-Border numbers were as low as they ever had been BECAUSE of the stay in Mexico policy that Trump had passedI hear what you are saying and agree in theory.
But when that disruption never actually results in ANY meaningful legislation that improves the lives of the American people...wth has he even accomplished at the end of the day?
Infrastructure Law? Nope
Healthcare?? Nope
Education?? Nope
Border Law?? Nope
Keeping people constantly angry, scared or both serves no purpose without doing the hard work of legislating.
Whether you like it or not, we have a system of government that requires compromise and hard work to pass laws. It is messy and not perfect but it is what we have.
Trump doesn't do laws. He does Tweets, Executive Orders and grievance/division politics to keep suckers sending him money.
Bitching, moaning and tweeting is not LEADING. He is fat and lazy. He doesn't want to do the hard work required to actually pass laws.
You may not like Biden's laws because of policy differences but he has achieved a lot of laws being passed that benefited the American people.
Trump actually killed a decent border law because it was going to hurt him politically.
-Healthcare costs were tolerable and Trump was a key component in reducing the cost of insulin and other drugs
-Education always needs reformed at certain levels, but we certainly didn't hear about the rhetoric we do today in the educational system under Biden that has embraced boys using girls bathrooms resulting in your favorite talking point of 12 year olds being abused
You are one that I speak of that it doesn't matter what any Republican especially trump says...you are deranged. Anyone that can tout any single good thing that Biden has done is just plain delusional. Shipping trillions to states to build roads isn't an accomplishment. Its feasibly irresponsible and was a throw money at everyone to fix a problem type of solution.
Fact is the economy and life was better under Trump, we had no ongoing wars and this woke BS wasn't running rampant in our country.
Biden vs Trump in November will be a bloodbath....cant wait.