Yeah, I like back packing bare too. I usually look for the nearest lake, pond, or creek to see if I can get some sucker fish to finish the trip with.I used to go to 4th street and I had some buddies the last few years get threatened walking out. It didn't used to be that bad around there. A girl got her throat cut by some guy just whacked out on drugs a few years ago too. Cities are just too dangerous to be out at night anymore. I feel safer in bear country back packing now.
In essence however, it would create more criminals as many would defy the law if it made guns illegal.No “gun law” is going to keep guns out of the hands of those committing Those crimes. Only the ones that need them to defend themselves from those criminals.
Show Me the Money - finally. Proves he actually has it.
Some people are easily let down & want to take their ball & go home when they don't get their way.
Some people are easily let down & want to take their ball & go home when they don't get their way.
gonna be a hot old time in shy town this august for the democrat convention
Thew ability to suspend the rules is one of the rules or you couldn't do it.
I haven't watched the news much today, busy keeping an eye on the skies. Anyway, what has POTUS Biden donetoday, uhthis week,I meanthe last two months,OK, for the last three years to make America Great Again?
I meant to say..."Build Back Better"...isn't that his phrase?
Time to boycott Fox News for going woke and stabbing y’all in the back!
IMO, that's a bad move by DeSantis/FL. Abortion is a huge issue across the spectrum of politics and holding to, imo, an unreasonable prohibition energizes the Left. I lean Right on this issue, but I'm fine with the current 15 week allowance unless baby's viability, mother's health at risk, rape/incest. 6 weeks is too restrictive and will cost Republicans votes. We need to control more states in order to control Congress. Being reactionary on this one issue will cost the R's some seats that they/we can't afford to lose. God help the US if Biden/Newsome/socialist to be named later wins the WH and controls both Houses. The US is done for if that happens. Thus, we need to hold to principles, yes, but also be practical that we can't get every single thing we want on every issue. The vast majority of the US population supports some time frame for unrestricted choice. Almost the entire population is against unlimited abortion up to 40 weeks. R's have to bend a little on this issue or risk forever becoming irrelevant.Desantis putting in place a 6 week abortion is going to put Florida in play. Behaving like the Rino he is
Yeah, it’s a losing issue for republicans. Let it go. The people against it will still support you. You aren’t going to change the minds of those that support it.The only abortion republicans should be talking about right now is the Biden administration.
Save that shit for next year.
Study what?? The 2000 year old book that has been rewritten countless times?
Science and truth will set you free. Come to the light!Honestly, Village Idiot, you should be studying up on everything. You need it.