I am serious. This was from the unsealed court records that Jack Smith tried to bury. Biden and Merrick authorized the use of deadly force while they broke in to ML so they could plant evidence. They had orders to use deadly force to break into a home and conduct criminal activity. They also had plain clothes feds (not in uniform) in an effort to create confusion which would increase the likelihood for the need for deadly force.I really hope you are not being serious... Where do you all come up with this stuff?
In what I just typed, what is untrue? Are you going to argue they were not authorized deadly force? Are you going to argue they did not plant, and tamper, with evidence? Are you going to argue they did not have plain clothes, as well as uniformed feds on the scene?
And I cannot believe everyone is not upset with this. This is 3rd world, dictator stuff. Biden is the REAL dictator. You know if the roles were reversed, everyone would be bat-shit crazy. But TDS...