How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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"Imperial Russia"! Do you think I give a rat's ass about "Imperial Russia"? If you are as familiar with history as you claim that you are, you would realize Russia was no more (and no less) malignant that any other Great Power of Europe from the 16th century until the Communists took over. Be that as it may, if you're worried about "Imperial Russia", I suggest you find another hobby. Live life, be happy, mind your business, and make money. There is more to life than getting all fired up about shit you can't control, anyway.
I care about the ideals of the Enlightenment and the lives that the people of Ukraine say that they want to live. Under democracy, not dictatorship. I applaud their fighting spirit and will to determine their own destiny. There is no draft forcing Americans to go die for this cause. The Ukrainians are doing it, and the Ukrainians are the ones paying the price in blood, both now and in the future. Like their Cossack ancestors. We live amongst history. If you don't care that's your defect, not mine.
I care about the ideals of the Enlightenment and the lives that the people of Ukraine say that they want to live. Under democracy, not dictatorship. I applaud their fighting spirit and will to determine their own destiny. There is no draft forcing Americans to go die for this cause. The Ukrainians are doing it, and the Ukrainians are the ones paying the price in blood, both now and in the future. Like their Cossack ancestors. We live amongst history. If you don't care that's your defect, not mine.

And what is the reason putin invaded?

Biden gave him the green light. He just defines minor incursion differently than Biden did. Oops. Just a gaffe.
I've never once called zelensky a fascist. You did, commie clown. So, the people fighting for zelensky in Ukraine are nazis? And we're arming them, and the msm is crying and gnashing their teeth and rending their garments over it?

You.gonna bark all day, little dog, or you going to bite?
Yes some of the people fighting for Ukraine. And no, the MSM was defending them. Did you miss the hubbub over the Azov Steel Works?
I care about the ideals of the Enlightenment and the lives that the people of Ukraine say that they want to live. Under democracy, not dictatorship. I applaud their fighting spirit and will to determine their own destiny. There is no draft forcing Americans to go die for this cause. The Ukrainians are doing it, and the Ukrainians are the ones paying the price in blood, both now and in the future. Like their Cossack ancestors. We live amongst history. If you don't care that's your defect, not mine.
Well said, but you are a Communist liar. You undoubtedly enjoyed the entire Iron Curtain and justified it. Your kind did throughout my youth during the 80s. The same Marxist filth that now pretends to care about the Ukraine rejoiced about happened in Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968. Even if you are too young to have done so, your ideological forefathers did. I know who you are, and what you are.
I care about the ideals of the Enlightenment and the lives that the people of Ukraine say that they want to live. Under democracy, not dictatorship. I applaud their fighting spirit and will to determine their own destiny. There is no draft forcing Americans to go die for this cause. The Ukrainians are doing it, and the Ukrainians are the ones paying the price in blood, both now and in the future. Like their Cossack ancestors. We live amongst history. If you don't care that's your defect, not mine.

Cares about the ideals of the Enlightenment, sayeth the communist.

Well said, but you are a Communist liar. You undoubtedly enjoyed the entire Iron Curtain and justified it. Your kind did throughout my youth during the 80s. The same Marxist filth that now pretends to care about the Ukraine rejoiced about happened in Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968. Even if you are too young to have done so, your ideological forefathers did. I know who you are, and what you are.

He doesn’t know shit
Huh? The entire point of NATO is collective defense IF ATTACKED.

Russia’s reaction can be whatever they want short of WMD? Uh, what if they choose to, you know, escalate past conventional weapons?

“We’re” in a war? No, we are not. And don’t want to be.

The naïveté of believing you can predict the actions of an irrational dictator is how things get out of control.

Today tanks. Why not jets?
Jets are coming next. Probably next few weeks. Few dozen F16s. Russia can't escalate any further because they aren't capable. They have lost almost their entire initial invasion force and their populace refused the conscription order. So now the bulk of their military is rounded up from the slums and prisons of Russia. They are barely fielding any armor now because the small portion that wasn't stolen from grift is destroyed. The odds are that their nuclear force barely works, they dont have money to maintain it even before its all stolen. That is why they constantly try to use it as a threat. If you are confident in your abilities you don't make threats, people just know what you will do from past encounters. People seem to forget that russias gdp is absolutely tiny compared to what they what their influence to be. They are a gas station that invaded its top customers. They are in the same situation China was in 60 years ago. To much land to manage, to many poor people, but an abundance of natural resources and potential. China was smart and laid out a 100 year economic plan. Russia continued to be Rus and think that loud grunts and threats still ruled the world.
Jets are coming next. Probably next few weeks. Few dozen F16s. Russia can't escalate any further because they aren't capable. They have lost almost their entire initial invasion force and their populace refused the conscription order. So now the bulk of their military is rounded up from the slums and prisons of Russia. They are barely fielding any armor now because the small portion that wasn't stolen from grift is destroyed. The odds are that their nuclear force barely works, they dont have money to maintain it even before its all stolen. That is why they constantly try to use it as a threat. If you are confident in your abilities you don't make threats, people just know what you will do from past encounters. People seem to forget that russias gdp is absolutely tiny compared to what they what their influence to be. They are a gas station that invaded its top customers. They are in the same situation China was in 60 years ago. To much land to manage, to many poor people, but an abundance of natural resources and potential. China was smart and laid out a 100 year economic plan. Russia continued to be Rus and think that loud grunts and threats still ruled the world.

J. EDGAR still your favorite president?

Pipe down, son, some adults are speaking.

Go get a booster shot or something.
Well said, but you are a Communist liar. You undoubtedly enjoyed the entire Iron Curtain and justified it. Your kind did throughout my youth during the 80s. The same Marxist filth that now pretends to care about the Ukraine rejoiced about happened in Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968. Even if you are too young to have done so, your ideological forefathers did. I know who you are, and what you are.
The tankies cheering the interventions in Hungary and what was at the time Czechoslavakia can rot. Neither I, nor anyone I have ever associated with in leftist circles, are that far gone. I am an American and believe in the ideals of freedom expressed by our Founders even while realizing they were not able to live up to them in their day.

I am not evil. I do not think y'all are evil. Just misguided. I am surrounded by conservatives every day here and most everywhere else. Things like socialism and communism are so far away from current American politics it's dumb even discussing them. When Millennials and Zoomers love Uncle Bernie it isn't because he vacationed in the Soviet Union and they want to throw their fellows in gulags. It's because he talks about helping people.
Jets are coming next. Probably next few weeks. Few dozen F16s. Russia can't escalate any further because they aren't capable. They have lost almost their entire initial invasion force and their populace refused the conscription order. So now the bulk of their military is rounded up from the slums and prisons of Russia. They are barely fielding any armor now because the small portion that wasn't stolen from grift is destroyed. The odds are that their nuclear force barely works, they dont have money to maintain it even before its all stolen. That is why they constantly try to use it as a threat. If you are confident in your abilities you don't make threats, people just know what you will do from past encounters. People seem to forget that russias gdp is absolutely tiny compared to what they what their influence to be. They are a gas station that invaded its top customers. They are in the same situation China was in 60 years ago. To much land to manage, to many poor people, but an abundance of natural resources and potential. China was smart and laid out a 100 year economic plan. Russia continued to be Rus and think that loud grunts and threats still ruled the world.
They do still have manpower though, at least for the next 20 years. This latest 500k mobilization is scary. The Ukrainians have to crank their casualty ratio up from between 3 and 4 to 1 where it is now to at least 5 to 1 to hold it back. Which is going to require some big offensive maneuvers attacking supply lines which are being hampered by the unseasonably warm weather there causing an extended mud season. The ground needs to freeze solid, yesterday. At least the Leopard news couldn't've come at a better time, they need them ready to go to hold back the tide in the spring and need the time for retrofitting and training.
Do the Crimeans get to determine their own destiny?

Ofcours enot.

It's worth risking WW3 to stop that.
Wait what? You're praising Obama now for not escalating after the referendum? Don't think Obama love is going to go over too well around here. @Gassy_Knowls you got some nice words for Obama and his strategy too?
They do still have manpower though, at least for the next 20 years. This latest 500k mobilization is scary. The Ukrainians have to crank their casualty ratio up from between 3 and 4 to 1 where it is now to at least 5 to 1 to hold it back. Which is going to require some big offensive maneuvers attacking supply lines which are being hampered by the unseasonably warm weather there causing an extended mud season. The ground needs to freeze solid, yesterday. At least the Leopard news couldn't've come at a better time, they need them ready to go to hold back the tide in the spring and need the time for retrofitting and training.
An interesting analysis, but irrelevant when we're still in the middle of a global pandemic. Just wear the damn mask; we're all in this together.
Hmm, not to me. I hear him saying better health and living conditions leads to fewer kids and a natural birth rate reduction. Our country went thru this. There isn't anything wrong with that position. He said nothing about eugenics or sterilization or a forced reduction in birth rates.

I dont like Gates, I wish you guys would stop forcing me to defend his positions.
Yeah, that is what is being done here. Great point. And, I disagree with your opinion and I don’t give a crap about Bill Gates.
OK. Change it to 300. How you doing that?
By acting like the 20. People are tired of the 200. They are in it for themselves and constantly sell us out to big business and foreign interest. The 20 are at least willing to fight a bit to get votes on the record. You shouldn't oppose a single thing they got Mc to agree to... you are just disagreeing to disagree.
How is that different from what I said? You think NATO stopped caring when Russia quit being communist? They would've just dissolved, having successfully brought capitalism to the former Soviet states. No, they gained membership after the fall of the Soviet Union because Eastern Europe and the Baltic states realized it was only a matter of time before Russia tried again and NATO represents the cross Atlantic alliance.

The Cold War was just the latest iteration of the Great Game and all the other expansions and contractions of empires throughout history. Putin doesn't want to rebuild the Soviet Union, he wants to rebuild Imperial Russia. Listen to his very own words. Sweden and Finland don't want to join NATO to escape communism. They want our f***ing tanks and men and nukes to defend against Putin doing the same thing to them.

That’s a lot of words to just say that NATO’s purpose is or ever was Russian containment. However, that’s not the case. It’s collective defense and you know this.

Now, I agree with part of what you say: this is a situation that has way more to do with Russian history than most can admit to. Yet, Russian history is not our problem. What’s scary is that Germans and Poles seem intent on making it our problem. Getting dragged into a European war by entangling alliances…a little deeper each month.

MMT. It's what all our government economist believe in. The good news is that we are the worlds reserve currency... We better hope that doesn't change.

The Ukraine war makes our position as the reserve currency less secure every day. Yet, instead of forcing peace talks, we send tanks.

Somebody make it make sense.
The Ukraine war makes our position as the reserve currency less secure every day. Yet, instead of forcing peace talks, we send tanks.

Somebody make it make sense.
I've tried to find an argument that it isn't intentional. I can't even think of one unless they plan to just roll straight from Russia to a full-blown Chinese war with all the regional wars that would sprout out of that... but that would be one hell of a plan to remain on top.... It would be like betting on rolling snake eyes 5 times in row.
By acting like the 20. People are tired of the 200. They are in it for themselves and constantly sell us out to big business and foreign interest. The 20 are at least willing to fight a bit to get votes on the record. You shouldn't oppose a single thing they got Mc to agree to... you are just disagreeing to disagree.
By "people are tired" you must mean the 25 or so righter-than-righters on here or the 200 wouldn't get elected. So in general you're wrong about what people want. You're really just talking about what you want.

At this point I can't remember what the 15 of the 20 wanted & got specifically, but don't recall being opposed to any of it. The last 5 of the 20 are just attention whores.
My God, I just agreed with Plat/sammysdad. Hell froze over.

Not that I don't think 'educators' in this country are a total joke for the most part.
its pretty obvious. Kids have turned into little assholes becasue their parents enable it. Cell phones should be banned till high school. and parents that let their kids have social media apps before then need to wake the **** up. Standardized testing needs to go away, It has small use cases. Funding shoul be mostly based on school size like it used to be with a small portion of perforance bonuses. Untill high school you focus on math, basic science, basic social studies, reading, writing, history. Then in high school you need to reintroduce basic accounting, budgeting, some important physical skills (car maintenance, woodshop, etc), advanced science and math, political science, early programming and engineering classes. ITs really not rocket science how this shit should be done. Boomers and X parents ****ed it all up.
Trump didn't have executive privilege the second he left office, the documents themselves did IF the current executive agrees. Biden didn't "remove" trumps privelge. He told the FBI and NARA that he would not assert privilege on the documents on TRumps behalf because as the executive he is the only person that can. All documents are owned by the government not the person. As soon as that person leaves the government they have no power over them. SCOTUS ruled in the Nixon case that privilege is for the office not the person in the office so the sitting president decides whether to allow an ex president to be shielded. The only documents trump can claim privilege to are some communications with his lawyer and if it was about official white house duties he still doesn't own the documents. Of course now that the lawyers were proven to have lied to the FBI he also waives privilege on some of those communications. SCOTUS also ruled in the NIxon case that potus cannot use privilege to stop a criminal investigation. But the orange orangutan dipshit isn't president anymore so he has no control over his presidential records.
It's doesn't require being dumb. It only requires blind faith or fear.
False. It is a combination of what I posted and what you posted. The fact that you cannot see it proves my point. There are far more people now who are too dumb or ignorant to understand these days because of the blind faith of the government system or the fear of not conforming to it that has made them that way. When you change general education subjects and or common-sense teaching to appease the woke agenda and also drop the standards as has been done in many public schools to not hurt the feelings of those who do not meet the standards, you will get less educated therefore dumb or ignorant youngsters who follow blindly.