Not really ridiculous if you consider that fetus to be a part of the woman's body....which it absolutely is.
Kinda like it would be your right to chop off one of your own fingers but against the law if I did it to you against your will.
Your body....your choice.
That said, I do think there should be restrictions on how late into the pregnancy a mother has that right.
You’re arguing self harm doesn’t come with repercussions from the authorities? Cut your hand off or slice up your wrist and go the hospital and admit you did it to yourself see how it impacts your rights and privileges going forward.
Also, good luck finding a physician that is going to remove your finger just cause you want it gone without a clear medical reason to do so. Just asking for that will prob get you reported to mental health and a 72hr hold.
This isn’t getting a haircut or just trimming your toenails type situation even if you JUST consider a fetus a part of the body.