How will they rule ??!

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RIp to the Navy Seal lost in the Taliban raid. Took out 12 of 'em and we lost a osprey chopper.

I saw a headline "first soldier casualty of the trump presidency". Good to know we're back to daily reports now after that 8 years hiatus.

Did you notice the pause for effect just before and then looking up to make sure the cameras could see him crying?

What a tool.

Yep. And kept glancing around the room to make sure everyone had a good angle for their pics/Vid.

I saw some white libs in Europe trying to teach migrants sexual decency. hahahhaa
Germany has had to post no touching signs at public pools.

Germany tells refugees don't touch women at pools

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Then tell all the Trump snowflakes to stay home so they don't get hurt. He must have still thought the biker "meat wall" was with him.
So people shouldn't be able to board or exit a plane in an airport without being attacked by a mob people acting like third world peasants? Is that what you're saying?

Also, you and I both know if it wasn't 20 vs 4, those faggy, man bun wearing eccentrics in Portland wouldn't have done shit.
^ Real brave SJWs. Ta
Democrats say they plan on filibustering Trumps SCOTUS nominee, before we even know who its going to be.

Just a move to fire up their base (the "resist" movement). It will backfire on them if the republicans are forced to use the nuclear option. Odds are that Trump will get a second pick that could dramatically change the leaning of the court even if its Kennedy.
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Germany's white guilt will be exploited until the end of the world. It's gotta be easy to exploit a country who sent people to gas chambers.
So sad really about Germany. Talented, educated, proud and yet they are so riddled with guilt from the Nazi's that ANY sign of national pride is practically forbidden. Now their leaders will welcome all of these worthless POS immigrants and it's ruining a beautiful country.
Wait. Does Obama have early on-set dementia? because 60% of the population agreed with his ban of the same 7 countries in 2011 and was for 6 months. trump's is same 7 countries but only 90 days.

Somebody needs to slap him.
Obama really just praises the "level of engagement." Which means, he is encouraging EVERYONE to exercise their 1st amendment rights:

"Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake."

It may be time for the silent majority to assemble, organize and have their voices heard as well. Obama will bless our efforts!
Obama really just praises the "level of engagement." Which means, he is encouraging EVERYONE to exercise their 1st amendment rights:

"Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake."

It may be time for the silent majority to assemble, organize and have their voices heard as well. Obama will bless our efforts!
you can't level with these bigots. If this was about 'securing America' you'd have Saudi Arabia and all the other countries WHERE ACTUAL TERRORISTS CAME FROM. Or how about not putting our embassy in Jersualem which will only increase terrorism. Or maybe have actual intelligence in your National Security Council. Not having the Directors of CIA, National Intelligence, and Joint Chiefs is a complete joke and just goes to show this guy has an ulterior motive to all of this.

No surprise that the racist OBannon wrote this crap.
Islam must be reformed. The president of Egypt is being ignored. Enes Kanter is on his side I believe and his family had to dis own him b/c of negative remarks on Islam and Turkish hardliner president. Until Islam is reformed this will continue.
This is the truth. Anyone calling Islam a religion is doing it a disservice. As is, it's a cult with an ideology.
"Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake."

Democrats always fail to mention a very simple but most important word that makes all the difference; peacefully.
The law's finer points can be honed and will be. The point in executing an EO on an existing law was to expedite the execution as compared to writing up a new, completely detailed bill. To stop the bleeding enough to be able to access damage. Yes, it was a tad reckless and probably needed some more forethought as to avoid the work visa/green card airport thing... but I don't think it was an intentional, malicious act to ban 'Muslim' influx, as the left wants to paint it. Again, I was able to read the existing travel ban and the EO at several different sites. Neither author took the green card aspect into consideration; Barry b/c it wasn't needed for the travel ban and Trump b/c it wasn't inherent to the original text and they just missed it.

But,if the media and the Dems chose to intentionally mislead the confused masses, who obviously can't read for themselves, as to- 1) where and from whom this law that carries the EO originated, 2) when and why the original law originated, 3) what both the travel ban and the EO truly are and what they truly are not and 4) why it, specifically, was chosen to be used- that shouldn't be on Trump if the rest of us can figure it out. The only confusion pertaining to a "Muslim Ban" stems directly from willful ignorance, not a lack of good information.
a tad reckless? God you are delusional. And they are evidently getting contradictory statements on the green card issue.

It is funny how Saudi Arabia is not on that list considering all the demonizing on the right and the fact that terrorists from there only killed 3000 Americans. But ZERO from the other 7.

This is the beginnings of a Muslim ban, because Drumpf has lied to our faces from the very first day and he has zero credibility with anything. He could say the sun is shining and I'd have to look myself to make sure it is correct.
How was it racist? I went there. Too progressive even for me.
I said closest racist. Big difference. Whitest city I've ever been to. People are so enclosed in their hipster bubble they have racist tendencies without even realizing it.
He could say the sun is shining and I'd have to look myself to make sure it is correct.

Nah, but you would find some BS reason to hold your breath, stomp, throw a temper tantrum, march, protest and use it for some justification to bloody the face of someone else who doesn't agree with you.
you can't level with these bigots. If this was about 'securing America' you'd have Saudi Arabia and all the other countries WHERE ACTUAL TERRORISTS CAME FROM. Or how about not putting our embassy in Jersualem which will only increase terrorism. Or maybe have actual intelligence in your National Security Council. Not having the Directors of CIA, National Intelligence, and Joint Chiefs is a complete joke and just goes to show this guy has an ulterior motive to all of this.

No surprise that the racist OBannon wrote this crap.

Each presidential administration has tailored its use of the NSC to suit the chief executive’s preferences for obtaining national security advice. Like Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson de-emphasized the NSC in favor of ad hoc groups and select advisors. In contrast, President George H. W. Bush leaned heavily on the NSC and established the system of Principals and Deputies Committees that is still in effect.

Today, the NSC under President Barack Obama consists of:

  • Vice President
  • Secretary of State
  • Secretary of the Treasury
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Additional members of the NSC include the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the statutory military advisor and the Director of National Intelligence as intelligence advisor.

The CIA Director (Mike Pompeo) is not listed as a member or invited participant in NSC or PC meetings. The CIA Director is typically invited to NSC and PC meetings (although President Obama's PDD-1 did not specifically list the CIA Director). The Director of National Intelligence "shall" attend NSC meetings and is invited to relevant PC meetings.
And Republicans trying to compare us to Europe continue to have no critical thinking ability. You can get into Europe via Turkey or many other points via rail, car, bus, boat, plane. You can get into the US on a plane. Or a really long boat ride.

We have always had a much stricter refugee policy. We don't have to rely on neighboring countries like Greece or Turkey having vetted immigrants and refugees. There are a multitude of reasons why the issues Europe has are much, much different than the US.

Nearly every Christian group is also against this b.s. You know, those liberals [roll]