How will they rule ??!

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Husband and wife brutally attacked by teen mob in Chicago. She was 2 weeks pregnant and sufferred a miscarriage as a result. The teens found running from the scene? Caught, charged with misdemeanors and released.

Joe Biden/Liberal America. #Filth
Fran the caddy "loved" this post.......she loves that kids assaulted adults and caused a miscarrage and were immediately released????? Tells you all you need to know about what kind of a person Fran the Caddy is. That's why I put her on ignore long ago. She brings nothing to the table and is a loyal stooge to the Democrats that want her for nothing but her vote.
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theatlantic! Lol! Awesome find @AustinTXCat

The Europeans I've spoken to are PRAYING for Trump return to the white house and some semblance of a republic to America. No one there is fearful of anything except the politicians that would be gleaning less money from US international welfare checks and money laundering.

Why would they be worried for very long? It's only a max of 4 yrs of a stronger economy that would venefit them as well.
Only four years? Didn't you hear? Trumps gonna name himself "DEEKTATUR FER LYFE"
Cops beaten and attacked by a pro Trump mob at the US Capitol. Officer Brian Sicknick suffered a stroke as a result. The mob found running around the Capitol at the scene? Caught, charged with crimes and then held up as heroes by Donald Trump....who sings songs with the J6 prison choir celebrating that terrible day in American history.

Donald Trump/Fascist America #Nazi

3.25 years ago vs day before yesterday.
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Republicans and reasonable humans need to make sure they don’t fall into the Biden cognitive decline trap at this point.

Biden has shown zero cognitive decline since 2016.

That’s not to say he’s not obviously mentally incompetent.

He hasn’t been running the country since he’s been in office. Every single one of his policies are dictated by Obama loyalists.

Republicans need to ensure they don’t fall into a trap where Biden is kicked off the ticket, personally blamed for all the failed policies, then replaced with someone who is going to lie about change but continue his policies.
Stick to the economy and the border. It's a winning formula.
Yea. Terrorists live in Gaza. Terrorists were elected the government of Gaza. Terrorists placed their operational centers where children and medical patients live. Terrorists orchestrated an attack on innocent people, brutally torturing, killing, raping, and kidnapping. Terrorists stole from the people of Gaza to pull off their hateful evil acts. Terrorists don’t care who dies, so long as they can do their evil.

Stop making excuses for terrorists.
Children live in Gaza. No one is making excuses for terrorists.
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theatlantic! Lol! Awesome find @AustinTXCat

The Europeans I've spoken to are PRAYING for Trump return to the white house and some semblance of a republic to America. No one there is fearful of anything except the politicians that would be gleaning less money from US international welfare checks and money laundering.

Why would they be worried for very long? It's only a max of 4 yrs of a stronger economy that would venefit them as well.
My former German in-laws are split.

One brother in-law squarely in the middle, although he applauds Trump for attempts at securing up border. He's a member of center-right FPD.

Another brother in-law wants Trump back, as does his sister. Former sister in-law is 65, drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney. Pretty good looking for her age.

Many other Germans I know want nothing to do with another Trump presidency.

First order of business is to round up the people that knew about all of these lies and committed illegalities knowing they were lies. They need to be put in max sec prison. Fauxci & company, fib fisa dossier folks, devoidofjustice dept, bho admin, hils attys, necropsy & company, & everyone to do with Ukraine laundering (R and D).

Meanwhile, stop the bloodshed in Ukraine immediately. Fill the strategic reserve. Restart and bulletproof the pipeline. Executive orders to 1) make all bills "single item" bills so no more BS piggybacking 2) make all bills available and publicly viewable to ALL for 30-120 days prior to voting 3) require all members of congress to read the bills, 4) require a balanced and then make a surplus budget.

That's a good first 6-12M start
Children live in Gaza. No one is making excuses for terrorists.

Wrong. D-Sus continually finds ways to divert the blame from Hamas. As are you.

If your family was quartered, tortured to death, baked in ovens, and the wrongdoers who are the elected government for a people, hid in and below the living spaces of their voting citizens, would you say “oh well, nothing we can do about that. Never mind?” No, you would not.

The massaging and dodging you and D-Sus are doing to remove the cause and effect from Hamas is pathetic.

It appears that if Hitler was living beneath your house, you’d just be okay with it.

And now cue D-Sus to explain why Hamas was justified in raping, torturing, and slaughtering Jews.
Husband and wife brutally attacked by teen mob in Chicago. She was 2 weeks pregnant and sufferred a miscarriage as a result. The teens found running from the scene? Caught, charged with misdemeanors and released.

Joe Biden/Liberal America. #Filth
2 weeks pregn𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 ... 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐠𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 ... 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐯𝟐𝟎 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬
Wrong. D-Sus continually finds ways to divert the blame from Hamas. As are you.

If your family was quartered, tortured to death, baked in ovens, and the wrongdoers who are the elected government for a people, hid in and below the living spaces of their voting citizens, would you say “oh well, nothing we can do about that. Never mind?” No, you would not.

The massaging and dodging you and D-Sus are doing to remove the cause and effect from Hamas is pathetic.

It appears that if Hitler was living beneath your house, you’d just be okay with it.

And now cue D-Sus to explain why Hamas was justified in raping, torturing, and slaughtering Jews.
No one is making excuses for terrorists. What both sides are doing is appalling - but you do not agree, for some odd reason.
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Thanks for that breaking news and illuminating info.

Everybody else here was under the impression Gaza was an adults only community, I mean , open air prison.
Your buddy seems to believe Hamas poofed children out of thin air and placed them in Gaza.
No one is making excuses for terrorists.


What both sides are doing is appalling - but you do not agree, for some odd reason.

It’s war and war sucks. And when Hamas hides amongst families, it sucks more, because they are announcing that a war they started must be fought in an urban setting. Again, war sucks. Hamas sucks more.
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No, because sperm is not a human life. This comparison is 100% illogical, and you know that.
So you are saying a human life is not dependent on a sperm for creation?
Do they not contain human genetic material?
Are they not a necessary part of a yet developed human being?
Are you not destroying a necessary part of a future human being when allowing your sperm to be killed in your sock puppet?
Not illogical...just contradictory to your rigid belief system.
And not saying I believe in unfettered abortion but don't believe in a rigid zero tolerance either.
The Catholic Church has strong religious beliefs regarding this killing of half a human.
Consequently, the Church has always definitively taught—and will always teach—that masturbation (CCC 2352) is “an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” And when committed with full knowledge and complete consent (CCC 1859), it is a mortal sin (see CCC 1854-64).
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  • Haha
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damn. poor bastard only got one punch in and got capped. i’d have to vote not self defense

That was in Costa Rica, So different set of laws, and likely a murder charge coming his way. And yeah he chambered his gun before that guy ever engaged him. Pretty sure he wouldn't have needed a gun to take the guy hitting him down.
Anybody that goes against the cult risk having their livelihood and or lives ruined. They will do anything to keep from getting exposed. When Trump gets back in office, how long do you think Epstein's friend Maxwell last, or hangs herself?

Hollywood Under Fired For ‘Blacklisting’ Conservatives

The burning of the Reichstag is imminent. One more staged, big fake-flag event and it'll finish off this country.
damn. poor bastard only got one punch in and got capped. i’d have to vote not self defense

Tensions between the neighbors had been nearing the boiling point for a while as Zamora(shooter) reportedly had “things against Mendoza for years.”

“He bothered him every time he (Mendoza) went out, bothered his children and wife, he made derogatory comments regarding Mendoza's nationality,” the unidentified witness said.

Here's more context to the story:

So you are saying a human life is not dependent on a sperm for creation?
Do they not contain human genetic material?
Are they not a necessary part of a yet developed human being?
Are you not destroying a necessary part of a future human being when allowing your sperm to be killed in your sock puppet?
Not illogical...just contradictory to your rigid belief system.
And not saying I believe in unfettered abortion but don't believe in a rigid zero tolerance either.
The Catholic Church has strong religious beliefs regarding this killing of half a human.
Consequently, the Church has always definitively taught—and will always teach—that masturbation (CCC 2352) is “an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” And when committed with full knowledge and complete consent (CCC 1859), it is a mortal sin (see CCC 1854-64).
I rarely, if ever, post in this thread. Responses like this are why. There is not one person who would take this argument seriously, except for you, I guess. Have a good one man.
Anyone with 2 brain cells knows this is needed to replace the gas tax for electric cars. Roads have to be paid for. Silly maga morons.
** KA -- BOOM **

[laughing] - Dems can f*ck up an anvil if given enough time.
** KA -- BOOM **

[laughing] - Dems can f*ck up an anvil if given enough time.

Classic Democrat efficiency (known to conservatives as corruption, laziness, and ineptitude). This is why Trump was loved in NY until the media turned on him. He got sht done. If Dems had their way it would take 50 years to get one single interstate fixed...
Interesting that Nebraska's 2nd and the Maine statewide have flipped since the convicton. I actually thought it would go the other way.

He’s just using current RCP polling averages. Most of those polls are months old by this point. The statewide Maine one you reference, for instance, had the last poll in February. Nowhere close to post-conviction. You’re not paying very close attention.