How will they rule ??!

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Here we get to the root of it: what kind of adult needs a law to remind them not to let their 6 year old carry a rifle without supervision?

If there are unsupervised preteens carrying ARs in the street(!) as that article suggests, do you think their “parents” will suddenly be seized with respect for law?

You made the point better than I could: more laws are not what’s needed. Competent adults are what’s needed.
Education goes a long way. I had hunter's(gun) safety in school when I was a kid. Like I said, not my issue. Just pointing out the interesting characteristics of Missouri's laws. Almost everywhere has a minimum open carry age.
Haley is not as well liked in SC as you may think. She pissed a lot of folks off when she ordered the removal of the confederate flag at the state capital.
Good. A lot of folks were also probably POed when MS removed the Confed Flag from their state flag.
Here we get to the root of it: what kind of adult needs a law to remind them not to let their 6 year old carry a rifle without supervision?

If there are unsupervised preteens carrying ARs in the street(!) as that article suggests, do you think their “parents” will suddenly be seized with respect for law?

You made the point better than I could: more laws are not what’s needed. Competent adults are what’s needed.
The left would go crazy if Gun Safety was taught in 5th grade schools like it was when I was in the 5th grade. We were invited to bring our rifles and shot guns to class. Nobody freaked out. We learned something.

I seriously doubt Buttplug is aware of the train derailment. He is as useless as Transportation Secretary as tits on his husband. The only part of the job is feels qualified is the trans part. He's got that down to the knee level.

His understanding of trains is probably a tad different

What will the people of Florida and Texas do without women's soccer? 😂

Considering the champion women's team was dominated by 14 year old Dallas boys team, they'd probably do well to never go back
Is it 'Americans' or all the illegals running across the border? You know they are all getting gov't handouts. But that still wouldn't account for a 3% rise in retail sales in January. All the Biden money filtering into the economy? This number just makes no sense with inflation, grocery bills thru the roof, gas still high, etc. And, this report on the heels of others in the last week or two of how credit card balances are at an all time high, foreclosures rising, past due bills at an all time high.

Retail sales jump as Americans defy inflation and rate hikes​

Christmas gift cards being spent?
Not political but sad for us who remember. An American Beauty is no more.

Dead At Age 82
Sad news. she supported our troops by putting on a show in vietnam. my first year in the usaf i worked for a major who was a B57 crew member in vietnam where he met raquel. he had this autographed picture of her under his glass desktop cover and was proud to show it off to anyone who came into his office.

Is it 'Americans' or all the illegals running across the border? You know they are all getting gov't handouts. But that still wouldn't account for a 3% rise in retail sales in January. All the Biden money filtering into the economy? This number just makes no sense with inflation, grocery bills thru the roof, gas still high, etc. And, this report on the heels of others in the last week or two of how credit card balances are at an all time high, foreclosures rising, past due bills at an all time high.

Retail sales jump as Americans defy inflation and rate hikes​

Before Joe asked Chyna to launch the balloons, he ordered sidewinder missiles at retail from Whole Foods. Normally priced at 400k, who knows what "full retail" is these days...
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Sad news. she supported our troops by putting on a show in vietnam. my first year in the usaf i worked for a major who was a B57 crew member in vietnam where he met raquel. he had this autographed picture of her under his glass desktop cover and was proud to show it off to anyone who came into his office.

I know we all age and the old saying 'beauty is skin deep' is true, but I was actually sad when I saw this picture of her last Summer. Think the article said that it was the first time she had been seen out in public for a number of years.

People like Nikki Hayley have to be running for president simply to pocket money because there's no way internal polling shows you nor Pence or any of the small timers have a shot. No one is voting for you.

Republicans have two faces and that's Trump and DeSantis. No one else has a chance Such a giant money pocketing scheme.
What will the people of Florida and Texas do without women's soccer? 😂

She must need the clicks to please her sponsors and followers. I'm amazed at the ability of the left to shoot themselves in all areas of their body.

-gun free zones (allowing criminals to shoot people unimpeded like frogs in a bucket)

-men competing against women (after all the work they've done trying to make everything "equal")

-"reproductive" rights (they had abortion in the bag and on demand, then they wanted to make everybody pay for it)

-laffordable care act (had this in the bag and at the expense of everyone else, but balked at insurance reform and restructuring the plan. Now insurance costs have gone through the roof because of limited competition)

-immigration/sanctuary cities ("we're the richest nation in the world, let everybody in!" is now "we can't take everybody into "sanctuary" cities. How dare you send them to us?! We were just virtue signaling!!!")

-affirmative action (now, if someone can legally identify as a different biological sex/gender, there is no legal objection to someone identifying as an African American or Native American. There is a ton more dna differentiating men and women than what racists want to call black, brown, yellow, red, blue, or white "races.")