How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I did donate to Christie but he's dropped out. I really like Nikki BS. Just heard her talk about her husband who is in the military and deployed right now. She was talking about Trump making fun of him for not being on the campaign trail with her.
My brother is a Marine that almost died in Afghanistan. I support the military 100 percent and Trump is a total POS.
She got a chunk of change from me tonight. Hope the Pub base wakes up to realize the Putin loving turd that mocks our service men has No F'ing business in the Oval Office period.
LOL… Ok, do whatever you like with your money.

What sort of odds do you give for Haley gaining the nomination?
Yeah because the spurious impeachment of a Cabinet member, only the second Cabinet impeachment in our entire history, is totally doing something...
Who weaponized the constitution and turned things like impeachment into a political weapon?

In typical fashion, democrats destroy a norm...are warned one day this won't benefit you or you won't be in power, they ignore/press cheers, later new standard is implemented and Ds/press screech about threats to democracy

Also see:
Supreme Court
Special counsels
Etc etc
I’m hoping the fact he’s keeping Vivek close is an indication there’s no goddam chance he’d do something as stupid as pick Haley as his VP.

He’d be assassinated the minute after inauguration if they even waited that long.
Don Jr said as much when Nicky was first floated.... It seems the neocons were trying to prop up Ron at the time it obviously failed.
Oh it’s nothing but a political move. But so was that dumbass border bill you retards tried to push through that never had a chance of succeeding. Now at least the republicans can say they impeached Mayorkis if anyone is dumb as dumb as sambowieshin and wants to blame the border on republicans.
Did you just call me Double Dumb or was that a stutter?
Oh it’s nothing but a political move. But so was that dumbass border bill you retards tried to push through that never had a chance of succeeding. Now at least the republicans can say they impeached Mayorkis if anyone is dumb as dumb as sambowieshin and wants to blame the border on republicans.
I'm not the only one blaming ReTrumplicans. They absolutely are to blame for the current border situation.


Just want people to know where Disney's exec's are at. They aren't just wanting to do a little lgbtqia+ here and there... First woman in this video has 2 children under 10 who are both on the sexual spectrum. I don't know that I have ever met a kid under 10 that was sexual but this woman has 2 and both are pansexual or trans.... It's not that kids have mental illness... the parents are mentally ill and are acting out their illness on their children.
This is all a mischaracterization of what Trump says of course.

Which isPar for the coarse for you is to perpetuate the various media created hoaxes. Yoour KGB theory is just a conspiracy theory and Trump never says he hopes America crashes.

You're not honest and no one here shoudl take you seriously. They don't.
In fact, the smarter folks on here, have you on ignore.
Maybe, he needed pence to calm the evangelicals in 2016…that bloc looks fully on board, but he also helps with the african American segment that he’s been chipping away at. I believe his biggest loss in 2020 tho was suburban women…that may be the reason he goes to a female.
Biden got roughly 50 million votes. Why do you repeat this drivel?
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My dad died April 7, 1997 @ St. Joseph’s hospital.

I put a dent in the wall with my left fist.

You don’t forget this stuff.
Not necessarily true. My Mom died in 2005 but can’t tell you exact day. Lived 1000 mikes away and didn’t get to spend much time with her. What I remember most is that she was early Alzheimer’s and my Dad was trying to take care of her at home. Her sudden unexpected passing was actually a blessing.

The actual date of her death was not significant. Her life was what was significant.