If this guy was rich and famous...he definitely would have been a regular attendee on Epstein's Island.
When I was in school sex was never mentioned by teachers in elementary school because it shouldn't be. In middle school/high school there was a little but not much sex education which was nothing more than practice safe sex and to try to scare the hell out of you about STDs...
No Biden fan. I don't see relating the two possibilities mentioned above. No one has died at EP that I know of. There are lots of mass shootings. Why shouldn't he go to those first over EP? I'd think so since people die. That being the case, he would never be able go anywhere. Ukraine vs. anywhere else doesn't matter imo. Also, who are lots of people? Ten? Hundred? Thousand?
No Biden fan. I don't see relating the two possibilities mentioned above. No one has died at EP that I know of. There are lots of mass shootings. Why shouldn't he go to those first over EP? I'd think so since people die. That being the case, he would never be able go anywhere. Ukraine vs. anywhere else doesn't matter imo. Also, who are lots of people? Ten? Hundred? Thousand?
thats not what I said. Trump killed those people by not giving NY funding
i mean since we're being manipulative and twisting words.. i'll just say things to get a rise out of you instead.
you're not interested in logical discussion. you are only interested in making sure this thread is an echo chamber
these nursing homes were supposed to keep them separate. or do we also now blame hospitals for having covid patients and regular patients in the same hospital?
Some people want to make a big deal of him not going to EP. Over blown to me. But they want to make a big deal of anything Biden does/doesn't do. Save it for something important.
If you don't see anything wrong in Biden going to Ukraine before East Palestine, then you're beyond hope. Maybe when he runs for re-election, he should do his campaigning in Ukraine, as that seems to be where his loyalties lie.Some people want to make a big deal of him not going to EP. Over blown to me. But they want to make a big deal of anything Biden does/doesn't do. Save it for something important.
I’m sure the Frist, Cook, Langer, Frost and the other dozens of healthcare billionaire families are happy you’re willing to look the other way while they continue to profit from your apathy.I honestly dont really care if the top of any organization is making bank. I'd rather have that, which is something for people to strive for and work hard towards, which in turn helps build product and create innovation..
.. then have it go to Latin countries to help female reproductive education.
I'm tired of throwing money around the world (which in turn is lining the pockets of politicians just like for-profit business owners), just so these countries can continue to hate us.
There should be some sort of index for the US.. when that Index shows us below a certain point? We cut world funding and put it towards the things we need here.. when that index then goes back up to a normal level, we can continue funding these other countries. Right now, we need to pull global funding.
I’m sure the Frist, Cook, Langer, Frost and the other dozens of healthcare billionaire families are happy you’re willing to look the other way while they continue to profit from your apathy.
There is no requirement to build to make profits. HCA for example has made a practice of buying rural hospitals and closing them which in turn drives demand to their larger hospitals in urban centers. This harms those rural areas by denying them local access to care, lost jobs that further diminish tax bases for those rural, almost always poor areas all while making the cost for care to rise.
What’s wrong with funding reproductive education in Latin America? You’d rather they breed like rabbits sending even more to our borders seeking opportunities? You’re cool with billionaires seeking more and more ways to separate you from your money.
Why do we need more people? I think we have enough and there are plenty of heterosexuals to insure the species doesn’t die off.
I’m sure the Frist, Cook, Langer, Frost and the other dozens of healthcare billionaire families are happy you’re willing to look the other way while they continue to profit from your apathy.
There is no requirement to build to make profits. HCA for example has made a practice of buying rural hospitals and closing them which in turn drives demand to their larger hospitals in urban centers. This harms those rural areas by denying them local access to care, lost jobs that further diminish tax bases for those rural, almost always poor areas all while making the cost for care to rise.
What’s wrong with funding reproductive education in Latin America? You’d rather they breed like rabbits sending even more to our borders seeking opportunities? You’re cool with billionaires seeking more and more ways to separate you from your money.
They're like this with all of their causes.Because I don't buy for a second that a million dollars for Latin Women's Reproduction is actually being spent on said issue. It's lining pockets for one, and no, I don't really care to spend money for issues that aren't our problem WHEN our OWN country is struggling right now.
Fix our infrastructure, which helps put food on the table for our citizens.. and THEN we can start funding birth control for Costa Rica.
Perhaps(certainly) many of the dollars we have spent on our infrastructure have gone into the pockets of many of those billionaires who you didn’t care about.Because I don't buy for a second that a million dollars for Latin Women's Reproduction is actually being spent on said issue. It's lining pockets for one, and no, I don't really care to spend money for issues that aren't our problem WHEN our OWN country is struggling right now.
Fix our infrastructure, which helps put food on the table for our citizens.. and THEN we can start funding birth control for Costa Rica.
Britain, Germany, Italy, France, the Scandinavian countries, the Alps countries. I’ll tag @Kaizer Sosay since he asked as well. Few others did too but I’m too lazy to look them up. Some of us aren’t retired yet. Hell even Canada is better than the US on a day-to-day basis for its people.I also observed that he did not list any foreign countries that he has been to and observed either their greatness or their destitution first hand.
There are plenty of other examples of his handwriting available on the web from over the years with which you could compare. Yeah, that what it looks like.So this is supposedly a hand written note Biden wrote in the guest book while in Ukraine. Think that Biden's handwriting is this legible?
Your view then is that he shouldn't go anywhere until after he goes to EP, right? I mean he was already going to Poland before he decided to stop in Ukraine. So going to Poland was wrong too? BTW, how many people have died at EP? Lots of folks dies in US mass shootings. Shouldn't those locations be higher priority than EP? Or is EP #1 above all other Biden travel locations? Thanks.If you don't see anything wrong in Biden going to Ukraine before East Palestine, then you're beyond hope. Maybe when he runs for re-election, he should do his campaigning in Ukraine, as that seems to be where his loyalties lie.
Perhaps(certainly) many of the dollars we have spent on our infrastructure have gone into the pockets of many of those billionaires who you didn’t care about.
There is no amount of money that could ever be spent and fix all of our problems. If we fixed all the problems then there wouldn’t be a need for many of the services from which those billionaires profit. We spend 60% more than any other nation per capita on healthcare yet we have millions without while they all have access to care.
18.4/24.4 cents on every gallon of gas/diesel is supposed to fund our roads…plus the additional state taxes applied. Our roads should be paved in gold yet many are crumbling. Our total foreign aid as a % of the budget is < 1%… actually about 0.5%. It’s a rounding error…so you really think it would make a difference domestically???
Agreed. Election Integrity, in its purest form, can only accomplish so much. The GOP / conservative movement is going to have to get down in the mud and fight the woke liberal Dims on their terms.
Those rural hospitals were never meant to be critical care centers. They don’t require the latest technology. And it’s funny that you claim reimbursements are so low yet my employer who last year paid our CEO a $44M bonus makes our money from accepting the government reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid, delivering the care and our profits are the difference. That’s like 94% of our business. The other 6% are Medicare Advantage plans.Those rural hospitals probably need to sell to bigger conglomerates because the federal government runs the healthcare system in this country and has driven reimbursements so low you can only exist at scale.
How the hell can you erase who you are as a person when YOU don't know who or what you are?
Finally an admission that what the GOP really needs is more votes. Because that’s how you win elections. Now that you’ve finally joined us in reality can we cut all the ‘fraud!’ crap?Agreed. Election Integrity, in its purest form, can only accomplish so much. The GOP / conservative movement is going to have to get down in the mud and fight the woke liberal Dims on their terms.
Those rural hospitals were never meant to be critical care centers. They don’t require the latest technology. And it’s funny that you claim reimbursements are so low yet my employer who last year paid our CEO a $44M bonus makes our money from accepting the government reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid, delivering the care and our profits are the difference. That’s like 94% of our business. The other 6% are Medicare Advantage plans.
So please tell me how those like HCA could possibly survive on those measly reimbursements?
🙄 it’s amazing the mental gymnastics some will perform to convince themselves of failed reasoning. Congratulations!Because they exist at scale like I said in my post you quoted.
🙄 it’s amazing the mental gymnastics some will perform to convince themselves of failed reasoning. Congratulations!
lol go get in line for another booster.While you guys keep wishing conspiracy theories come true, as predicted trump is on track to tear the Republican party in half, guaranteeing Dems stay in power another 6-10 years.
He is the gift that keeps on giving.
But please by all means keep going on about Hunter, or Mitch, or rigged elections, UFO and aliens, whatever silly stuff you want. Real Americans are moving way way, way pass that garbage.
Would be so nice if he cared as much about his own countries borders and sovereignty as he does a dictator....standard CDP policy.
So reality is gaming the system? At least you can admit it.Finally an admission that what the GOP really needs is more votes. Because that’s how you win elections. Now that you’ve finally joined us in reality can we cut all the ‘fraud!’ crap?