He might be. Earlier he wondered about Bill Cosby's name and he calls himself Dionysus.This is comedy gold. No one really could believe this. D-Sus is playing us. LOL
He might be. Earlier he wondered about Bill Cosby's name and he calls himself Dionysus.This is comedy gold. No one really could believe this. D-Sus is playing us. LOL
How is your screenname Bill Cosby when you're in your 30s? What kind of Millennial even knows who Cosby is beyond the raping, let alone worships him enough to name themselves after his particular brand of boomer humor? Have you ever had any friends? Maybe that incel stuff was projection.
Yeah hard to find characters more rapey than Greek gods but somehow he did it. Kudos.He might be. Earlier he wondered about Bill Cosby's name and he calls himself Dionysus.
How the hell is part of national security? A bunch of middle age Trump voter walking around the capital yelling... Jesus H Christ the government is corrupt. If there is nothing to hide then just show the video.
If Biden isn't intentionally wrecking us then he is china's wet dream of a president. Biden is going to realeas 24million more barrells from the spr for no reason. We should be refilling it and drilling more if we are planning to go into all these wars. Instead we are fighting a climate war, Russia and China all at the same time.China will overtake us without firing a shot (or will they fire shots...who knows)
The Cosby Show went off the air in '92. Assuming 35 as "mid-thirties" that puts you around 4. You were intently watching reruns years after it ended so much so that you named yourself after him? Guess there really are two Americas. And apparently one watches lame sitcom reruns.In what world does a mid thirties American not know Bill Cosby as the jello pudding guy and the fact he had a popular tv show. My username came with about five seconds of thought long before knowledge of the allegations were widespread. I guess I could ask one of you lefties how to change a username since you all do it so frequently, I’ve just never cared.
OK. Thanks. But they're checking on the railroads who are supposed to be maintaining their systems & be penalized when they don't. As big as our government is, the US Dept. of Trans. can't be expected to know everything is right everywhere at all time, can they? To me, it would be like expecting to have a cop in every bank & bar & catching every speeder. Then again, maybe you do think government should be big enough so that every law broken should be caught every time.There is a federal agency responsible for inspecting all facets of the railroads. It is under the perview of the US Dept. of Transportation. Those in the know call it the Federal Railroad Administration.
Makes sense since the consequences are the same.OK. Thanks. But they're checking on the railroads who are supposed to be maintaining their systems & be penalized when they don't. As big as our government is, the US Dept. of Trans. can't be expected to know everything is right everywhere at all time, can they? To me, it would be like expecting to have a cop in every bank & bar & catching every speeder. Then again, maybe you do think government should be big enough so that every law broken should be caught every time.
As I said, all on the railroads.
Maybe this chart is inaccurate, but it refutes your claim:
Europe energy prices keep going up. People waiting for them to start pumping out military equipment might be shocked when they don't follow through.
You are the one who started the conversation. You are the one who made it about age. When you were shown to be a dumbass, yet again, you switched over to rapey. Now I know you took the time to look up when the Cosby show went off the air to try and dig out of the hole you dug. HAHA, you're a miserable **** and it gives me joy.Yeah hard to find characters more rapey than Greek gods but somehow he did it. Kudos.
The fact you still think government elites will distribute that money generously, equitably, and in an efficient manner is laughable.In today’s world with no safety nets it’s unfathomable. That’s the whole point of reinvesting it though, using it to support the rest of society. Universal healthcare and basic income. Spouses would be a special circumstance with the whole entwining of finances you’d have to make allowances for but the point isn’t leaving people destitute it’s preventing destitution in the first place.
Looks to me like he’s reading wholesome books to his kids and fighting off the attempts by schools to push their gay porn books on the kids.Maybe it's saying that a nuclear family with a present father who reads to his children is the gold at the end of the rainbow. I can't be sure.
Exactly, and most of us (I’m 53) have 30-40-50 years or more of life experience, careers, families raised, have worked and earned and provided or ran our own businesses or fought and served for our country. We have seen first hand much of what you just read in books. We have literally witnessed the transformation of the education system in our lifetimes to the indoctrination machine it is today. So yeah. It is you children who are indoctrinated and brainwashed and utterly wrong.You think that's it? Or is it more likely because the average age of this thread is in the 60s?
Was that from the new definition that was changed less than two weeks before the derailment?I checked on it earlier today and the limit for vinyl chloride is .002 mg/L, or about 2000 ppm. Those guys can take a little sip and be pretty sure it's not going to hurt them. Not the same as using that water every day for drinking and cooking. The only side effect noted was increased risk of cancer. My money is on their water coming from a bottle though.
I remember when someone called him out for being a millionaire and having 3 houses while he complained about millionaires. His response was "I wrote a book". It's not cool to be a millionaire if you have a vision and drive and are willing to sink your own money into your business. But if you write a book? You've earned that money and are beyond reproach."Capitalist and caricature, Bernie Sanders, folks. A millionaire several times over, looking for oligarch status in a socialist utopia built on capitalism. Tickets for his comedy tour for sale on Ticketmaster."
From what I found the latest any of that was changed was 2013. I know for a fact that the 100,000ppm figure was wrong. That would be 10%. I would think the people who have it worst would be those with a well. They can clean the water at the plant, but the groundwater has to be contaminated.Was that from the new definition that was changed less than two weeks before the derailment?
Yes, I believe that was the intent. I didn't want to say it though. I try not offend anyone.Looks to me like he’s reading wholesome books to his kids and fighting off the attempts by schools to push their gay porn books on the kids.
I remember when someone called him out for being a millionaire and having 3 houses while he complained about millionaires. His response was "I wrote a book". It's not cool to be a millionaire if you have a vision and drive and are willing to sink your own money into your business. But if you write a book? You've earned that money and are beyond reproach.
Dems. Whatareyagonnado?
Not true. Dion knows that in his scheme some will have power and will use that power to benefit their elect. Those out of power will be common. It’s never worked any other way. Those that run the scheme will live as if they are the entrepreneurs who created something of value.Everyone is equally poor in Dion’s utopia.
Yep, thanks, all over local news last night.
Is your ageism scree slipping apart like other arguments you make here? Once again, you lose and you attempt to shift the subject.How is your screenname Bill Cosby when you're in your 30s? What kind of Millennial even knows who Cosby is beyond the raping, let alone worships him enough to name themselves after his particular brand of boomer humor? Have you ever had any friends? Maybe that incel stuff was projection.
I am 100% a Maher Democrat. Nobody else more closely aligns with my ideas than he does.Whether you love or hate Maher he does come off with some spot on epic rants. That was one.
Dionysus had an old black and white sitcom right? The original drinking game show? #absurdargumentsThe Cosby Show went off the air in '92. Assuming 35 as "mid-thirties" that puts you around 4. You were intently watching reruns years after it ended so much so that you named yourself after him? Guess there really are two Americas. And apparently one watches lame sitcom reruns.
Looks like Bidens MAGA policies are popular.
Biden hits 59 percent approval rating in Pew poll
A majority of Americans — 59 percent — approve of President Biden’s handling of his job as he approaches 100 days in office, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Friday.…thehill.com
The Cosby Show went off the air in '92. Assuming 35 as "mid-thirties" that puts you around 4. You were intently watching reruns years after it ended so much so that you named yourself after him? Guess there really are two Americas. And apparently one watches lame sitcom reruns.
Yep, thanks, all over local news last night.