How will they rule ??!

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At least around a quarter of Trump supporters would not support Vivek because of no other reason than who he is. Indian ethnicity and Hindu religion. Guaranteed. The MAGA movement cannot be handed to him for solely that reason, he is not a white Christian. More Trump voters than that would peel off for other reasons, like you mention, but straight up no one with 'foreign' associations for people can lead y'all's rightwing populist thing.
Back on the bigotry train again, I see. Thus spake progressivism.
I am not bothered as much by pushing the vaccine, given what we didn't know initially, but the outlandish and vile attitudes towards those who chose not to get it. Truly evil and despicable people.

That’s such bullshit. A lot of us paid enough attention and knew enough initially to know that injecting ourselves with experimental gene therapy as generally healthy adults, for fear of a glorified flu, would be a bad choice.

The information was there for those who informed themselves. Which is explicitly what some of those in that clip shamed people for doing.
One more nail in the coffin of 100% transition to EVs, this one from Engineering and Technology magazine which cites a recent Univ of MI study that shows we cannot mine enough copper to support this initiative. The study states that between 2018 and 2050, 115% of current copper demand is needed WITHOUT taking into account the EV mandates. To achieve the necessary mining output to meet the EV demand, six new, large copper mines would need to begin production EVERY year for the next several decades. The study also points out that the environmental impact of increased copper mining would be significant.

One more nail in the coffin of 100% transition to EVs, this one from Engineering and Technology magazine which cites a recent Univ of MI study that shows we cannot mine enough copper to support this initiative. The study states that between 2018 and 2050, 115% of current copper demand is needed WITHOUT taking into account the EV mandates. To achieve the necessary mining output to meet the EV demand, six new, large copper mines would need to begin production EVERY year for the next several decades. The study also points out that the environmental impact of increased copper mining would be significant.

pffft...You act like they care about or look into these things before passing ridiculous legislation like this. The reality is they don't care. What they really want is nobody driving. They don't want people owning cars and having the ability to be mobile, so they make legislation that will ultimately result in cars being out of reach for the common citizen.
Forgiving student loans without addressing the reason they need to be forgiven (you know, the fact College tuition has increased 10-20 fold over a short period of time due to government handing out free money as ‘loans’) is one reason why our government needs to have a blowtorch taken to it.
So when did they decide to start using the term "Concentration" instead of "Major" did they align the term Major to some WHY SUPRAMASIS, RAYSIS, Patriarchal BS nonsense.
Apparently these days your “concentration” is considered some sort of subset of your major.

So basically it sounds like a way of making whatever your major is sound more sophisticated or unique. Sounds ridiculous, though. If I’m the hiring manager and I read that on a resume or hear the applicant rattle that off in an interview, I’m immediately going to be suspicious.
I listened to about 5 minutes of Diniro spewing his bullshit, had to change channel. These liberal "elite" fools sure are worried about Trump becoming President and it damn sure is not about democracy, they are afraid that big can of pedo worms will open on them. Let's see the list!
Did something happen In the Trump trial I missed. Seemed all high fives heading into weekend from Trump folks . Now the Dems seem all jolly and taking about how a conviction here is assured and they should be starting next trial in a month an now they seem in a great mood . I don't keep my finger on the pulse of Social media can anyone enlighten me on why they think they are winning? I thought they hadn't proved anything, Cohen and Stormy humiliated themselves, the case was even more a joke after Costello. Why would the Ds seem so jolly right now? Just wondering what I must a missed
The Biden campaign is Desantis campaign level incompetent.

Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the same people, trying to torpedo him out of the race while there’s still time. Just mercenaries hired by opposition to run the worst campaign possible for a candidate.

Robert DeNiro and the J6 crisis actor cop lol
We will start to see more of these types of failures now that the Army focuses more on DEI and inclusion than they do on recruiting normal men and women.

And since these current foreign campaigns are about spending/rerouting money than actually accomplishing anything. They don't care if it works, because spending the money was the real objective.
Did something happen In the Trump trial I missed. Seemed all high fives heading into weekend from Trump folks . Now the Dems seem all jolly and taking about how a conviction here is assured and they should be starting next trial in a month an now they seem in a great mood . I don't keep my finger on the pulse of Social media can anyone enlighten me on why they think they are winning? I thought they hadn't proved anything, Cohen and Stormy humiliated themselves, the case was even more a joke after Costello. Why would the Ds seem so jolly right now? Just wondering what I must a missed
Because the kangaroo court judge has set the parameters for a conviction so low and asinine, that they are pretty much assured a conviction over something that will likely not even be named or proven. It will assuredly get overturned in appeals court but gives the Dems their talking points.
Democrats have decided they’re going to hold a virtual meeting to nominate their candidate two weeks ahead of the Democrat convention.

I would have liked if Ohio had just made an exception to add Biden, and only Biden, to the ballot. But the democrats have now preserved their ability to pull the plug on Biden when convenient and still get his replacement on the Ohio ballot.
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De Niro admits that he means to scare people. It’s been the Dem political mantra for the past 30 years, but with social media, it works much better today. “If Trump is elected …” uh, Bobby, Trump WAS elected and served for a term in the midst of a flat out Russia hoax intended to scare. We saw it and we have seen the past 3 years. We can see the difference for ourselves.