mortal sin (see CCC 1854-64).
So in your G-School pinhead you teach that separately, H is water. And O is water. You don't need to combine them to create water.

You dumb.
Cops beaten and attacked by a pro Trump mob at the US Capitol. Officer Brian Sicknick suffered a stroke as a result. The mob found running around the Capitol at the scene? Caught, charged with crimes and then held up as heroes by Donald Trump....who sings songs with the J6 prison choir celebrating that terrible day in American history.

Donald Trump/Fascist America #Nazi

The bolded is the kind of bullshit you spew on a daily basis and expect people to respect your opinion.
I'll admit some confusion here. Are we talking about the elemental makeup of water, or is there some, more nuanced, point in play, that I've missed?
The bolded is the kind of bullshit you spew on a daily basis and expect people to respect your opinion.

It's about repeating a lie often enough.

He has zero integrity: zero, zip, zilch, nada. That's a characteristic trait of the left these days, one of the main reasons I no longer call myself a liberal and vote against them at every opportunity. Anyone who is paying attention can see right through them, that this isn't politics as usual and hasn't been for a good while.
Welp, that was easy.
My point was that I never said that limiting border crossings is racist or xenophobic. I never said it was.
That YouTube clip was a reference to how the Republican party used to embrace and refer to immigrants.....not bash them like Trump does. It was not as much about the border crossings as it was about the language used regarding immigrants.
Reagan and Bush didn't call them terrorists and rapists. They were much more respectful.
Many people are for limiting border crossings due to a variety of factors that have nothing to do with race. I think border crossings should be limited due to giving time for crime checks, housing issues, healthcare issues, strain on government agencies etc. That is what I was referring to. Has nothing to do with race or xenophobia for most of those factors.
That clip was about verbiage used by Republicans then vs calling them rapists, terrorists now.
My point was that I never said that limiting border crossings is racist or xenophobic. I never said it was.
That YouTube clip was a reference to how the Republican party used to embrace and refer to immigrants.....not bash them like Trump does. It was not as much about the border crossings as it was about the language used regarding immigrants.
Reagan and Bush didn't call them terrorists and rapists. They were much more respectful.
Many people are for limiting border crossings due to a variety of factors that have nothing to do with race. I think border crossings should be limited due to giving time for crime checks, housing issues, healthcare issues, strain on government agencies etc. That is what I was referring to. Has nothing to do with race or xenophobia for most of those factors.
That clip was about verbiage used by Republicans then vs calling them rapists, terrorists now.
Immigrants follow the rules. The people you’re defending don’t.

I would think a guy who chirps that nobody is above the law would get that.
My point was that I never said that limiting border crossings is racist or xenophobic. I never said it was.
That YouTube clip was a reference to how the Republican party used to embrace and refer to immigrants.....not bash them like Trump does. It was not as much about the border crossings as it was about the language used regarding immigrants.
Reagan and Bush didn't call them terrorists and rapists. They were much more respectful.
Many people are for limiting border crossings due to a variety of factors that have nothing to do with race. I think border crossings should be limited due to giving time for crime checks, housing issues, healthcare issues, strain on government agencies etc. That is what I was referring to. Has nothing to do with race or xenophobia for most of those factors.
That clip was about verbiage used by Republicans then vs calling them rapists, terrorists now.
This is the real terrorist Sambo