Forgive me Father for l have sinned! LolHow many people on this thread voted for Romney?![]()
Ttump may be losing votes by the thousands every day. If he doesn't grow up and act like a man and run on his record he will not even win the nomination much less win the Presidency. He probably lost a million votes with his stupid comment last night.
Somebody better grab him and shake him and tell him to knock it off. Republicans are not your enemy Trump. Don't make them your enemy. Trump tried this with Brian Kemp of Georgia and got his nose busted and caused Georgia to lose the Senate.
Joe Biden is our opposition and that should be the focus.
The Democrat A Team
It's redic for a fastfood job but banning the use of non competes will hurt sales of co's. Most co's that get bought out are only buying the name and client list. Nobody will pay for a co if the seller can just use the money from the sale to open a new business and then get all his old clients back. This is one of those things that politicians that have never lived in the real world come up with.
The 25th it will be 2 years since I lost my son to Fentanyl. They now spray marijuana with Fentanyl to make it more of my sons best friends died from fentenayl OD. The kid was a senior in high school, his dad works at the pentagon. Great kid unimaginable for his parents. He’s an only child. The kid likes to have fun but I can’t imagine he would use fentenayl my son thinks maybe he smoked a joint unknowingly laced with it. It’s very sad.
Biden was weak af last night on fentenayl. This is war being waged by China on the whole of our population but more importantly our youth. This is like war hitting too close to home. Something has to give. It’s also sad to watch my sons inability to understand his feelings because the toll the China imposed lockdowns took on him and his generation. It’s dire for his generation especially his age around 17-20. They really got screwed missing out on the high school experience: double whammy from China. Fentenayl OD and seeing my sons muted reaction bc of the socialization and normalcy taken that has a negative affect on his psyche.
Say a prayer for this kids parents. Dad did 3 tours in Iraq, mom is Albanian. Chinese fentenayl that flows freely through Mexico took their only child.
That is pretty much true. If you have a reputable CPA firm that prepares your taxes the IRS is probably going to go elsewhere to look for buried treasure if one of their red flags pops out. There certainly are mistakes by the taxpayer but a CPA is not going to risk their license or reputation perpetuating a fraud. Plus the CPA firms know where those flags are and where you really do not want to go, risking an audit. If I get audited its my CPA firm that would be the one doing facetime with the agent....not me.
When you as an individual prepare your own return and take "liberties" with your deductions or say you are a waitress that is not claiming your cash tips.... that is a much more productive hole to drill.
Always have a reputable tax law firm on your side 🍺Actually, you might be surprised.
I attended a tax seminar a friend had recommended. He said I'd be shocked at what I learned and he was right. Most of the people in the room had been audited, were self-employed, and had used an accountant to prepare their taxes. I need to take another soon if they still exist with all of the changes they've made to deductible expenses.
If there is any actual, real drop it's only because they're starting to run out of people who want to come here.
It's always bothered me but I finally figured out who Kamala reminds me of.Biden now Kamala? Who are these people? Getting creepy af
IRS hits keep coming.IRS put out an update today. Individual Tax refunds are now down 17%. Of course big business got a nice 100billion tax cut while setting record profit margins. The good ole classic GoP tax scam that their base falls for every single time. The best part is this year is the top end "tax cut" for the middle class. From here on out it only gets progressively worse every year.
Because if the idiot can complete a sentence without saying "end of quote" everybody thinks he did a good job.
Biden now Kamala? Who are these people? Getting creepy af
Yes. And, more than vote, my son. Defended him and advocated for him. What will the confession of 2030 be?Forgive me Father for l have sinned! Lol
Both of those rifles (among others) I have as do many other people I know. Just in my little corner of the country there are many people who have them so, how many others do you think have them across the nation. While they continue to try to ban them, I think it is just virtue signaling to show their base that at least we are trying knowing all the while they will fail. Once they fail, they use that for their next election blaming republicans for the failure, never focusing on the real issues because dems and their base are more concerned with disarming America, killing babies, and protecting criminals than they are with actually fixing the real issues.
LOL, Cause winter in Mexico and South Texas is brutal. Didn't we used to hear this same argument from guys like Plat about the summer months?I'm thinkin that illegal immigration usually slows to some degree in the winter months.
What's heavenly Ham's competition? Kroger?I had sign a non compete when I worked at a heavenly ham during my senior year.
LOL, Propoganda North Korea would be proud of.
Good Lord. I’m sorry to hear that.The 25th it will be 2 years since I lost my son to Fentanyl. They now spray marijuana with Fentanyl to make it more addictive.
Didn’t watch so I am curious. What could Biden have said that brought McCarthy to show his approval?
What's heavenly Ham's competition? Kroger?
Ive never made the trip from a 3rd world country to this one, so not sure how the weather is in the winter months for those people. I seem to remember someone mentioning it before. Lastweek in parts of texasLOL, Cause winter in Mexico and South Texas is brutal. Didn't we used to hear this same argument from guys like Plat about the summer months?
We have a generation that worships "selfies". Your popularity depends on how many selfies one has. Vanity is rampant in our society.People that record things on their phone at events are the dumbest gawd damn one cares about your stupid crappy cell phone video. If someone cares about the event they are watching it on tv...the only reason people do that is they are so desperate to put it on facebook and instagram, 'look at me, my life is cool, I'm at the Super Bowl'...we have all been to interesting sporting events, I have been to the World Series, I didn't hold my phone up like a f-cking retard. I watched the damn game.
The 90s...