Who invited the mob to DC on Jan 6th?
Who told them their votes didn't count?
Who told them Pence could overturn the election?
Who told the angry crowd to follow him to the Capitol on Jan 6th?
Who created a FAKE slate of electors?
Who called Ga election officials and asked them to overturn the election results even if the votes don't show that?
Who sent people to Ga to harvest voting machine data?
Why hold a massive rally on that day to begin with?? What was the damn purpose when THE ELECTION WAS OVER.
Trump is a clear and present danger to democracy and America.
Any Presidential candidate that invites Putin to attack NATO should be in jail where he belongs.
DC is not an invitation only party, you insufferable dunce. What does “invited to DC” even mean. I’ve been there a few times on visits, never was sent an invitation.