How will they rule ??!

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The amazement to me is she had absolutely no idea what Kennedy was even asking her. She is the next Camela Harris in regards to stupidity 🍺
It is amazing the poor quality of people we have in the legal profession and sitting on our highest courts. It blows your mind seeing who the nominees are being pushed forward. Intelligence and wisdom are not virtues in today's world.

Probably the most brilliant mind to ever be nominated was Robert Bork and he was destroyed during the process. All because he was Pro-life. He would have been the best Supreme Court Justice of his generation but NO. He had to stopped over that one issue.

I bet Bork knew what Article II provides for. This lady will get her judgeship and probably be groomed to be on the Supreme Court someday. And America will suffer for it as she makes on bad decision after another. But she fits the most important qualification. Diversity
I agree somewhat. Millions of chickens have been killed but it's not as if avian flu is a new thing. Been around for years but I never recall egg prices being this high. Kinda sounds like a (kung)flu we have all grown to love.
Egg producers profits were up 40% in fiscal year 2022. During previous avian flu outbreaks (which actually killed a large percentage of egg laying hens than the current outbreak), egg prices increased but nothing like being seen now. Current egg prices have less to do with an egg shortage than consumers being price gouged.
But Dore95, this is basic stuff man. Why shouldn't a Judge know the U.S. Constitution. They swear to uphold it. When she blew the question regarding Article V Kennedy gave her a soft ball. Every kid in America that graduates from high school should know what Article II of the U.S. Constitution provides.

I am not familiar with the current educational system but do they teach Civics anymore as a requirement to graduate?

This woman was living proof that Democrats care about one thing only. Diversity. To hell with knowledge or wisdom in a Judge, do they check the block of diversity or affirmative action. If not Democrats BORK them.
aside from the Bill Of Rights, you'd think that a lawyer would at least be a tad bit curious as to the "constitution thing" because it basically is at the root or underpinning of every case she decides. At least A1, A2 and 3. Simple civics. Kennedy should have asked A3 instead of A5. She isn't amending the constitution every day.
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There are no good guys in this. **** them all. It doesn't concern me in the least.

Venezuela invades Cuber. Don't care.

China invades Vietnam. Don't care.
The Ukraine is the good guy CLEARLY because they are the ones being attacked. Why is that so hard to understand. Hitler invaded Poland....They are both bad guys so who cares? Then he keeps going. Putin is evil and that is all I care about. He backs out then fine. Go kill your own people.
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I'm full on conservative, but Jesse Watters and some others look like complete buffoons now that the Pelosi footage has been released.

Paul will be just fine, though. He was coherent enough to dump millions in Google stock recently right before the DOJ announced that they were going after them. smh
The Florida statute that governs public employee labor relations issues permits employees to have their public employer deduct union dues. So, I believe DeSantis proposed change would require an amendment of that statute by the legislature. But even with that, I don't see how this could just apply to the teacher's union. It seems to me that it would have to be a uniform change where the rest of the public sector unions (police, fire, etc.) would be unable to collect dues through payroll deductions.
The legislation is pointed specifically at the state teacher’s union. King Desanctimonious is a divider. He has the inability to work to find common ground with any group that doesn’t march in step with his will. He wants to executive order and legislatively silence the voice of any opposition out of existence. The police union is a supporter, so he’s not out to emasculate their voice. The teacher’s union is not a supporter, so he’s out to silence or greatly reduce their voice.
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The legislation is pointed specifically at the state teacher’s union. King Desanctimonious is a divider. He has the inability to work to find common ground with any group that doesn’t march in step with his will. He wants to executive order and legislatively silence the voice of any opposition out of existence. The police union is a supporter, so he’s not out to emasculate their voice. The teacher’s union is not a supporter, so he’s out to silence or greatly reduce their voice.
Good for him, finally bringing sanity back for the rest of the nation to follow how things are done, I salute him 🍺
The legislation is pointed specifically at the state teacher’s union. King Desanctimonious is a divider. He has the inability to work to find common ground with any group that doesn’t march in step with his will. He wants to executive order and legislatively silence the voice of any opposition out of existence. The police union is a supporter, so he’s not out to emasculate their voice. The teacher’s union is not a supporter, so he’s out to silence or greatly reduce their voice.
And you are an authoritarian. FORCED union dues. FORCED. No one is stopping a teacher for making a choice to pay the union dues. Why are you anti-choice?
I'm full on conservative, but Jesse Watters and some others look like complete buffoons now that the Pelosi footage has been released.
I've seen this movie before though.

Ya know, the part where they show what they want and not the 14000 hours that they don't.

That house was lit up with cameras as well as the neighborhood. Yet somehow...

Then, suspend belief a little more and invest in that guy was under the radar, maga as f in Berkeley.
I've seen this movie before though.

Ya know, the part where they show what they want and not the 14000 hours that they don't.

That house was lit up with cameras as well as the neighborhood. Yet somehow...

Then, suspend belief a little more and invest in that guy was under the radar, maga as f in Berkeley.
That's fine. But this doesn't appear to be a gay tryst since the guy beat a window in to gain entry, lol.
So you can be considered an educated adult?
By who? Knowing how to access and process information is much more important than memorizing the information itself. Our brains have finite capacity. They're much more effectively used as problem-solving machines than filing cabinets.
Hey this wasn’t what MSM and Sambowie and Jameslee said happened

They certainly had a relationship. NBC fired a reporter for reporting what happens in that video.

Remember this was reported as a deranged Trump MAGA supporter who broke into Pelosi's home with the intent of harming Nancy Pelosi and her family. A total lie but hey it fits the left's agenda so it is OK right. Truth be damned, this is America.
By who? Knowing how to access and process information is much more important than memorizing the information itself. Our brains have finite capacity. They're much more effectively used as problem-solving machines than filing cabinets.
Then why waste time going to school. Simply access and process the information when it is needed. Google brain surgery and just follow the instructions to solve the problem.
Then why waste time going to school. Simply access and process the information when it is needed. Google brain surgery and just follow the instructions to solve the problem.
Yeah 'cause knowing how to perform brain surgery is the same as knowing the state capitals. Looks like someone could use some of the aforementioned surgery.
And you are an authoritarian. FORCED union dues. FORCED. No one is stopping a teacher for making a choice to pay the union dues. Why are you anti-choice?
This is not about forced union dues. Florida is a right to work state. This is about whether the employee who chooses to be a union member can have the dues deducted from their paycheck.
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