Good for evans but i don’t know if he has much influence these days.

Derrick Evans (politician) - Wikipedia
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Good for evans but i don’t know if he has much influence these days.
D-sus got jammed when his ageist remark was rebuffed. He then shifted to put you on the defensive. He quickly changes the subject when proven wrong. Just what he some of us put zero thought into our usernames and probably saw a reference to pudding pops
If you put that much thought and effort into naming yourself after a Greek god you worship, then you’re a bigger goddam loser than I thought.
From what I found the latest any of that was changed was 2013. I know for a fact that the 100,000ppm figure was wrong. That would be 10%. I would think the people who have it worst would be those with a well. They can clean the water at the plant, but the groundwater has to be contaminated.
Which is sad really when you think about it. How is that number not in the 80's or 90's. Proving once again that many Americans are dumber than dog s**t.
You arent wrong. But at least its gonna be getting released. Also interesting to note its 41000 hours...not the 14000 or whatever they were claiming was missing.Maybe. Maybe not. That's McCarthy passing the buck to get Carlson in trouble. He's still a d-b.
And, if Californians rules the country, you would have to leave the country to find freedom.Where is our resident liberal who likes to tell us how great the California economy is? A loss of $23 billion in tax revenue in one years doesn't sound good to me. And some people want their governor as President of the US of A.
Joe Concha
Tax revenue is down $23 billion from the previous fiscal year in California. Newsom thought raising already-high taxes on the rich would help pay for all spending programs. Many simply left the state for places like Texas and Florida.
The motion would just be signaling to their base, as it would quickly get shot down.
Hope this is true. believe it when i see it.
Sane thinkers would agree, but i’m amazed at how many people i know who like the idiot. and i live in ohio. 😳Those numbers aren’t real. Fake just like everything else. It’s definitely 80s.
The motion would just be signaling to their base, as it would quickly get shot down.
I read there is a shortage of LE people there. Wonder why?Instead of retreating, law enforcement should show up in force and body slam every single one of those lawless koonts, impound their cars, then take them to jail where they sit all weekend.
Problem would literally be solved overnight
The problem is when accusations like these are made the left believes and never forgets. They will continue to throw this out as fact and unfortunately half of America will still believe it happened.Old news? Again, no apparent accountability
Kavanaugh accuser admits to making up rape accusation as …
I am not sure of the details, I just remember a representative speaking of the process and unless you had the votes to displace, it would go no where.the demorats would all have to vote yes, along with 5 of the 20 repubs who would not confirm McCarthy until the last vote. Did I get that right?
Gonna show this to a buddy of mine... got an idea
You arent wrong. But at least its gonna be getting released. Also interesting to note its 41000 hours...not the 14000 or whatever they were claiming was missing.
"Don't use asylum seekers as props." HAHAHA. Oh, you don't? You just use them for BS media cover photos and bring them here for votes? Literally sending some your way and you cry like a little B.
Slow boil. The Jacuzzi stage is when they wrote everyone a check at the beginning of covid to remove any lingering opposition. Everyone got a check whether they needed it or not.Why are our people so afraid to rise up against this?
I read there is a shortage of LE people there. Wonder why?
Looks like a private school. Nevertheless, it’s grooming. Period.If this guy was rich and famous...he definitely would have been a regular attendee on Epstein's Island.
When I was in school sex was never mentioned by teachers in elementary school because it shouldn't be. In middle school/high school there was a little but not much sex education which was nothing more than practice safe sex and to try to scare the hell out of you about STDs...