How will they rule ??!

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"Y'all" is an excellent word addition for the American English Language. English has no way to distinguish between the singular and plural in the second person without using additional words. "You" is both. "Y'all" makes that distinction. Ought to be in the American dictionary if it's not. Y'all are welcome.

Oh, great point, VH. Where would we be without you Libs?
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And when it's against their own will. You just think you know better. That argument about age of responsibility and agency is between them and their legal parent/guardian. Not them and you.

“First, Do No Harm.”

Yes I do know better. Until you can show you me an extremely high percentage of positive outcomes over a set period of time, I do know better.

For now, the data shows higher suicide rates and a myriad of psychosocial disorders and this is with adults, not children.

Even the Obama admin kept it off Medicaid coverage for this very reason citing a lack of any evidence of it actually benefitting the patient.

Children are not to be beaten, sexually abused, or physically experimented on by lunatic parents.

This exactly why CPS exists.

You can disagree with my position, but just know I’m advocating for the overall health and safety of that child not because of my personal or religious convictions, political bias, etc. even tho they align as well, but because it’s my job.
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Hamas sucks for placing all of this kids in a war zone.
They have nowhere else to go. And aren't allowed to leave. Around half of Gaza's entire population even before 10/7 was under 18. 70% of the entire population is under 30. Hardly anyone lives to be old. Because Israel kills them long before that.
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They have nowhere else to go. And aren't allowed to leave. Around half of Gaza's entire population even before 10/7 was under 18. 70% of the entire population is under 30. Hardly anyone lives to be old. Because Israel kills them long before that.

Why don't they have anywhere else to go, Mr. Commie jew hater?

Lots of Muslim and Arab countries nearby.

A riddle wrapped in an idiot, was a great line. I'm hereby stealing it. 🙂
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Why don't they have anywhere else to go, Mr. Commie jew hater?

Lots of Muslim and Arab countries nearby.

A riddle wrapped in an idiot, was a great line. I'm hereby stealing it. 🙂
The solution to ethnic cleansing is to stop the ethnic cleansing, not just find another refugee camp to throw them in. Israel may eventually come looking to steal that one too, just like they have all the others.

Also what do the race and religion of possible host countries have to with anything? Unless you're admitting it's an ethnic genocide of the Muslim Arab population.
Just like the vaccine? Because you understand that's what you're advocating for, right? Government to control that healthcare decision for people just like forcing you to get the vaccine.

No, the vaccine rollout and mandate broke nearly every safety and ethical standard in medicine. The government strong armed, lied, and coerced the health industry and as a result, it’s done irreparable damage.

That’s not even comparable to my position on gender surgery for children. My position is not only shared by the majority in the field, but applying caution and a conservative approach is a staple of medicine in general.

The gov position should always yield and align with healthcare professionals and observable science putting the safety of the citizen first not supersede it in the pursuit of money and a progressive agenda.

Just put all the bs aside for a second and think what you’re arguing…permanently removing a child’s sexual parts with no evidence of benefit. That’s agenda driven, not health driven.
The gov position should always yield and align with healthcare professionals and observable science putting the safety of the citizen first not supersede it in the pursuit of money and a progressive agenda.
The vaccine was with the full blessing of the majority of those same healthcare professionals. Just not you. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth here.
The solution to ethnic cleansing is to stop the ethnic cleansing, not just find another refugee camp to throw them in. Israel may eventually come looking to steal that one too, just like they have all the others.

Also what do the race and religion of possible host countries have to with anything? Unless you're admitting it's an ethnic genocide of the Muslim Arab population.

Yes, clearly, stealing lots of Muslim lands 🙄

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In 2021, 40% of abortions were for women who had already had at least one.

In that same year, 1.5% of abortions were due to rape, incest, or danger to the mother.

98% as birth control. Many having multiple abortions. This is the “choice” you stake your morals to.
The vaccine was with the full blessing of the majority of those same healthcare professionals. Just not you. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth here.

I’m not. I’m advocating for health and safety of patients. Just as I did then.

And now look where we are. Lord Fauci with crocodile tears getting his comeuppance and all the bs coming out in the wash.

Now we see where you get your nonsense. Good lord, this guy is an A+ Idiot.

'You're in a Cult. That's your right but not your responsibility'.

Wtf does that even mean? Do you have an explanation for this gibberish and nonsensical statement?

Have you ever read a transcript of what these fools say that you, like a clapping seal, come put on here?

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Now we see where you get your nonsense. Good lord, this guy is an A+ Idiot.

'You're in a Cult. That's your right but not your responsibility'.

Wtf does that even mean? Do you have an explanation for this gibberish and nonsensical statement?

Have you ever read a transcript of what these fools say that you, like a clapping seal, come put on here?

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Convicted. Not just indicted.

not arrogant enough to think I know what is best for others and their lives.
I also am not arrogant enough to think I know

Yes, you are.

It is the height of arrogance to think you are entitled to snuff out a life before it is born simply out of convenience. In fact, the only thing that eclipses your (plural) argumentaion in its ignorance is its arrogance. This is why you (plural) are always making shockingly obtuse, never mind morally repugnant, "arguments" like comparing a fetus to an appendage.

A fetus has its own DNA and is thereofre its own separate body and person. Every human being has their own unique DNA, never before seen in the universe and never again to be repeated.

It is exactly this type of ignorance and arrogance that is part and parcel to all "your" beliefs. It is both the chicken and the egg, a necessary condition to get to where you are and why your socialist ideals always fail so miserably, resulting in nothing but misery and destruction. No one should take you people seriously except for the damage you are capable of inflicting with this arrogant ignorance.
They have nowhere else to go. And aren't allowed to leave. Around half of Gaza's entire population even before 10/7 was under 18. 70% of the entire population is under 30. Hardly anyone lives to be old. Because Israel kills them long before that.
False. Hamas kills them. Your hate for Israel is almost as bad as your TDS. Plus, don't give us this false caring when you are for killing babies in our own country.

You are an evil person.
They have nowhere else to go. And aren't allowed to leave. Around half of Gaza's entire population even before 10/7 was under 18. 70% of the entire population is under 30. Hardly anyone lives to be old. Because Israel kills them long before that.

Hey, we know you love Hamas. You really don’t need to emphasize it repeatedly.

We also know that your illogic has given the gay community permission to go in to Gaza and brutally kill, torture, and kidnap innocent people in Gaza because of the long history of wrongdoing and murder against that community by the Muslims in that region.

Or do you only promote that kind of revenge tactic when it is against Jews?
The solution to ethnic cleansing is to stop the ethnic cleansing, not just find another refugee camp to throw them in. Israel may eventually come looking to steal that one too, just like they have all the others.

The Jew hate is great in this [^^] one. No attempts at all to make sense just so long as the Jews are condemned. There is no way any rational person believes this crap. Every answer is to condemn the Jews. Ya’ll are not well.
Yeah, because that's totally what's happening. It's not that they live there to begin with.

Yea. Terrorists live in Gaza. Terrorists were elected the government of Gaza. Terrorists placed their operational centers where children and medical patients live. Terrorists orchestrated an attack on innocent people, brutally torturing, killing, raping, and kidnapping. Terrorists stole from the people of Gaza to pull off their hateful evil acts. Terrorists don’t care who dies, so long as they can do their evil.

Stop making excuses for terrorists.
“First, Do No Harm.”

Children are not to be beaten, sexually abused, or physically experimented on by lunatic parents.
How is this guy any different than the Dem/libs today?

Just like the vaccine? Because you understand that's what you're advocating for, right? Government to control that healthcare decision for people just like forcing you to get the vaccine.
So why is only Israel responsible for them not being allowed to leave? Egypt will not let them travel into Egypt either and neither will their good muslim brothers to the north. Why is that, the only possible country that should have to let them leave Gaza is Israel. Israel must allow them to travel into Israel, a country they hate and regularly decry for elimination from the earth of, must be the only ones accountable for allowing them out. Its so weird, almost like the people you hate are the only ones responsible, not all the other neighbors that have the same policy of keeping them out.