How will they rule ??!

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As many know, there are more beds than homeless in Louisville. The homeless just don't want to use them. Why? Because the shelters make them promise to stay sober and refrain from violence.

Few years ago, the city modified many of the shelters to be "low barrier". That meant they no longer had to stay sober. Just not be violent. Still not enough.

Still not enough. So last year or maybe two years ago, city bought land where they could all stay. Still not enough.

I'm curious what even "more investment" will look like. Will be a resort like setting where they have zero rules?

The entire fiasco is ridiculous. Louisville is overrun with homeless (almost all of them drug addicts) and it's literally destroying numerous businesses downtown and in the nulu area. The fact it got this bad to begin with is infuriating.

'Housing is a human right': Louisville's Coalition for the Homeless releases new plan​

Where do these clowns get this? As far as I's not in the Bible. Not in the Bill of Rights. Etc.
Just something else they make up out of thin air I guess.
And greenberg is going to be even worse than fischer with the radical lib BS.

I'm willing to give anyone a chance to see what they do. The homelessness and lawlessness downtown is something he needs to get a handle on with major quickness.

He's battling stuff like this:

Noone deserved to die in jail. That said, homeless shouldn't be excluded from jail when they break the law.

This sob piece intends to battle the notion that homeless should go to jail for crimes when it should be pointing out why homeless need real help, real soon. The overwhelming majority are drug addicts and/or have psychiatric issues. That's why they died in jail. That's why they need off the streets, because they're a danger to themselves and others.
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I'm willing to give anyone a chance to see what they do. The homelessness and lawlessness downtown is something he needs to get a handle on with major quickness.

He's battling stuff like this:

Noone deserved to die in jail. That said, homeless shouldn't be excluded from jail when they break the law.

This sob piece intends to battle the notion that homeless should go to jail for crimes when it should be pointing out why homeless need real help, real soon. The overwhelming majority are drug addicts and/or have psychiatric issues. That's why they died in jail. That's why they need off the streets, because they're a danger to themselves and others.

So this already two stories today in Louisville attacking the concept of jail. That's hardly coincidence. It's amazing how libs can coordinate the media and they all just fall in line
Yet they accuse lefties of being over the top extreme.
Putin calls them Nazi's just like our Justice Dept and Military leadership say that there are Nazi's and white supremacists in the US Military. More in fact than there are in the Azov Battalion. Its heated and virtue-signaling rhetoric. Who could disagree that Nazis are bad? So Putin just uses the same rhetoric that any garden variety Democrat politician or MSM commentator uses to marginalize the opponent. Simple.

Lol. Covid vaccines, ding dong. Unless you think we’ve been debating the polio vaccine for 2 years now.
I'm to young to remember the early days of our involvement in the Vietnam war. But I would just about be willing to bet that it started the same way that the U.S. is involved in the Russia-Ukraine war. Just give the South Vietnamese a few guns. Then give them weapons to shoot the North Vietnamese planes down with. Now all they need is for the U.S. to send over some military advisers to teach them how to use the weapons. After it was all said & done the United States lost 58,000 young men in Vietnam. It's called Operation Mission Creep. And I'm afraid that we're heading down that same path in Ukraine.
Why does this have to be repeated every day? NATO cannot put boots on the ground in Ukraine. There will not and cannot be open war with Russia because of MAD. You’d think after the hundredth time something was repeated, by every source across the political spectrum, you’d learn it.
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Why does this have to be repeated every day? NATO cannot put boots on the ground in Ukraine. There will not and cannot be open war with Russia because of MAD. You’d think after the hundredth time something was repeated, by every source across the political spectrum, they’d learn it.

Likewise, Russia cannot attack any NATO nation for the same reasons.

So now that we’ve clarified that helping Ukraine is not about “keeping Putin out of Europe”, we can focus on what it’s actually about.
Putin calls them Nazi's just like our Justice Dept and Military leadership say that there are Nazi's and white supremacists in the US Military. More in fact than there are in the Azov Battalion. Its heated and virtue-signaling rhetoric. Who could disagree that Nazis are bad? So Putin just uses the same rhetoric that any garden variety Democrat politician or MSM commentator uses to marginalize the opponent. Simple.

It's not that, more complicated than that. The American public doesn't have any appreciation whatsoever for the politics of the region. What we would genuinely call "nazi," (not what's coming from today's left about so-called white supremacy) some 10% of the population being full-on, some 40% or so fully sympathetic in western Ukraine.

It's deplorable.
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'Housing is a human right': Louisville's Coalition for the Homeless releases new plan​

Where do these clowns get this? As far as I's not in the Bible. Not in the Bill of Rights. Etc.
Just something else they make up out of thin air I guess.

However, respect of OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY IS and has long been recognized as a human right/requirement. Yet among the stats that show KY has 2x the eviction rate of other states, they don't show how much is lost to owners in property damage by tenants each year.

If they saw half the property damage I've seen and cleaned up/repaired, they'd be looking to pass new laws protecting landlords rather than helping the criminals continue to destroy other people's property and drive rental pricing skyward. Cause that's exactly what that does
This post will not age well. People have been saying stuff like this since the beginning of the war. Russia won't last three months. Three months later, they are just about spent, three months after that, just a little more money and support for Ukraine and Russia has had it. I wish it were true, I really do, then we would not be spending more taxpayer dollars and not give Biden an excuse for the higher inflation and the problems we are experiencing these days.
It goes both ways, there were a few folks on this thread that claimed Russia last year was winning and an imminent victory. The (very few) battles where Russia has been successful like Soledar are due to WWI human wave attacks backed up by artillery where they literally just throw bodies to advance the front with minimal gains at great cost.

Inflation is a legitimate concern. Because Biden is a jackass, now the Russians are trying to buy our leftover equipment from the Taliban in Afghanistan and steal technology like the Chinese have done for years.
However, respect of OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY IS and has long been recognized as a human right/requirement. Yet among the stats that show KY has 2x the eviction rate of other states, they don't show how much is lost to owners in property damage by tenants each year.

If they saw half the property damage I've seen and cleaned up/repaired, they'd be looking to pass new laws protecting landlords rather than helping the criminals continue to destroy other people's property and drive rental pricing skyward. Cause that's exactly what that does
As the owner of several rental properties...I agree 100%
When I was in school in the 80s (elementary school in early 80s) I remember teachers spanking kids in the school with a large paddle. In retrospect (and probably at the time) I thought that was brutal, and that was eventually stopped.
The larger the paddle the less the pain. But schools did not paddle to hurt a student physically it was done to embarrass or humiliate them in front of their classmates.

The big problem for a student was when they got home. When a parent found out their son or daughter was paddled, they would paddle their kid much harder than a school ever thought of doing it. I don't know of a single incident where a parent told the school they could not paddle. ( I attended public schools from 1949 to 1961 )

My mother and father told the teacher if I was paddled to let them know. I think I got two in my 12 years of public schools. In elementary school and the second in Jr. High. I was in a group of boys who were smoking and a gym teacher told the Dean of Boys. I didn't smoke and never have but I still got a paddle for being there. This happened when I attended Ponce De Leon Jr High in Coral Gables, FL They were strict in those days.
It goes both ways, there were a few folks on this thread that claimed Russia last year was winning and an imminent victory. The (very few) battles where Russia has been successful like Soledar are due to WWI human wave attacks backed up by artillery where they literally just throw bodies to advance the front with minimal gains at great cost.

Inflation is a legitimate concern. Because Biden is a jackass, now the Russians are trying to buy our leftover equipment from the Taliban in Afghanistan and steal technology like the Chinese have done for years.
Russia has exactly what they set out for from the onset, and they won't be driven out unless the West uses it's military to do it.

Sen. Kennedy Asks Biden Nominee Basic Questions About The Constitution​

This should be unacceptable to all citizens of America. Left or Right or in between. Confirming ignorant and incompetent Judges is pathetic and undermines America Justice.

These questions would be found in any law school in America including liberal ones on the East or West Coast. But this woman only has to pass one test. Diversity. Application or knowledge of the law NO. Diversity YES. The woman will serve as as judge on a path to make her eligible for the U.S. Supreme Court. And she is incompetent but checks the diversity block.

Hard To Believe She Is This Stupid
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Sen. Kennedy Asks Biden Nominee Basic Questions About The Constitution​

This should be unacceptable to all citizens of America. Left or Right or in between. Confirming ignorant and incompetent Judges is pathetic and undermines America Justice.

These questions would be found in any law school or America including liberal ones on the East or West Coast. But this woman only has to pass one test. Diversity. Application of the law NO. Diversity ONLY. This woman will serve as as judge on a part to make her eligible for the U.S. Supreme Court. And she is an incompetent.

Hard To Believe She Is This Stupid
Once again... they have normalized stupidity.
Likewise, Russia cannot attack any NATO nation for the same reasons.

So now that we’ve clarified that helping Ukraine is not about “keeping Putin out of Europe”, we can focus on what it’s actually about.
Taking Ukraine. Ukraine is Europe. As is Moldova. Nobody cared when he did the same thing in Georgia. That's why Sweden and Finland are in such a rush to join now after they've previously been content on the outside.
It's not that, more complicated than that. The American public doesn't have any appreciation whatsoever for the politics of the region. What we would genuinely call "nazi," (not what's coming from today's left about so-called white supremacy) some 10% of the population being full-on, some 40% or so fully sympathetic in western Ukraine.

It's deplorable.
Sympathetic to what? Elimination of the Jewish people by placing them in Ukrainian gas chambers? Come on man. That is a Russian fantasy. Do they hate the Ruskies. Who doesn't. Adolf aint walking through that door.
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Sen. Kennedy Asks Biden Nominee Basic Questions About The Constitution​

This should be unacceptable to all citizens of America. Left or Right or in between. Confirming ignorant and incompetent Judges is pathetic and undermines America Justice.

These questions would be found in any law school in America including liberal ones on the East or West Coast. But this woman only has to pass one test. Diversity. Application or knowledge of the law NO. Diversity YES. The woman will serve as as judge on a path to make her eligible for the U.S. Supreme Court. And she is incompetent but checks the diversity block.

Hard To Believe She Is This Stupid
Kennedy is notorious for his questions about the Constitution. This judge should have been prepared for these questions, as I am aware that judicial nominees go through prep sessions to deal with these very types of questions. Having said that, these US Constitutional questions are not things that would ever come up in her work as a State Court judge. She was definitely incompetent in answering these questions. But I have no clue if she's incompetent in her state court judge job and neither do you.
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Kennedy is notorious for his questions about the Constitution. This judge should have been prepared for these questions, as I am aware that judicial nominees go through prep sessions to deal with these very types of questions. Having said that, these US Constitutional questions are not things that would ever come up in her work as a State Court judge. She was definitely incompetent in answering these questions. But I have no clue if she's incompetent in her state court judge job and neither do you.
Kennedy is a tough interview I grant you that but the nominees coming before Congress should be the best individuals in society. We want the best and brightest.

A simple question on Article II of the Constitution is something most high school seniors should know. it involves the President Of The United States or America.

This lady knew going in all she had to do was show up. The Senate is majority Democrat and Democrats go for diversity not the best for the job. So why should she be prepared? If Kennedy asks her a simple question that stumps her all she has to do is say he is biased and hates diversity.

She got this far in her career without having to know much so I suppose she can skate by the rest of the way. That is the American Way today. Just skate by and check the blocks.
Sympathetic to what? Elimination of the Jewish people by placing them in Ukrainian gas chambers? Come on man. That is a Russian fantasy. Do they hate the Ruskies. Who doesn't. Adolf aint walking through that door.
You'd be surprised.

Yes, atleast 5-10% of the Ukrainian movement against Russia is rooted in that level of hate. The rest of the nationalists were/are sympathetic enough as a means to an end.

I posted some articles/clips ofUkrainian Jews in the now defunct war thread that triggered some mod so much it got the post deleted and the thread locked, so I won't go there, but the loser pictured here next to McCain was literally the head of the national socialist party, named the Ukrainian equivalent of Time Man of the Year.


Who told you it was fantasy? Just something you read, right? That's the fantasy... the good guys vs bad guys media narrative is the fantasy. I've personally looked these sort of people in the eye; they still exist to a far greater degree in Europe than you realize.
Out of the depths [of distress] I have cried to You, O Lord.

Lord, hear my voice!
Let Your ears be attentive
To the voice of my supplications.

If You, Lord, should keep an account of our sins and treat us accordingly,
O Lord, who could stand [before you in judgment and claim innocence]?

But there is forgiveness with You,
That You may be feared and worshiped [with submissive wonder].

I wait [patiently] for the Lord, my soul [expectantly] waits,
And in His word do I hope.

Psalms 130 AMP
Russia has exactly what they set out for from the onset, and they won't be driven out unless the West uses it's military to do it.
You really think Putin expected to be engaged in a never ending war on it's own border with Ukrainian troops shooting Patriot missiles and driving Abrams tanks?? 🤣🤣
Hell No... He saw how easy it was to take Crimea, watched the Jan 6 attack, the debacle of a withdrawal from Afghanistan and thought the time was right to make his move with a weakened/divided United States.
He thought he'd roll in there and have a Putin Puppet in place within 2 weeks.
He totally underestimated Biden, NATO, Zelenskyy, and the will of the Ukrainian people to have a future democracy in line with Europe and the U.S.
Putin has demonstrated that his Russian army is a paper tiger. Russia's standing in the world is dog sh** and he has no other choice now but to keep this disaster of a war going till someone puts a bullet in his brain.
You really think Putin expected to be engaged in a never ending war on it's own border with Ukrainian troops shooting Patriot missiles and driving Abrams tanks?? 🤣🤣
Hell No... He saw how easy it was to take Crimea, watched the Jan 6 attack, the debacle of a withdrawal from Afghanistan and thought the time was right to make his move with a weakened/divided United States.
He thought he'd roll in there and have a Putin Puppet in place within 2 weeks.
He totally underestimated Biden, NATO, Zelenskyy, and the will of the Ukrainian people to have a future democracy in line with Europe and the U.S.
Putin has demonstrated that his Russian army is a paper tiger. Russia's standing in the world is dog sh** and he has no other choice now but to keep this disaster of a war going till someone puts a bullet in his brain.

He totally underestimated the architect of the Afghanistan disaster? Lol.