How will they rule ??!

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The renewed calls to abolish the police or reform the police have started, at least from what I see on twitter. That’s all well and good until whatever replaces the police is confronted by a violent criminal. So I don’t subscribe to any of that.

What I will say is that I find it unsettling that every cop is strapped with weapons and armor like they are going into battle. This is even true of a cop providing security at a school or shopping mall. It didn’t used to be that way and I can’t imagine all that armor is necessary in most circumstances. I can only think that being outfitted like a soldier going into battle goes to the heads of some of the immature people on the force.
Musk starting shutting down twitters backend micro services to "remove bloat" and broke everything in the process. He is a Moron genius.
The renewed calls to abolish the police or reform the police have started, at least from what I see on twitter. That’s all well and good until whatever replaces the police is confronted by a violent criminal. So I don’t subscribe to any of that.

What I will say is that I find it unsettling that every cop is strapped with weapons and armor like they are going into battle. This is even true of a cop providing security at a school or shopping mall. It didn’t used to be that way and I can’t imagine all that armor is necessary in most circumstances. I can only think that being outfitted like a soldier going into battle goes to the heads of some of the immature people on the force.
Food for thought Dore95. The crime in Memphis is the perfect example of how not to act if you are a police officer. It was painful to watch and makes one wonder how this could happen in our society today.

Those of us who support the police should be the most outraged. I know I am.

Did they even ask to see the man's drivers license? Or just drag him out of the car and go to work beating him to death.
I don't think this was a matter of training and I agree more training is needed. But this act was a brutal inhumane action of animals out of control. They were beating on a defenseless man for God only knows why . My brain can not comprehend this type of behavior towards a man stopped for a "traffic violation". They should know better without any training.

I would like to know what type of traffic violation warranted this. I saw the vido and heard the audio but not one time did I see or hear them ask for his drivers license. They just rushed his car and pulled him out and the beating commenced.

If found guilty I hope these 5 officers never see the light of day.
From the video it appears to me the cops sprayed themselves with pepper spray while he was resisting. It pissed them off so they beat the shit out of him.

It was a lot worse than the George Floyd incident as they were intentionally trying to hurt the guy…bad.
He probably dissed them. I hear that is a bad offense. Might have looked them straight in the eye.

That's a stupid take, even for you. When is the last time you saw a mob fired up and chanting "defund the lumberjacks"? When have you seen a man with a megaphone shout "death to fishermen'? Accidental deaths occur in dangerous occupations, normally, because the dead person neglected safety rules of the job or safety recommendations for the machinery they are operating. That is a hell of a lot different than sitting in the car and being shot in the head for the simple reason you are a cop.

Wait a minute now. What if only her legs were on fire? You could easily piss on her head and not affect the flames at all. 2 stones, 1 bird, so to speak.
Cops don’t die on the job because people hate them and assassinate them. They die in the regular line of duty responding to incidents. The number of cops assassinated just for existing is a tiny handful over decades. What a dumb irrelevant argument. As is the argument lumberjacks die because of their own negligence and deserved it. Bullshit. Accidents happen.
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Cops don’t die on the job because people hate them and assassinate them. They die in the regular line of duty responding to incidents. The number of cops assassinated just for existing is a tiny handful over decades. What a dumb irrelevant argument. As is the argument lumberjacks die because of their own negligence and deserved it. Bullshit. Accidents happen.
Cops do die on the job because thugs hate them and assassinate them. It happens so it is not dumb or irrelevant.
Food for thought Dore95. The crime in Memphis is the perfect example of how not to act if you are a police officer. It was painful to watch and makes one wonder how this could happen in our society today.

Those of us who support the police should be the most outraged. I know I am.

Did they even ask to see the man's drivers license? Or just drag him out of the car and go to work beating him to death.
I've posted on this several times. I really don't know how we will ever get the number and quality of policeman we all seem to want. Anyone who doubts this should ask themself "Why aren't I a cop?" If me, you or the next guy doesn't want the job, who does? As an MP, I've worked with the guys who did and did not want to continue life as a cop. You can believe me, if you want the very best people in policework, money is not going to get the quality in the numbers we need. With all that's going on these days, even more of the best are going to say screw it, not me. As the best of those who do want to be cops (Even if the quality is not what we want) say no, the quality is going to lessen, not increase.
Cops do die on the job because thugs hate them and assassinate them. It happens so it is not dumb or irrelevant.
In a tiny minority of incidents. Like political assassinations. I was told here by you and others that such rare incidents like abortions from rape and incest are irrelevant to the national conversation.
Cops don’t die on the job because people hate them and assassinate them. They die in the regular line of duty responding to incidents. The number of cops assassinated just for existing is a tiny handful over decades. What a dumb irrelevant argument. As is the argument lumberjacks die because of their own negligence and deserved it. Bullshit. Accidents happen.
You better go back and argue about Ukraine because this common sense is beyond your pay grade. I never said they deserved to die from not following rules, I said some of them die when not following the safety rules. Some cops die in car accidents. Those are not included in the number of cops who are shot for being cops and trying to do what they are hired to do.

Bad guys don't wear uniforms.
It’s always an issue of class first. If you’re rich enough it doesn’t matter what race you are. But that doesn’t mean race doesn’t play a part in all these things. Race issues are class issues.
You guys love to simplify things down to this or that issues. Or that every instance is is the same when it's bad...this is the same as George floyd to you as Michael brown. When in reality they were all different. In the case of Brown, Eric Holder concluded twice, the guy attacked the cop and the witness testimony, especially his friend, was untrue....but you continue the narrative.

Of course, there were millions of other stops that day across the country and nothing happened.

It's a horrible incident but every time something happens we have to wait to find everyone's race to see how we should react. And that's the thing, Breonna Taylor, not race or was bad law. If that happened to a white person it wouldn't have made the news and the police narrative would've stood bc it wouldn't have any attention. They always talk about the statistically how black men are more likely to be in am incident...thats also bc they are more likely to resist. Amd that likely comes from the media attention we give to every instance and pretend they are all the same. And no, that's not to say historically things weren't worse for them, or terrible things still don't...but when you all project this blanket narrative on every instance it does nothing positive.

Speaking of class, when you all get your defund the police hard ons, which communities do you think are affected most? Also, aren't you a "living wage" guy...there are police out there making 14 dollars an hour in a high stress job where they need to make sound decisions.
I've posted on this several times. I really don't know how we will ever get the number and quality of policeman we all seem to want. Anyone who doubts this should ask themself "Why aren't I a cop?" If me, you or the next guy doesn't want the job, who does? As an MP, I've worked with the guys who did and did not want to continue life as a cop. You can believe me, if you want the very best people in policework, money is not going to get the quality in the numbers we need. With all that's going on these days, even more of the best are going to say screw it, not me. As the best of those who do want to be cops (Even if the quality is not what we want) say no, the quality is going to lessen, not increase.
N E W   L O N D O N,  Conn., Sept. 8, 2000 -- A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”
I just had a post erased by the mods I guess, I didn't erase it...very unsure why?

It's not more or less offensive than anything else posted on here. I'm going to re-post it, if a mod would like to explain to me why it was erased I will accept the decision...but I'm confused. Has the media not done exactly what the meme suggests? How is this worse than anything else posted on here? (Hopefully I deleted it on accident otherwise it makes no sense)

In a tiny minority of incidents. Like political assassinations. I was told here by you and others that such rare incidents like abortions from rape and incest are irrelevant to the national conversation.
A total of 331 officers were shot in 2022 according to the National Fraternal Order of Police. That figure was slightly down from 2021 when 346 officers were shot.

I am not addressing your comments on rape or incest as they are not pertinent to the conversation. As a liberal you bring abortion up in most conversations. Why who knows, maybe it is your religion. Arguing abortion has nothing to do with police brutality and the dangers of being a police officer.

Police Officers Shot in 2022
It would be fantastic if we could get our troops of out of those places.

1) Cold War is over. Russia is not our geopolitical enemy anymore. That honor now belongs to China
2) Europeans need to get off their asses and defend their own countries. Not our job. We’re $30T+ in debt and stretched too thin as is.

And last but most important…

3) What benefit does the United States get out of it?

Agreed about bringing our troops home from many places.

1. Russia and all other countries are still "enemies" or potential adversaries. We need to never lose that understanding. Even Canada and Mexico are that way and would throw us under the bus or tear us apart to save themselves.

2. Exactly. Europe also owes us a sht ton of money plus interest for 2 WWs and the rest of what we've spent there militarily for over a century. It's completely ridiculous.

3. Bankruptcy. Increasingly corrupt politicians and oligarchs. Decaying moral core here at home because of the corrupt politicians and oligarchs.
A total of 331 officers were shot in 2022 according to the National Fraternal Order of Police. That figure was slightly down from 2021 when 346 officers were shot.

I am not addressing your comments on rape or incest as they are not pertinent to the conversation. As a liberal you bring abortion up in most conversations. Why who knows, maybe it is your religion. Arguing abortion has nothing to do with police brutality and the dangers of being a police officer.

Police Officers Shot in 2022
In the line of duty, like I said.
That was so weak, try harder Dioness. You posted 3 slides but never differentiated the cause of death. And don’t tell me I need to reach out to the White House counsel 🙄🍺
Like I said it doesn’t matter. Why does it matter to you whether someone got shot or died in an accidental car crash? They’re dead. Why would a police officer getting shot in the back of the head be any worse than a chainsaw kicking back and tearing through a lumberjack’s chest?
I remember the days of five dollar footlongs at subway. Easily twice that or more now, and their sandwiches are trash compared to literally every other sandwich place. Their meatball sub is about the only thing worthwhile on their menu.
And their average per store sales are the lowest of the national shops. The owner likely makes not much more than $50k or so while working it.
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Like I said, a handful. Politicians are in the same sort of public danger. Don’t see you pearl-clutching over their safety. Do you think the Jan 6th mob should’ve been mowed down?
Most of them were ushered right in so no. The only person who was mowed down was Ashley Babbitt. I believe 4 other protesters died of heart issues and a drug OD.
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I will never give Mitt Romney’s fat bloated whale of a niece any money. I wouldn’t piss on her if she were on fire.
It looks like Ronna’s financial power will be thwarted by the other committee members.

Pillow Man would’ve been awesome.
One thing I like about Lindell is yeah he is a bit crazy..but you cant argue that the man isnt fearless. I'm almost surprised some crazy leftist hasn't killed him by now. The left hates him probably as much as they do Trump.

I personally don't think there is any type of conspiracy on this one but thought you would like this:

My bet is there isnt a conspiracy there (if he were dead theres no way that isnt leaked out) but it is possible he isnt doing as well as made out to be. I mean the guy was probably minutes if not seconds away from being dead. It's probably not crazy to think he isnt even close to 100%.
And their average per store sales are the lowest of the national shops. The owner likely makes not much more than $50k or so while working it.
Does Subway still have basically no restrictions on franchises? I know years ago, if you had the money, you could get a franchise even if there was one down the street.
Never thought that was a good business model. Especially for the franchisee.
The Mrs' nephew's wife had a baby about 2 1/2 months ago. The baby had a number of complications and had to go back to the hospital after a couple weeks. She (the mother) had what the doctors thought was an episode of bells palsey while giving birth. My nephew's wife is an OBGYN. I asked her about it and she said it was fairly common (that and strokes....I've never heard of it). I guess now her face is still contorted and the doctors are now thinking she had a minor stroke during childbirth. She was vaxxed.
Makes me wonder.
Does Subway still have basically no restrictions on franchises? I know years ago, if you had the money, you could get a franchise even if there was one down the street.
Never thought that was a good business model. Especially for the franchisee.
I believe so. That is why their perStore sales are the lowest. The corp though reaps the rewards.
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