How will they rule ??!

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The Republican governor of TN has proposed that the state's community colleges all be made free to everyone.
That happened several years ago. Here is something that is missing from the story I cited though...

The Tennessee Promise scholarships will be funded by $110 million from the state’s lottery reserves, along with a $47 million endowment created by the state General Assembly. Students are expected to receive an average scholarship of $971, in addition to existing aid from the state’s Hope Scholarship program. Students will also be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA and give 8 hours of community service per semester.

Will Tennessee increase state income tax on working people to pay for it? Trick question.
That happened several years ago. Here is something that is missing from the story I cited though...

The Tennessee Promise scholarships will be funded by $110 million from the state’s lottery reserves, along with a $47 million endowment created by the state General Assembly. Students are expected to receive an average scholarship of $971, in addition to existing aid from the state’s Hope Scholarship program. Students will also be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA and give 8 hours of community service per semester.

Will Tennessee increase state income tax on working people to pay for it? Trick question.

Tennessee has a state sales tax in place of state income tax.
Crowder > Ben Shapiro. Crowder is a bit of a goof, but he really goes off sometimes like this. Thanks for posting.

Shapiro's constant anti-Trump crap has turned me off from him. He's super smart but blinded. During the election season, he went to one lecture and one conservative kid asked him, " But don't you feel if we don't win this one, we will never win another election due to amnesty and they will also get the most far left Supreme Court?"

Shapiro said that voting for Trump would permanently damage the Republican Party in the way that Bush did and that we should wait until 2020 to run a true conservative."

For as smart as he is, he was so far off with that belief. That was not going to happen. We weren't winning in 2020 with effing Rubio or some other GOP robot and we weren't going to have the population to ever win another one with how the left has used immigration.
Gorsuch playing good cop to Trump's bad cop, and the Democrats and liberal media have taken the his bait. They're so easily manipulated. Trump made a meaningless comment calling that judge a "so called judge" and Gorsuch seized on the opportunity.

When Trump nominated Gorsuch, the Democrats and liberal media immediately went into attack mode, saying Gorsuch was nothing but a Trump lap dog, who couldn't be independent, and would never go against or speak the truth to Trump.

Now, since it's negative press for Trump, the Democrats and liberal media are cheering Gorsuch on, giving him a standing ovation. Hootin' and hollerin' about how he showed his independence, went against Trump, and spoke the truth.

Welp, there goes their one and only baseless argument against Gorsuch. The Democrats just lost their Scotus nomination fight, aided by the liberal media, weeks before the hearings, and they are too caught up in their Trump derangement syndrome to even realize it.
Trump just plays games with the left, and they are too stupid to see it. He is always 15 steps ahead of these fools.

Sue the hell outta that thug!
Interesting article on the self-inflicting damage the Dems continue to pursue, and seemingly aren't able to even acknowledge.

While 56 percent of Democrat voters want their party to pursue obstruction, majorities of most other major demographics want Democrats to cooperate with the new president and Republican-controlled Congress, including women, independent voters, all income and almost all age demos, urban voters, and even government employees.
It was a sarcastic question for fuzz. Thanks though.
So you don't think a 9.25% sales tax (including purchases), 7% on groceries, is a tax or can't be raised? Huh? Guess that's why the same gov has asked for a 7 cent raise in the gas tax and property taxes have been raised in the past year.

Rest assured, if the cost of a service or tax is being lowered, somewhere there is an effort to recoup and replace that lost revenue.
As expected, the restraining order on Trump's EO has been upheld. Was there ever any doubt? It was obvious what their decision would be just listening to the judge's questions. Those liberal judges are absolutely disgraceful!
As expected, the restraining order on Trump's EO has been upheld. Was there ever any doubt? It was obvious just listening to the judge's questions. Disgraceful!
There has to be a way to get rid of those judges. They are the most overturned court in the country.

If you are continuously ruled wrong, there has to be a way to get rid of you.
So you don't think a 9.25% sales tax (including purchases), 7% on groceries, is a tax or can't be raised? Huh? Guess that's why the same gov has asked for a 7 cent raise in the gas tax and property taxes have been raised in the past year.

Rest assured, if the cost of a service or tax is being lowered, somewhere there is an effort to recoup and replace that lost revenue.
Go back and have someone read to you what I wrote. Never mind, here it is.

Will Tennessee increase state income tax on working people to pay for it?

The state sales tax in TN is the same as it's been for years. That program started in 2014 and they haven't raised the sales tax yet. Your kind doesn't like any tax that is spread evenly across demographics. Everybody pays the same tax rate in this situation. The people that pay the stupid tax, lottery, are the ones who are footing most of the bill. Does it bother you that your party makes up the majority of lottery players? Do you think it's unfair that their money is being used instead of just taxing working people?
Court bitch slaps Trump unanimously. I'm sure he'll take that complete 3-0 repudiation well.

Actually is surprising to me because I think the President is on solid footing in acting as Trump did. I don't agree with Trump, but the President absolutely needs that power to act. Trump is making the presidency smaller by pissing everyone off, I guess.
As expected, the restraining order on Trump's EO has been upheld. Was there ever any doubt? It was obvious what their decision would be just listening to the judge's questions. Those liberal judges are absolutely disgraceful!
The good news is that once it hits the Supreme Court, they should rule in favor of the ban as Gorsuch will be there. The bad news is though, thats enough time for many dangerous people to be let in.
The good news is that once it hits the Supreme Court, they should rule in favor of the ban as Gorsuch will be there. The bad news is though, thats enough time for many dangerous people to be let in.
Yeah, the bad guys will run out, get a visa in a week, and be on our shores in no time flat because of this horrendous ruling.

Never mind that it takes on average like 2 years to go through the existing vetting process if you're coming in from those 7 countries, when you're delusional facts fade into nothingness and all ignorance is possible.
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I think the EO was poorly designed. Why not allow students, those with Visas, etc? It wasn't hard to find hardship in Washington at all.

I think he should just issue a new one that's better designed.
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Trump going all caps in his tweeting now. Only a matter of time before he completely snaps, gets himself impeached, and this long national nightmare is finally over.
Yeah, the bad guys will run out, get a visa in a week, and be on our shores in no time flat because of this horrendous ruling.

Never mind that it takes on average like 2 years to go through the existing vetting process if you're coming in from those 7 countries, when you're delusional facts fade into nothingness and all ignorance is possible.
You are a really dumb human being if you seriously believe any of what you posted.

You really think the Obama administration was taking 2 years to vet people? Lmao.
The good news is that once it hits the Supreme Court, they should rule in favor of the ban as Gorsuch will be there. The bad news is though, thats enough time for many dangerous people to be let in.

The euphoric fantasy of California leaving the union, becoming an independent state, without the ability to water their southern population, and without the ability to taint our courts with theirs.
What kills me is that I think ultimately the SC will rule in favor of Trump simply because the President needs to have the ability to act to protect the country. Unless they can establish it is religion based and thus unconstitutional I just don't see how they can uphold the injunction. Absolutely critical that we don't have the Judicial second guessing the Executive unless some compelling unconstitutional grievance is involved a la interning the Japanese-Americans in WWII or some such. The President needs extraordinary power to protect the country based upon all the sources at his fingertips that the Judiciary is not privy to.

Trump will be insufferable when he wins.
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Maybe we should start a GoFundMe or protest to have California kicked out of the Union. Just make it a bit easier for them to move along towards their desired end state.
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I don't see how he can take it to the Supreme Court without a 9th justice confirmed. Too risky.

Just rewrite it and start over. And perhaps get some state to test it in court in a state outside the 9th circuit.
There was never really any doubt that the lunatic liberal judges of the 9th Circuit Court of San Francisco would rule against Trump. They are wrong just like the Seattle Judge was. Politicized judges who lack integrity are not above twisting the law to suit their own agenda. I expected this thing to go to the Supreme Court anyway but they are probably politicized too so who knows how this will end? I just wish people would allow Trump to do the job he was elected to do.