How will they rule ??!

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Jefferson got on board with Unitarians likely for political reasons. Federalists calling him an atheist and newspapers reporting his sexual affairs with his slaves, it was politically expedient for him to do so at the time. His “Bible” came of a result of that relationship. Maybe it’s where Trump got the idea.

The Treaty…After that Treaty was broken, that phrase was omitted in the ones to follow. Interesting, a nation adamant about separating itself from Christianity wouldn’t feel the need to include that again when most of the same wording from the original was included.

America is not solely a Christian Nation, and I wouldn’t argue it was ever intended to be…but it’s disingenuous to deny its influence permeated much of the fabric when founding the country.

Adams, being President during the ratification of the Treaty, writes the following in his 1798 Proclamation…

“The safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety without which social happiness can not exist nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed.”

Hardly a secular take.
You're literally arguing with Nefarious himself. It's a waste of time. He'll never learn anything. Best option is to block him.
There is no part of the Bible that you can use to justify abortion on demand. And whether you will ever understand or not, the fact is that the argument you’re making is only made by pro-abortion people because they want ALL abortions to be legal.

We can see that this is true because they NEVER seek to compromise on it. It’s all or none. Haven’t you asked yourself why that is?

This is so because this single issue keeps one of the two primary anchors of the democrats constituency in line: crazy white liberal women.
Psalm 139:13-16 ~ For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Jeremiah 1:5 ~ "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."

Exodus 20:13 ~ “You shall not murder."

Romans 1:28-32 ~ And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Proverbs 6:16-19 ~ There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
I’m gonna agree with Dion on most of this. The founders had a stated goal of keeping religion and governance separate. Many were masons and believed in a “great architect” who crafted the universe. But as Dion described, they were rational men. I do believe they would look upon many of the ideas of todays liberal culture as highly irrational. And would look upon Karl Marx as the lazy, degenerate grifter that he was.
Separation of church and state was intended to keep GOVERNMENT OUT OF RELIGION, not the other way around.
You're literally arguing with Nefarious himself. It's a waste of time. He'll never learn anything. Best option is to block him.

You cannot denude this country, and more broadly the west in general, from its Christian foundation.

I'm not reading their drivel, but what DIon's goal there is to make "useful" bad faith arguments from limited knowledge and ev3en more limited understanding against that foundation. He wants to make it seem like our founding fathers held the same antipathy towards Christianity and morality as he doe.s; that his bunk ideology is in continuation of that. No, the founding fathers were brilliant enlightenment thinkers, most of whom where Believers in Christ, and all of whom would look aghast upon his Marxist degeneracy and its modern radical leftist attacks on our foundational values. Sambowie is just creating a strawman, his typical gish gallop of MSNDNC fabricated brainwashed delusions that this country is hell bent on creating itself into the handmaiden's tale if not for his valiant effort at google search.
I really hope you are not being serious... Where do you all come up with this stuff?
I am serious. This was from the unsealed court records that Jack Smith tried to bury. Biden and Merrick authorized the use of deadly force while they broke in to ML so they could plant evidence. They had orders to use deadly force to break into a home and conduct criminal activity. They also had plain clothes feds (not in uniform) in an effort to create confusion which would increase the likelihood for the need for deadly force.

In what I just typed, what is untrue? Are you going to argue they were not authorized deadly force? Are you going to argue they did not plant, and tamper, with evidence? Are you going to argue they did not have plain clothes, as well as uniformed feds on the scene?

And I cannot believe everyone is not upset with this. This is 3rd world, dictator stuff. Biden is the REAL dictator. You know if the roles were reversed, everyone would be bat-shit crazy. But TDS...
I get your feelings on the subject, but those things don't have a constitutional ban like religion.
Your religion is Statism. You worship secular humanism. You tell us all the time that there are multiple religions throughout history so Christianity is not unique or special. You define ours so we can define yours. You redifine gender into a spectrum. Secular humanism is on a spectrum that should too be separated from the state.
Nobody is stopping you or any other Christian in America from placing a big ass Nativity scene on their front lawn short of HOA restrictions they agreed to when buying their property. In that event, put the live camel in their living room. Go for it!
The problem with Nativity scenes ALWAYS revolves around putting the scene on PUBLIC GOVERNMENT property.
Because it is a public property paid for with everyone's tax dollars, a Muslim or Jew shouldn't have to walk past a Christian Nativity scene on the way to renew their driver's license. It also opens the door for Satanists or Wiccans to place their preferred religious symbols there as well.
That is exactly why the Founding Fathers advocated for separation of church and state.
Where was there a CONGRESSIONAL law passed establishing a religion, placing that NS on the govt property? Lacking that it is totally legal and you cannot deny them their FREE EXERCISE thereof.

Can an atheist Satanist witch too? Certainly. Burn a flag while they are at it.

If the founders wanted a total separation SEPARATION then they certailny forgot to include that in the 1st. Their individual opinions or negotiations are not law. The 1st is what passed. Simple words. Do I need a crayon to explain them to you?
That reference to Creator is specifically a reference to the scientific natural universe in the words of the time. It's intentionally vague to reference all faiths and natural traditions, if they had meant specifically the Christian God they would have said so. These were scholars, not rubes. You give a novice’s interpretation in the same post you rail against others as uneducated. Sad.
Is that the expensive Liberal Arts school interpretation of what it meant?
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So you are back to criticizing your own side. Not just this post, but several. That took less than a week.

I haven't seen your outrage at biden OR his admin for ordering a hit on his political rival.

let that sink in everyone ... biden ordered a hit on trump hoping to assassinate him. Of course that will not be a question during the debate and no one will be held accountable.

Imagine if the roles were reversed. You ppl on the left are simply terrible people.
Didn't Trump leave before the raid? He probably knew it was a booby trap.
“In his Farewell Address, the first president advised his fellow citizens that "Religion and morality" were the "great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens." "National morality," he added, could not exist "in exclusion of religious principle." "Virtue or morality," he concluded, as the products of religion, were "a necessary spring of popular government."

Imagine thinking that the Father of the Country, the President of the Constitutional Convention, and the first President would say this about a government that was not intended to rely upon religion and morality.

It takes a shocking amount of mental gymnastics.
Well that's what these indoctrination camps...errr colleges and universities are teaching kids these days.

I saw this posted a few places and I'm not sure I wholly believe it. Sale and leaseback is a pretty standard tactic that can be used for tax or cash flow purposes. Either way it doesn't turn a profitable company into a bankrupt one. Quite the opposite.

The sale of the land should've generated a ton of cash. If they're filing an 11, it must mean they burned through that cash. So where did it go?

Jmo but Americans tastes changed over the last few years. These chain sit downs are all in danger. Iirc o charleys already filed BK and there will be several others following soon. I can't believe applebees hasn't. I know for a fact s large franchisee unloaded a bunch of them at a loss just to get rid of them because they were burning through money.
Gonna hammer you with this any time you complain about the executive or judicial branches exceeding their powers. You betray every stated principle of small government you’ve ever espoused.
I saw this posted a few places and I'm not sure I wholly believe it. Sale and leaseback is a pretty standard tactic that can be used for tax or cash flow purposes. Either way it doesn't turn a profitable company into a bankrupt one. Quite the opposite.

The sale of the land should've generated a ton of cash. If they're filing an 11, it must mean they burned through that cash. So where did it go?

Jmo but Americans tastes changed over the last few years. These chain sit downs are all in danger. Iirc o charleys already filed BK and there will be several others following soon. I can't believe applebees hasn't. I know for a fact s large franchisee unloaded a bunch of them at a loss just to get rid of them because they were burning through money.

That tweet was like reading Dion or Sambowieshin talk about tax policy. Just no idea how things work in practice.

Sure maybe there was something nefarious. But bankrupting your investment to acquire the land of Red Lobster just doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe if it was 10s of 1000s of acres of oil rich or farmland. But then it still wouldn’t even make sense.
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It's not a judgement. Washington kicked ass. A freedom fighter of upstanding character. Who insisted on stepping down after only two terms so as not to create any tradition of American monarchy. Imagine if that had been Trump...
If only the House would have followed his example and set term limits for themselves, we would have been much better off.
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Here's the thing that pisses me off the most with "rachel". She has never been in the navy or any military service. Admiral is an honorific for her job title in a non military health role. "She" is pretending to be an admiral. It would be like the surgeon general wearing a Eisenhower uniform and demanding people salute him... "She" is just role playing another role.
Sexual deviants love them some role playing.
Separation of church and state was intended to keep GOVERNMENT OUT OF RELIGION, not the other way around.
As if "separation of church and state" is actually a significant problem right now anyway.

I mean... wars, inflation, etc... nah... "Its those darned religious people"!!!!!!!!
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When people talk about separation of church and state, my feeling is what they're REALLY talking about is no religion in public schools.

Like I said earlier; take it all out. None of it. Nobody has time for that crap anyway. We don't have time for social experimentation either. Nobody can agree on Social Studies/History etc. either, so fine. Cut them.

It might free up money for Fine Arts programs, and give the schools much more time to concentrate on useful subjects.

Public Education, like many things in life, isn't really that hard to fix. It's just a matter of cutting out the nonsense and making useful learning a priority.
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I saw this posted a few places and I'm not sure I wholly believe it. Sale and leaseback is a pretty standard tactic that can be used for tax or cash flow purposes. Either way it doesn't turn a profitable company into a bankrupt one. Quite the opposite.

The sale of the land should've generated a ton of cash. If they're filing an 11, it must mean they burned through that cash. So where did it go?

Jmo but Americans tastes changed over the last few years. These chain sit downs are all in danger. Iirc o charleys already filed BK and there will be several others following soon. I can't believe applebees hasn't. I know for a fact s large franchisee unloaded a bunch of them at a loss just to get rid of them because they were burning through money.
The issue was that when the hedge fund separated the land, they raised the rent to unaffordable levels for RL. RL is bankrupt because the rent is disproportionate to the revenue generated.
The doj filing an anti trust suit against live nation. Hilarious considering that merger was inexplicably approved not that long ago.

Who the hell thought that approval wouldn't result in exactly what we got? How can the doj possibly win this case considering they just allowed in in 2010?
The issue was that when the hedge fund separated the land, they raised the rent to unaffordable levels for RL. RL is bankrupt because the rent is disproportionate to the revenue generated.

Maybe it's true I just don't see how a hedge fund gains by having presumably one of its largest holdings file bankruptcy.

Jmo but the company needed cash so they executed the sale leaseback. Market forces continued to erode and the API or other indexed upwards lease adjustment just put things in worse condition.

The way I'm pretty sure I'm right is the fact they filed ch 11. Ch 11 won't change any lease terms at all. So if the leases were the issue, they would've had to liquidate under ch 7.

Then when you look at th condition of the other similarly situated restaurants, you see the same problems. I can't believe applebees hasn't filed. I know for a fact their individual stores are losing loads of money. Maybe their set us is such the risk is all on the franchisee but still eventually they go down and you lose that revenue.
Illegal purported loan forgiveness, attacking Ticketmaster, pandering, etc.

All just trying to win back support of the little Gaza’s across the country.

Doesn’t matter if any of it actually works, just need those morons to think it will work until November.

Totally agree it's just perception for votes. Live nation buying Ticketmaster was the literal definition of a monopoly. Its almost absurd they even tried it and beyond absurd it was ever approved. They definitely greased some palms to get that one through.
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For Biden putting a hit out for his political rival. The FACT that deadly force was authorized at the maralago raid. You, and the lefties, seem to be okay with that.
1. No clue that was your reference & still don't see its relevance to me.
2. I don't recall ever hearing this point before. So hard to be OK with or against previously. Certainly seems way over the top by Biden now that I know about it. May it was his security forces, not him? You'd agree the "hit" failed miserably since Trump was uninjured, right?
3. You rightfully distinguish between me & the lefties. Good observation.
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That tweet was like reading Dion or Sambowieshin talk about tax policy. Just no idea how things work in practice.

Sure maybe there was something nefarious. But bankrupting your investment to acquire the land of Red Lobster just doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe if it was 10s of 1000s of acres of oil rich or farmland. But then it still wouldn’t even make sense.
A typical RL will take up somewhere between 1-2 acres. When their realtors set out looking for commercial properties, that's what they were looking for. RL is old guard, they just aren't generating the sales they used to and food prices, especially seafood, have skyrocketed. RL isn't a cheap place to eat. That said, the endless shrimp isn't what did them in, just like Endless pasta bowl hasn't done in Olive Garden, or it's not preventing Buffalo Wild Wings from introducing All you can eat wings. No singular promotion like that will bring the downfall of a legacy brand like RL. What will bring them down is years of mismanagement, Rising food costs, and low traffic. So yeah, in a sense they could have allowed themselves to be priced out of the rent on a premium piece of commercial property. Some leases to restaurants include percentage of sales. usually in an effort to keep the base rent lower, So when somebody sees a piece of prime commercial real estate generating poor traffic, they don't care that RL is a legacy brand, they will want to bring in the next new and exciting concept to drive up traffic and maximize the rent potential. RL was a failing brand, endless shrimp wasn't their downfall.

Here's the thing that pisses me off the most with "rachel". She has never been in the navy or any military service. Admiral is an honorific for her job title in a non military health role. "She" is pretending to be an admiral. It would be like the surgeon general wearing a Eisenhower uniform and demanding people salute him... "She" is just role playing another role.
she needs a kick in the nuts
So you are back to criticizing your own side. Not just this post, but several. That took less than a week.
If people make comments/claims that are impossible to execute, I'll try to point out their stupidity regardless of who made them. Not sure you mean by "your own side". My own side is conservative Pubs. MAGA ain't such.
Maybe it's true I just don't see how a hedge fund gains by having presumably one of its largest holdings file bankruptcy.

Jmo but the company needed cash so they executed the sale leaseback. Market forces continued to erode and the API or other indexed upwards lease adjustment just put things in worse condition.

The way I'm pretty sure I'm right is the fact they filed ch 11. Ch 11 won't change any lease terms at all. So if the leases were the issue, they would've had to liquidate under ch 7.

Then when you look at th condition of the other similarly situated restaurants, you see the same problems. I can't believe applebees hasn't filed. I know for a fact their individual stores are losing loads of money. Maybe their set us is such the risk is all on the franchisee but still eventually they go down and you lose that revenue.
All through the 80's, 90's and early 2000's casual dining was the thing. It was the rise of most of those "Legacy Brands" Applebees, Chili's, Outback, TGI Friday's, RL, Olive Garden, O'Charley's, all exploded and grew. when we would travel for work we would always joke about the areas around the hotels and Malls being Anytown USA because they all looked alike and had all the usual suspects around the area. But the recession in 2008-2009, hit those legacy casual brands pretty hard and cheaper fast food and fast-casual (i.e. Chipotle, Panera, Five Guys, etc. came into prominence. (though most would argue they aren't cheaper), Their convenience, speed of product, etc. meant shorter dining times, much more carry-out focused product. It's why the legacies tried hard to adapt with curbside pickups and such. The legacies Dining Rooms were no longer full. Covid was the nail in the coffin for them. You no longer have a wait to get into a Chili's or Applebee's. We have a phrase in the design industry now, that you design for tuesday night traffic, not Friday and Saturday traffic. A brand will always want the perception their restaurant is full and a gargantuan dining room half full on a weeknight is not a good perception, and a small wait to get in on weekends drives the perception it must be worth the wait. Legacy Brands lost that. Texas Roadhouse is one of the few that's mastered that.
When people talk about separation of church and state, my feeling is what they're REALLY talking about is no religion in public schools.

Like I said earlier; take it all out. None of it. Nobody has time for that crap anyway. We don't have time for social experimentation either. Nobody can agree on Social Studies/History etc. either, so fine. Cut them.

It might free up money for Fine Arts programs, and give the schools much more time to concentrate on useful subjects.

Public Education, like many things in life, isn't really that hard to fix. It's just a matter of cutting out the nonsense and making useful learning a priority.

For sure that’s a big part of it, but you have arguments like Sam’s abortion one where the only logical explanation I can gather is he obviously wants religion eliminated from acting as the individuals moral compass when it comes to voting for policy and selecting their representation. I’d assume most liberals do as well. How could they not?, when their entire platform is anti in nature.

And yeah they need to get back to the basics with public schools. Teach these kids how to function in the world and cut out the nonsense. Most HSers these days can’t sign their name in cursive on a document, change a tire, and have zero clue about finances or how to properly address and stamp an envelope.
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I am serious. This was from the unsealed court records that Jack Smith tried to bury. Biden and Merrick authorized the use of deadly force while they broke in to ML so they could plant evidence. They had orders to use deadly force to break into a home and conduct criminal activity. They also had plain clothes feds (not in uniform) in an effort to create confusion which would increase the likelihood for the need for deadly force.

In what I just typed, what is untrue? Are you going to argue they were not authorized deadly force? Are you going to argue they did not plant, and tamper, with evidence? Are you going to argue they did not have plain clothes, as well as uniformed feds on the scene?

And I cannot believe everyone is not upset with this. This is 3rd world, dictator stuff. Biden is the REAL dictator. You know if the roles were reversed, everyone would be bat-shit crazy. But TDS...
People are always going to vote (if they have one) according to their moral compass. Doing so has nothing to do with separation of church and state.

I'm for removing all religion from schools (as well as anything else EXCEPT for the classical academic areas)

My reason for doing so is because it is all distracting from the actual job at hand.