15 weeks is a "European" model we should embrace in order to take the issue down a notch. Allows us to paint them as the crazies. Europe and the GOP agree on 15 weeks.IMO, that's a bad move by DeSantis/FL. Abortion is a huge issue across the spectrum of politics and holding to, imo, an unreasonable prohibition energizes the Left. I lean Right on this issue, but I'm fine with the current 15 week allowance unless baby's viability, mother's health at risk, rape/incest. 6 weeks is too restrictive and will cost Republicans votes. We need to control more states in order to control Congress. Being reactionary on this one issue will cost the R's some seats that they/we can't afford to lose. God help the US if Biden/Newsome/socialist to be named later wins the WH and controls both Houses. The US is done for if that happens. Thus, we need to hold to principles, yes, but also be practical that we can't get every single thing we want on every issue. The vast majority of the US population supports some time frame for unrestricted choice. Almost the entire population is against unlimited abortion up to 40 weeks. R's have to bend a little on this issue or risk forever becoming irrelevant.
Otherwise, if you support 6 weeks or no exceptions you are inviting 4 more years of Biden presidency. Who are the anti-Trump RINOs in that equation?