How will they rule ??!

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And none of that is an incitement to violence. If he believed the election stolen, as many still do, he was well within his rights as commander in chief to pursue every legal avenue available.
I don't know what Trump believes but then again, neither do you. You can believe that your next door neighbors have had their bodies taken over by earth invading aliens and use that that as defense if you murder them, but of course that defense would be laughed out of court. Actually, the alien scenario is more plausible than the "stolen election" scenario.

In America, Conservative psychopaths are not allowed to murder their fathers and decapitate them (this actually happened)-no matter what bullshit they hear on Fox News, Nexmax, or Infowars. You must produce EVIDENCE for your actions. Did you miss the part where Fox News talking heads cost their employers up close to a billion dollars for their outrageous lying?
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BS. He said nothing like that at all. Go listen to what the disrespectful Private Bonespurs says. He has a history of making fun of military service.
He's in the SC National Guard and deployed in Africa right now serving his country. Trump sucks.
Is that what Private Asthma tells you? You do know Biden dodged service but your leftist media hides that.

You can TDS it anyway you like but I saw him mocking her pro-war positions and hubby paying the price.
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I don't know what Trump believes but then again, neither do you. You can believe that your next door neighbors have had their bodies taken over by earth invading aliens and use that that as defense if you murder them, but of course that defense would be laughed out of court. Actually, the alien scenario is more plausible than the "stolen election" scenario.

In America, Conservative psychopaths are not allowed to murder their fathers and decapitate them (this actually happened)-no matter what what bullshit they hear on Fox News, Nexmax, or Infowars. You must produce EVIDENCE for your actions. Did you miss the part where Fox News talking heads cost their employers up close to a billion dollars for their outrageous lying?

What I am talking about is how the media intentionally mischaracterizes his statements to exploit your biases. What I am talking about is plain to see for any open minded and fair observer. It's unambiguous. I didn't read what you posted, but what I am talking about certainly has noithing to do with whatever you posted.
TLDR, and likely too ridiculous to read, but he never said he wants the American economy to crash. Most economists are predicting a severe crash at some point. Some are predicting a mild recession, the so-called soft landing.

What Trump is saying is that if it's inevitable, better on Biden's watch (as he is culpable) than his (since he is not), so he can come in and clean it up, benefit at the polls. Which is not the same thing as you you will dishonestly mischaracterize, which is what actually happened before, when many so-called liberal tlakingheads openly advocated for a severe recession as a means of stopping Trump's reelection.

I don't read your posts and won't engage you in serious discussion, but you are always hurting your argument like this, not helping it. If Trump were half as bad as you think he is, you wouldn't have to put words in his mouth, otherwise lie. You are arguing against a caricature. People vote Trump because they know he will be better for the economy than these incompetent and malfeasant politicians you have foisted upon us.
Who is guaranteeing a crash at this point besides Trump? Alex Jones? Many economists were predicting some kind of a recession on the heels of the Trump economy and the pandemic years ago, but that talk had all but evaporated. In fact, a chief right-wing economist for Trump and Fox News-Larry Kudlow-recently apologized for being clearly wrong about his predictions for the Biden economy. His defense? Everyone else was wrong as well! Kudlow went on to say that Biden was completely justified in taking a victory lap for his success in handling the economy. I posted this clip for you but of you course you ignore all evidence that doesn't fit your narrative. An economic collapse certainly isn't inevitable at this point-it's just Trump's normal wishful thinking- sprinkled with his "sky is falling"fear mongering.

Let's. clear up one more thing. You sticking your fingers in your ears like a middle schooler and pretending not to hear the truth has nothing to do with me. You and others love to cast yourselves as "serious" and "the adults in the room" and yet actual serious adults are open to ideas from all over the spectrum and don't limit their information to sources that just confirm their own myopic beliefs. I don't agree with much of what you say, but I read it and consider it, because intelligent grown ups are capable of exchanging ideas-even those with which they disagree.
Just posted a report by Catherine Herridge last page, but this says she just got fired. I always thought when she was at Fox and CBS she was actually one of the few you could call a 'journalist':

Meanwhile at CNN:

Well that's because we can't be having actual "Journalists", they ask too many questions and probe a little too deep for the DNC's liking. They just want a mouthpiece to spout their propaganda and gaslighting.
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That's how most of the country feels about y'all's election conspiracy nonsense.
Who is guaranteeing a crash at this point besides Trump? Alex Jones? Many economists were predicting some kind of a recession on the heels of the Trump economy and the pandemic years ago, but that talk had all but evaporated. In fact, a chief right-wing economist for Trump and Fox News-Larry Kudlow-recently apologized for being clearly wrong about his predictions for the Biden economy. His defense? Everyone else was wrong as well! Kudlow went on to say that Biden was completely justified in taking a victory lap for his success in handling the economy. I posted this clip for you but of you course you ignore all evidence that doesn't fit your narrative. An economic collapse certainly isn't inevitable at this point-it's just Trump's normal wishful thinking- sprinkled with his "sky is falling"fear mongering.

Let's. clear up one more thing. You sticking your fingers in your ears like a middle schooler and pretending not to hear the truth has nothing to do with me. You and others love to cast yourselves as "serious" and "the adults in the room" and yet actual serious adults are open to ideas from all over the spectrum and don't limit their information to sources that just confirm their own myopic beliefs. I don't agree with much of what you say, but I read it and consider it, because intelligent grown ups are capable of exchanging ideas-even those with which they disagree.

TLDR, but it has nothing to do with sticking my fingers in my ears. I already know what you will post and don't need to read your personal articulation of it.

No, I won't read your posts... not for the reasons you think, like any and every thing else: it's not for the reasons "you" think.
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What I am talking about is how the media intentionally mischaracterizes his statements to exploit your biases. What I am talking about is plain to see for any open minded and fair observer. It's unambiguous. I didn't read what you posted, but what I am talking about certainly has noithing to do with whatever you posted.
"The media" mischaracterizes much information on all sides. That's why I personally try to use Trump's own words from speeches, rallies, and press conferences in debate.

Someone recently did a study which concluded that when someone believes or clings to a false. narrative or a lie, the more they are exposed to the truth, the more desperately they cling to the lie. There is NO reasonable evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, period. You and others believe it was stolen because Trump tells you it was stolen, the "information" sources you consume confirm that was stolen, but mostly you want to believe that it was stolen. In a way you aren't much different Thant the poor souls on the basketball board who are convinced there is a conspiracy by the refs to "steal" every basketball game we lose.
"The media" mischaracterizes much information on all sides. That's why I personally try to use Trump's own words from speeches, rallies, and press conferences in debate.

Someone recently did a study which concluded that when someone believes or clings to a false. narrative or a lie, the more they are exposed to the truth, the more desperately they cling to the lie. There is NO reasonable evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, period. You and others believe it was stolen because Trump tells you it was stolen, the "information" sources you consume confirm that was stolen, but mostly you want to believe that it was stolen. In a way you aren't much different Thant the poor souls on the basketball board who are convinced there is a conspiracy by the refs to "steal" every basketball game we lose.

No, there's plenty of evidence, just not conclusive. Coupled with the reality we do not have verifiable elections and they had overwhelming incentive to stop Hitler (their/your delusions), deductive reasoning demands it was most likely stolen.

It has nothing to do what I personally want to believe or feel. I do not "think" like you do.

And again, too much... didn't read. Learn to be pithy and to the point.
I still think we might have an elaborate prank show to test people with the Biden Presidency. They put him out there , mumbling, stumbling around.
Falls down a few times, falls off a bike, can never get never get off stage, creeping on kids, and says all these stupid things or stares into space. Just testing out everyone, seeing how loyal the Democrat base is , who will jump through hoops to defend the defenseless.
"The media" mischaracterizes much information on all sides. That's why I personally try to use Trump's own words from speeches, rallies, and press conferences in debate.

Someone recently did a study which concluded that when someone believes or clings to a false. narrative or a lie, the more they are exposed to the truth, the more desperately they cling to the lie. There is NO reasonable evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, period. You and others believe it was stolen because Trump tells you it was stolen, the "information" sources you consume confirm that was stolen, but mostly you want to believe that it was stolen. In a way you aren't much different Thant the poor souls on the basketball board who are convinced there is a conspiracy by the refs to "steal" every basketball game we lose.

Nah, people have eyes and ears. It was witnessed in real time. All the studies, videos, statistical anomalies, reports, bellwethers, etc just solidified what everyone watched that night.

Joe Biden = most votes in our country’s history. Hilarious really.
They try to frame the question as an "age" issue. "Age" isn't what this is really all about. The issue is about mental acuity, which Biden is clearly lacking and there is nothing anyone can put out there to convince us otherwise. They frame it as an "age" thing in order to turn it on Trump as well.

Is Trump without his gaffes? no, but show me a politician who doesn't make a gaffe now and then when they're out there stumping and giving multiple speeches daily during a campaign. Then compare that to Biden who makes obvious gaffes and mental errors, while appearing to be completely lost and devoid of all emotion or energy, EVERY SINGLE TIME HE IS TROTTED OUT IN FRONT OF A CAMERA!

Trump can at least give a fiery speech, know where he needs to stand, walk on and off a stage without handlers having to direct his every step. He can walk up the big set of stairs to AF1. He can work a full day and late into the night. When Trump vacations or "relaxes" it's generally on the golf course and even then he is generally conducting some sort of business or working some deal or angle with whoever he's golfing with. It's the life he's made. He's not one to sit around on a beach all day. There's a huge difference between screwing up a name and being relegated to the small stairs that come out of the cargo bin on AF1 because you can barely stand up.
I still think we might have an elaborate prank show to test people with the Biden Presidency. They put him out there , mumbling, stumbling around.
Falls down a few times, falls off a bike, can never get never get off stage, creeping on kids, and says all these stupid things or stares into space. Just testing out everyone, seeing how loyal the Democrat base is , who will jump through hoops to defend the defenseless.
Oh and let’s just give them all they need to convict the Biden family by “ finding” Hunter laptop and forwarding to FBI. See if they leak it.
And plant cocaine at the White House………
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Hey can't be calling it Alaskapox, that be RAYSIS!!

How long before they blame it on Russia due to the proximity?

Covid was the first virus that didn't get the name of the place of origin because it was supposedly xenophobic. Then the who refused to name one variant the xi variant despite it being the next Greek letter in line.

Just in case anyone doubts who truly runs the world
Republicans are so stupid. Trying to play the high moral ground by ousting Santos who is no worse than 75%+ of the rest of Congress with an already super thin majority. Just handed the seat back to the Dems who have no problem keeping Congressmen/women sleeping with Chinese spies, insider trading, list goes on and on. I swear I think the GOP deep down hates being in power. Much easier to sit around and complain all the time about the Dems in control and always campaigning on fixing things when back in power.
Is that what Private Asthma tells you? You do know Biden dodged service but your leftist media hides that.

You can TDS it anyway you like but I saw him mocking her pro-war positions and hubby paying the price.
The Cult hears whatever Trump tells you to hear. The rest of us are living in reality.
It's on video for all to see. It's on video for all to hear. You are in a cult.

Meanwhile....the Trump Train derails again because of his Open Borders policy and angry NY voters.

The Cult hears whatever Trump tells you to hear. The rest of us are living in reality.
It's on video for all to see. It's on video for all to hear. You are in a cult.

Meanwhile....the Trump Train derails again because of his Open Borders policy and angry NY voters.

Oh so Trump is open borders now?

Living in reality eh?
Republicans are so stupid. Trying to play the high moral ground by ousting Santos who is no worse than 75%+ of the rest of Congress with an already super thin majority. Just handed the seat back to the Dems who have no problem keeping Congressmen/women sleeping with Chinese spies, insider trading, list goes on and on. I swear I think the GOP deep down hates being in power. Much easier to sit around and complain all the time about the Dems in control and always campaigning on fixing things when back in power.
Republicans lost this election because they are spending all their time in the House fighting with each other, impeaching people, tanking the best border bill in our lifetime and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but suck off Trump's teat.
The midterm was your warning bell....Your losses will continue.
Independents and moderates are pissed about Chosing Open Borders because the orange dumbass told them to.
Oh so Trump is open borders now?

Living in reality eh?
Trump and his House suck ups are the ones that shot down the border bill advocated by the border patrol.
Independents and moderates are not stupid and are pissed.
Pubs own the border now.
The House pubs have been a F'ing do nothing clown show.
Trump can at least give a fiery speech, know where he needs to stand, walk on and off a stage without handlers having to direct his every step. He can walk up the big set of stairs to AF1. He can work a full day and late into the night. When Trump vacations or "relaxes" it's generally on the golf course and even then he is generally conducting some sort of business or working some deal or angle with whoever he's golfing with. It's the life he's made. He's not one to sit around on a beach all day. There's a huge difference between screwing up a name and being relegated to the small stairs that come out of the cargo bin on AF1 because you can barely stand up.
Best endorsement for Trump I've ever seen written. He can at least give a fiery speech. Just WOW!! He can walk up & down stairs. WOW.
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The much-maligned-here globalism is what's responsible for that, not capitalism. The development of economic resources in places that've never had the security or stability to do so. Peace. Not capitalism. Plenty of the countries that've benefitted from the current post-WWII arrangement aren't particularly free or capitalistic. The Soviet Union went to hell in the 90s when communism fell and capitalism came in. Why? Because of the lack of stability and security, not either economic system.
Oh so Trump is open borders now?

Living in reality eh?
Here's the reality of what voters are seeing now that Trump and the House refused to pass a damn good border bill that had the stamp of approval from the Border Patrol union.
Republicans are now the Open Border Party with moderates/independents whether you are smart enough to realize it or not. The Dems are already running commercials dude.

Trump and his House suck ups are the ones that shot down the border bill advocated by the border patrol.
Independents and moderates are not stupid and are pissed.
Pubs own the border now.
The House pubs have been a F'ing do nothing clown show.

So say if I go to buy a car… and the car has lots of problems, it’s overpriced, no warranty, missing a wheel, been wrecked, the salesman is shady, etc and I walk away from his “deal of a lifetime”

Does this mean I’m the clown and deserve to walk everywhere instead of ever drive a car again for the rest of my life?

Your scenario of Rs owning the border mess because they turned down a crap deal is just as ridiculous.
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I swear I think the GOP deep down hates being in power. Much easier to sit around and complain all the time about the Dems in control and always campaigning on fixing things when back in power.
Agree. People on here much happier complaining about stolen election & Biden's faults than having Trump as president taking shots. I mean they're elated over Mayorkas being impeached when it accomplishes jack sh....
Vote Biden!! Republicans are for open borders and Biden definitely wants them closed!! Also, the economy is great!!

I think most republicans are disappointed Biden was actually deemed mentally incompetent because he’s such a terrible candidate, and any Republican would easily get more legal votes.

However, sambowieshin just continues pressing forward with messages only someone who is mentally incompetent would stand behind.

Going to be funny when the DNC pulls the rug and acknowledges all the failures sambowieshin has been told don’t exist, but they blame them all on Biden.
Agree. People on here much happier complaining about stolen election & Biden's faults than having Trump as president taking shots. I mean they're elated over Mayorkas being impeached when it accomplishes jack sh....

The one thing it accomplishes is if anyone is so goddam stupid they’re willing to try and blame the border crisis on republicans for not passing a terrible bill, republicans can respond they acted.

As I said earlier though, it effectively does nothing other than helps combat messaging from mentally incompetent democrats like sambowieshin.
The one thing it accomplishes is if anyone is so goddam stupid they’re willing to try and blame the border crisis on republicans for not passing a terrible bill, republicans can respond they acted.

As I said earlier though, it effectively does nothing other than helps combat messaging from mentally incompetent democrats like sambowieshin.
You sound like a Dimocrat: All about messaging and feelings. Or, IOW, jack sh...