How will they rule ??!

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I don't necessarily disagree. In the age of tech, it's not important for a judge or attorney to recall every single thing all the time.

However blaming her minority status is a natural progression when her proponents make it clear her minority status is the reason she's put forth.

The next fallacious, but regularly occuring, step is to impute all such shortcomings to the entire group of minorities.

That's the real danger in the nonsense identity based promotion over merit. Not that it damages those with the wrong identity. But that it damages those of the same class, who got where they are based on actual merit
Liberal minorities are treated with kid gloves, conservative minorities are destroyed. That is America today. Perfect examples sit on our Supreme Court.
You raise a good point. Why should the state pay the unions direct? Unions are voluntary in our Right to Work state. I belong to a gym and their dues are not taken out of my check. I have to pay them direct. Same for anything else I do or own.

It costs extra money for tax payers to accomodate unions so I say let the Legislature meet and change the statute for paying unions. Let the individual pay for their dues out of their bank account and take the extra money it costs to process checks to unions and give it to the teachers.

Just a thought but you raised a very good point. Unions sure have a gravy train don't they?
Unions are nothing but legal mafioso
The government's coordinated attacks on gas stoves and other gas uses is real despite their recently telling us otherwise. Thanks Kim Strassel - again.

"There is a coordinated, calculated—and well-funded—strategy to kill them off. It’s the joint enterprise of extremely powerful climate groups, working with Biden administration officials who have publicly stated their aim to eliminate all “combustion appliances” in homes. Only after the GOP called them out did anyone pretend otherwise."

"...the primary groups behind this push. One is the Climate Imperative Foundation, which became an overnight green powerhouse and reported more receipts in 2021 than the League of Conservation Voters or the Sierra Club. A board member and funder is Kleiner Perkins billionaire John Doerr, whose climate action plan calls for getting rid of gas cooking. CIF’s executive director, Bruce Nilles, has made the end of gas stoves an imperative, writing in 2019: “Your gas stove has to go.” CIF has granted money to the Rocky Mountain Institute, which has long advocated “retrofitting” existing homes to be “all electric.”

Then there’s Rewiring America, “the leading electrification nonprofit, focused on electrifying our homes, businesses and communities.” And New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity, which last year called on the CPSC to enact a gas-stove ban."

"The twin goals: scare Americans and give government a pretext to ban gas cooking.

This is how you end up with climate outfits masquerading as health experts. One frequently cited study from the Rocky Mountain Institute—claiming to find a link between gas stoves and childhood asthma—was co-authored by two RMI staffers, neither of whom has a science degree. Another favorite study by New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity claims gas stoves cause “dangerous levels of indoor air pollution.” It was written by two lawyers, and it cites . . . the RMI study. Ah, science.

Then there’s the paid research. The November edition of the “independent” magazine Consumer Reports was devoted to the “Hidden Health Hazards in Your Home” and explained that its research found an “alarming concern” with levels of nitrogen dioxide from gas stoves. (It also featured a four-page tribute to induction cooktops, the left’s expensive alternative to gas.) Tucked at the end of the article online was an editor’s note: “This project was funded in part with a grant from the Climate Imperative Foundation.” CIF’s 2021 tax filings show a $375,000 donation to Consumer Reports specifically for research on gas stoves. :mad:

The Biden administration is close to these groups and has wholly appropriated their “health” line. It’s been open about using those claims to get rid of gas stoves—following state and local bans."

"The White House last month held an “electrification summit,” which featured a panel on getting gas out of homes. ...... The electrification agenda is being carried out through the Department of Energy’s Better Climate Challenge, which lists Rewiring America and RMI as “allies.”"

The bottomless pit that is the Ukraine scandal continues to grow. According to a report from ABC News on Sunday, the House Intelligence Committee is now in possession of audio and video recordings as well as photographs that include both President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. The materials were handed over as part of a congressional subpoena by Giuliani associate Lev Parnas.
Even the left's beloved Ukrainian Nazi leadership knows what this is and hates us for doing it. Lol. You STILL won't see those idiots backtracking on how stupid that whole thing is. If ONLY they could be embarrassed for fkn something up this bad. The left has no compass, moral or otherwise, unless the media sets and manages it.

Burning and looting = peaceful protest
FIBs staged event with mostly leftists escorted into the capitol = conservative insurrection
Defending a corrupt, money laundering, killing of their own citizens, chemical and biological weapons manufacturing, & human trafficking gov = defending democracy
Murders at the highest rate ever in Democrat managed cities and territories in spite of "gun free zones" and "tolerance" = successful implementation of socialism
Leftist leaders defending China, Taliban, and Ukrainian abuse of citizens and killing of homosexuals and Christians = more tolerance, more love, and more anti-fascism

You couldn't dream up a scenario that could be worse for advertising your brand AND declaring your ideology as any kind of answer to save society and the world, unless you're a complete sociopath
By who? Knowing how to access and process information is much more important than memorizing the information itself. Our brains have finite capacity. They're much more effectively used as problem-solving machines than filing cabinets.
If our brains can’t manage 50 state capitals how can they possibly solve anything complex?
Lmao. The Pelosi videos have been released. And of course they show exactly what everyone with an actual brain said happened. He broke in and then took Paul hostage. The 911 operator was clueless and didn't understand he was trying to subtly ask for help. The cops arrived thinking it was just a wellness check and weren't prepared for the craziness when the door opened.
So full of shit both of you

It was still working if you click on it
As a trial judge, you may want to know the major criminal law Supreme Court precedent and I suspect she did, from her state court judgeship. Federal administrative law, tort law, immigration law, mandamus law, securities law, etc. would not have to be known. I personally think Kennedy’s questions were silly and told me nothing about whether they would make good trial court judges.
Speaking of trials.... Looks like another Jan 6th traitor is going to jail. Strange how so many are going to prison for a sightseeing tour.
So what? He just wants the schools not collecting them but instead the teachers paying the unions from their take home pay. Yes, it's government interference by law. isn't that what all laws do?
So you are targeting a specific union because your mad they don't vote for you and Not broadly applying the law. That is illegal. So now the police unions and Healthcare unions and fire unions etc also can't do paycheck deductions? oh, guess he forgot about those unions. it's just red meat for his presidential campaign, not actual real governing.
Speaking of trials.... Looks like another Jan 6th traitor is going to jail. Strange how so many are going to prison for a sightseeing tour.
Wow Sambo 80 months for pepper spray ? Well I guess the thousands of pounds of fentanyl coming in like a tsunami and killing thousands is equal to this ? Didn’t Arizona and TeHas have to let go those mules free carrying over 800 lbs apiece of fentanyl into the US but pepper spray guy gets 80 months ? 🙄
He was prosecuting individuals involved in the Dossier hoax just last year. How was he buried?
It was leaked right before the presidential election that he had opened a criminal investigation. The maga circle jerk flooded the media with claims it was against Hillary and Obama. Turns out it was against Trump and was conviently buried. Durham didn't even have the scope to be opening a criminal investigation against Trump, it should have been made public and handed off to a new prosecutor. But barr wanted it kept quiet and make sure it went nowhere. Just the same Ole bullshit every administration pulls.
When else would you release it? Friday night makes it cause the least amount of harm to the city and its workers if shit gets crazy. According to people that have seen it they literally beat him to death for 10 mins. then leave his limp body propped up against the police car. The body falls over a few times and they prop it back up. Career looters will 100% use the event to go looting.
Saturday at 5am would be best. Rioters wouldn't be up for another 6 hours at the earliest.
Wow Sambo 80 months for pepper spray ? Well I guess the thousands of pounds of fentanyl coming in like a tsunami and killing thousands is equal to this ? Didn’t Arizona and TeHas have to let go those mules free carrying over 800 lbs apiece of fentanyl into the US but pepper spray guy gets 80 months ? 🙄
Maybe because the cop died a few days later from a stroke??
Gonna get some farm fresh eggs and waterglass them. They'll last a few years on the counter. Been canning a lot the last few years and this year will be no different. I wish it would dry up so I can get the ground turned over. Gonna start early this year with some cole crops.
What is waterglassing eggs?
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