How will they rule ??!

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Yeah...not so simple in a complicated world where women don't have the economic resources or maternal desire to have a baby against their will.
We are back to the good ole days of coathangers and toilets.
Make America Suck Again.

Not really ridiculous if you consider that fetus to be a part of the woman's body....which it absolutely is.
Kinda like it would be your right to chop off one of your own fingers but against the law if I did it to you against your will.
Your body....your choice.
That said, I do think there should be restrictions on how late into the pregnancy a mother has that right.

You’re arguing self harm doesn’t come with repercussions from the authorities? Cut your hand off or slice up your wrist and go the hospital and admit you did it to yourself see how it impacts your rights and privileges going forward.

Also, good luck finding a physician that is going to remove your finger just cause you want it gone without a clear medical reason to do so. Just asking for that will prob get you reported to mental health and a 72hr hold.

This isn’t getting a haircut or just trimming your toenails type situation even if you JUST consider a fetus a part of the body.
Name ONE law passed in the last 4 years of Biden that took away your freedom of speech, gun rights or any other freedom you previously held before Biden.
Ok, there was the abortion rights previously held...but that was Republicans that removed those rights.
And there were some rights held that allowed trans medications....but that was Republicans that removed those rights.
And there were some books Republicans.
Still waiting on the rights removed by the "commie", "fascist" Dems.
I'll hang up and listen to the fascists in sheep's clothing wrapped in a flag, wrapped in a Bible...
Just imagine Sam. If you and your friends didn’t have such a hard-on for killing unborn children. That American birth rate problem you keep whining about, to justify allowing every illegal with a heartbeat into the country, wouldn’t exist. You’re a riddle wrapped in an idiot.
That's an individual determination though. The government isn't involved in legislating that morality, its only involving interest is in protecting the rights of its citizens. Which means determining when a fetus becomes a legal person whereupon rights are conveyed. Currently that's birth, when it ceases to be a fetus and becomes a baby.
With that logic I should be able to stab you in the heart, kidneys, lungs, brain (not much there to stab). They are still in your body and really have no legal rights. Only what's on the outside.
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Is it murder dropping bombs on Palestinian and Ukrainian children? Why do Pubs care about a clump of undeveloped cells but don't give a rats azz about living children in Palestine and Ukraine?
That is much more in line with murdering children than a clump of cells that has never even been born.
Makes zero sense.
Here you’ve stumbled onto the ugly truth: people that would support abortion are as awful as adults who would invite the destruction of their own children by supporting terrorism.
How many protesters are being prosecuted and sentenced to prison for blockading Jews from accessing their college campus buildings?

Where did this complete idiot even come from? He was posting in a thread that got heated, then moved here?

He's been here about a week, and just annoying as all get out. Thus, this troll KAB is off to ignore.

Probably John the racist Canucks under a new name anyway. 'JOHNKBA'
Yeah Sambo was the king of “isolated incidents” every time we posted one of the many many examples of the various things they claim aren’t happening.

That KAB idiot was on his way to surpass The Village Idiot on his idiocy, and I just cannot take two of them, so ignored the troll is.
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With that logic I should be able to stab you in the heart, kidneys, lungs, brain (not much there to stab). They are still in your body and really have no legal rights. Only what's on the outside.
No, they are part of the person. It's more like arguing an appendix has a separate, individual legal right to stay in and not be removed by its owner after bursting and causing appendicitis.
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What exactly did Dems lie about with Russia and Covid?
Trump admitted to his son secretly meeting with Russian operatives to get dirt on Clinton. That is a verfied fact.

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's emails. That is a verfied fact.

Trump's associate met with Russian operatives to get dirt on Hillary then lied to the FBI about it. That is a verified fact.

Covid killed millions of people. That is a verified fact.

Trump promoted unscientific and unproven Covid remedies that killed people. That is a verified fact.

JFC, you're incredibly stupid. Astonishingly so.
Here you’ve stumbled onto the ugly truth: people that would support abortion are as awful as adults who would invite the destruction of their own children by supporting terrorism.

Nearly responded with something similar.

Outraged (and rightfully so imo) with the men responsible for the arms and legs of innocent Palestinian children being blown off but then fully support the men responsible for the penises of innocent American children being chopped off.
Nearly responded with something similar.

Outraged (and rightfully so imo) with the men responsible for the arms and legs of innocent Palestinian children being blown off but then fully support the men responsible for the penises of innocent American children being chopped off.
Can you point to a single case of a minor getting vaginoplasty like you're claiming?
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Can you point to a single case of a minor getting vaginoplasty like you're claiming?

How would I be privy to such personal information under privacy laws?

Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire. Are you denying a progressive push for this type of procedure in under 18s?

My statement addressed the overall support for such actions not the number of cases taking place. I don’t believe that number to be zero. I believe we are told it’s zero while the pursuit of support and normalization takes place and I’ve seen plenty of the left defending and making a case for it.
How would I be privy to such personal information under privacy laws?

Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire. Are you denying a progressive push for this type of procedure in under 18s?

My statement addressed the overall support for such actions not the number of cases taking place. I don’t believe that number to be zero. I believe we are told it’s zero while the pursuit of support and normalization takes place and I’ve seen plenty of the left defending and making a case for it.
There've been over 10,000 children killed by Israel in Gaza since 10/7. A much, much, much, much, much more pressing issue than probably zero vaginoplasties, as even you are forced to admit here. Your false equivalency is disgusting.
There've been over 10,000 children killed by Israel in Gaza since 10/7. A much, much, much, much, much more pressing issue than probably zero vaginoplasties, as even you are forced to admit here. Your false equivalency is disgusting.

Yeah and I’m not supportive of either one.

You either care about kids being wronged or you don’t. All sorts of various horrors they’re put through in this world including our own border. I try to be an advocate for them not just when it fits within my political position.
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It won’t do well at all because it’s not supposed to come out at 4 weeks. You’ve been exposed, educator.
I'm not for abortion. Personally I have never been a party to one and would not have ever advocated for one.
But it's not up to me to tell others what to do with their own bodies and lives.
It's also not up to me to make medical decisions for women and their doctors.
You're exposed for being the fascist control freak you are...not me. I mind my own damn business.
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Just imagine Sam. If you and your friends didn’t have such a hard-on for killing unborn children. That American birth rate problem you keep whining about, to justify allowing every illegal with a heartbeat into the country, wouldn’t exist. You’re a riddle wrapped in an idiot.
Just imagine if you'd mind your own damn business and stay the hell out of other people's lives, bodies and doctor's offices.
Like I've said many times. I'm personally opposed to abortion as a means of birth control. But I also am not arrogant enough to think I know what is best for others and their lives.
I also am not arrogant enough to think I know better than doctors what medical issues require an abortion.
Yeah and I’m not supportive of either one.

You either care about kids being wronged or you don’t. All sorts of various horrors they’re put through in this world including our own border. I try to be an advocate for them not just when it fits within my political position.
I’m not sure at what point you realize that you cannot reason with these dumb asses. Dion is one dumb ****. Literally stupid.

Sam is the dumbest. And now we have racist KAB Cat here. Just wait till he calls Clarence Thomas a slur again.
It is particularly galling when The Village Idiot brings up covid related economics in relation to Trump last year in office.

Like he wasn't the one begging for masks, lockdowns, school closures, zoom meetings, all of that kabuki theater bullshit.

I truly loathe these people.

Never forget, Never forgive.
Hold the line
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There've been over 10,000 children killed by Israel in Gaza since 10/7. A much, much, much, much, much more pressing issue than probably zero vaginoplasties, as even you are forced to admit here. Your false equivalency is disgusting.
War is horrible.

When did foreign wars take precedence over what happens in our own country?
Supporters also made their support clear when Trump announced he was joining TikTok. Within a few hours, he gained over two million followers, and he now has over four million.


That stands in sharp contrast to the Biden campaign, which has already been on the platform for months and still has less than 350,000 followers.

Biden sux