How will they rule ??!

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Yeah. The little scientist that devoted his entire life to making advancements in virology to save lives is a terrorist while the NYC con man felon who boinks porn stars and sings with insurrectionists is God's "Chosen One". Cults are truly strange things.

Literally the dumbest human being alive, Our Village Idiot.
Literally the dumbest human being alive, Our Village Idiot.
Facts, stats, logic and science have stoked fear in the hearts and minds of the ignorant since the days of old.
Fear not Gnarley.... Knowledge is power.
"So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key"
The Eagles
Republicans and reasonable humans need to make sure they don’t fall into the Biden cognitive decline trap at this point.

Biden has shown zero cognitive decline since 2016.

That’s not to say he’s not obviously mentally incompetent.

He hasn’t been running the country since he’s been in office. Every single one of his policies are dictated by Obama loyalists.

Republicans need to ensure they don’t fall into a trap where Biden is kicked off the ticket, personally blamed for all the failed policies, then replaced with someone who is going to lie about change but continue his policies.
Let's be clear: the problem isn't Biden, it's the Democratic policies.

Biden is brain dead and has no idea what's going on... and these policies would be pushed by the Dems regardless of which puppet they had in place (see. Obama, Barack).

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Let's be clear: the problem isn't Biden, it's the Democratic policies.

Biden is brain dead and has no idea what's going on... and these policies would be pushed by the Dems regardless of which puppet they had in p!are (see. Obama, Barack).

That’s the problem. Even if Trump somehow wins in November, the dims will still vote for dims in the house and senate.
Facts, stats, logic and science have stoked fear in the hearts and minds of the ignorant since the days of old.
Fear not Gnarley.... Knowledge is power.
"So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key"
The Eagles

Nah, Lord Fauci had the key and he locked you down with it, put a muzzle over your face, maybe even 2 if I’m guessing, and kept you 6ft away from any other human beings.

And here you are defending him on a message board.

Stockholm syndrome on display.

But you’re a tricky one… you still escaped off to Desantisland to get a taste of some of that same red state freedom that you vilified everyone else for.
Is Kari Lake that bad of a candidate? Why is she significantly underperforming Trump in AZ? Maybe the Republicans should nominate Lamb. Their primary is way too late and the eventual pick may be too bruised for the general.

Not sure. Never got too excited about her, something about her personality came across as unlikeable to me.

That being said she was victim of a sham election as well.
After doing some research; the only state (that I've been able to find) with a post conviction poll, so far, is North Carolina, where Trump got a "jump" (primarily on the backs of independent/3rd party voters)
Quinnipiac just released a GA poll - Trump +6.

Verdict was the end of May so handful of polls, national and in various states, since then.
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Is Kari Lake that bad of a candidate? Why is she significantly underperforming Trump in AZ? Maybe the Republicans should nominate Lamb. Their primary is way too late and the eventual pick may be too bruised for the general.
Election denial. Doesn't play well with candidates from either side.
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demand demand demand…if i was the school president i would demand “remove your disguise if you want to speak to me, and leave my office now or be expelled or arrested, or both.”

Tear her stupid mask off, have the broad arrested, and kick her out of school. Also put out a very public statement that the University has a set of rules/codes to by followed by students and that they won’t negotiate with any of them.

Problem solved.
Anybody that goes against the cult risk having their livelihood and or lives ruined. They will do anything to keep from getting exposed. When Trump gets back in office, how long do you think Epstein's friend Maxwell last, or hangs herself?

Hollywood Under Fired For ‘Blacklisting’ Conservatives

The way they are throwing EVERYTHING they can at Trump via law fare makes me think that whole “powerful people used Epstein to get their kicks off” is quite true and said powerful people are afraid Trump will finally expose them.
Let us presume that you are a conservative, that doesn't attach a moral or religious conviction to abortion.

You don't believe that there should be a Federal mandate, FOR or AGAINST abortion. I'll even allow the exception that, once the fetus is "viable" (can live, if delivered prematurely, outside of the mother's womb), that it COULD be construed, "legally", as homicide (barring extenuating circumstances such as rape)

From a purely pragmatic point of view, the case can be made that, longterm, it would benefit society, to make them freely available.
Exactly. To capitalists we are cattle. You vaccinate your cattle. Not because you care about their individual lives, but because they’re your asset you need alive to make money.
Your butt-buddy Kevin McCarthy says hello. Just not from the speaker’s office.
MAGA Bubble is a bitchin cause they ain't got nuttin. Let me know when you have a candidate that can win. I'm going on vacation in a few months & then I'll check-in to find nuttin changed.
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I think Dion and I agree on many more things than we DISAGREE on. But, we part ways when it comes to socialism vs. capitalism.

I think that an all powerful Federal government embodies, more than any other entity in the United States, his idea of "the cattle/populace" sentiment.

The Federal Government, unfettered, can enforce it's will by whatever means they deem "necessary". I cannot think of anything more dangerours/nefarious than that. And I am not attributing that "style" of governance to either party.
Nah, Lord Fauci had the key and he locked you down with it, put a muzzle over your face, maybe even 2 if I’m guessing, and kept you 6ft away from any other human beings.

And here you are defending him on a message board.

Stockholm syndrome on display.

But you’re a tricky one… you still escaped off to Desantisland to get a taste of some of that same red state freedom that you vilified everyone else for.
It was a worldwide airborn pandemic.
The steps they took were appropriate for the info they had at the time.
Ask a surgeon why they wear a mask in the operating room.
The cult lies to you.
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I think Dion and I agree on many more things than we DISAGREE on. But, we part ways when it comes to socialism vs. capitalism.

I think that an all powerful Federal government embodies, more than any other entity in the United States, his idea of "the cattle/populace" sentiment.

The Federal Government, unfettered, can enforce it's will by whatever means they deem "necessary". I cannot think of anything more dangerours/nefarious than that. And I am not attributing that "style" of governance to either party.
That's the very reason we built checks and balances into our government. To constrain it from ever having the "unfettered" power you're describing. From multiple competing branches of government to the Bill of Rights, we codified these restraints to contrast with the absolute power of the monarchies that had come before. Our democratic principles themselves are a restraint on the power of authority; if someone does something we don't like we, the people, vote them out. I support most forms of democratic reforms like Initiative, Referendum, and Recall which you can see the clear historical progression of through the Western states.

None of this has anything to do with the discussion of how to run the economy. There have been authoritarian capitalist monarchies, authoritarian socialist oligarchies, authoritarian feudalist collectives, and authoritarian slaver states. And just about every mashup of the above and others not mentioned. What none of us want is totalitarian/authoritarianism, regardless of what guise it's cloaked in. Being capitalist didn't save Japanese Americans from the internment camps in WWII. What matters are the specific actions, not any of these ideological labels we bandy about.

Verdict was the end of May so handful of polls, national and in various states, since then.
538 has really cool sports interactive tools but their political polling metrics and compilations suck. 16 and 20 were way, way off. They projected 18 mid elections pretty close, but 22 was also way off.

Most of the commentary on there is left-based and misrepresents how Americans actually feel.
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538 has really cool sports interactive tools but their political polling metrics and compilations suck. 16 and 20 were way, way off. They projected 18 mid elections pretty close, but 22 was also way off.

Most of the commentary on there is left-based and misrepresents how Americans actually feel.
Compilations and commentary on most things are trash imo. I was just linking direct access to the polls themselves where you can inspect methodology and results for yourself. I always find going directly to source documents to be the most useful. 538 doesn't do the polling, just aggregates it.
Really? You're going to quote The Eagles?

That is NOT a good look. To put it mildly...

Yep. Amazing isnt it.

The irony. The hypocrisy. The blindness to self all wrapped up in one complete package. Shamblowmestains is all that and THE mentally challenged, spiritually mute, and mainstream media programmed Democrat poster child. They need to create a reality TV show "Democrats Gone The Full Ouitard Here" and Sham can be the climax of the first season contestants.
Compilations and commentary on most things are trash imo. I was just linking direct access to the polls themselves where you can inspect methodology and results for yourself. I always find going directly to source documents to be the most useful.

Crazy how no one trusts polls now because you all cheat elections and commit to fascist techniques

You Jewish hating lover of Hitler