How will they rule ??!

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Oh the classic, I have black friends so I can’t be racist argument. Paul Whelan is an ex-marine who was discharged for bad conduct. I’m not going to pretend to know his whole situation but Whelan has been stuck in Russia for years now and forgive me for forgetting but I don’t remember anyone making a whole big fuss about him being in Russia until Griner was imprisoned as well. If anybody was so worried about him when he was first arrested, why didn’t they go to Trump at the time and make a whole big situation when Trump was in office.
The media pumped the Griner arrest and guilty plea through the roof. Did they do that for Whelan? Gosh, I wonder why the general public did not call for Whelan’s return before Griner admitted to a drug violation and was imprisoned.
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The Congressional Black Caucus was for Joe Biden's crime bill that is often referenced with regards to mass incarceration...

In a recent interview Rep. James Clyburn, a member of the House leadership and one of the most powerful African American elected officials, reflected on the reasons for his vote in favor of the bill. “Crack cocaine was a scourge in the Black community,” he recalled. “They wanted it out of those communities, and they had gotten very tough on drugs. And that’s why yours truly, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, voted for that 1994 crime bill.”
cool, and everyone was wrong about that bill
The media pumped the Griner arrest and guilty plea through the roof. Did they do that for Whelan? Gosh, I wonder why the general public did not call for Whelan’s return before Griner admitted to a drug violation and was imprisoned.
probably because he wasn't a famous person
don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth.
Please direct us to anyone on the left disagreeing with their platform or position on something. Your party is uniform in pretty much everything. Your base is directed to hate someone if they stray on a single topic. For instance, JK Rowling is a big lefty but she doesn't participate in the trans delusion. Result? Canceled.

None of you denounce anything of the left. You don't care at all about the corruption or lies and certainly don't do anything to stop the grooming going on in schools as the alphabet mafia takes precedent over that. So you can act like this isn't what your base is but it's absolutely what your party does. It's something you all conveniently gloss over. Even on this forum, we can't get Sam or Dion to be against things like the sick crap going on in schools.
Listen, I hope Trump doesn't end up being the Nominee, I'm on record as saying I wish he would step aside or pass the torch. I know he's too toxic. That being said, I don't care how narcissistic anyone is. If he was only in it for himself, why on God's green earth would he or anyone else subject themselves to the absolute hell he's been put through the past 6-7 years? Phony investigations at every turn, constant barrage of media attacks, attacks on his character, attacks on his family, political witch hunts, you name it. He's the only President in modern times to LOSE money while in office and donated his entire presidential salary. He's lost part of his fortune, business deals, you name it. Why would ANYONE who was "only in it for himself" subject themselves to that level of shit before they just say, yeah, I'm done and run off to live out their waning golden years in peace playing golf every day and having a supermodel wife? Please tell me what you think he gains by being in this "only for himself"?
He's in the news all the time. They constantly mention his name. Narcissists LOVE that more than anything. You're being a rational human. I'm right with you that anyone with a normal thought process would say, "I don't need this bs. I'm going to count my millions and stay home." But that's not how Narcissists think.
The problem is a large portion of his supporters are not historical Republicans. They are blue collar workers, and they don't trust the old Republican party that some of you are clamoring for, it's gone. The establishment, Mcconells, Thunes, and Romneys of the world are clinging to it, but its not coming back.

The Democrats know this, it's why they went full retard on divisive 'end of democracy" , "white supremacy", "fascist" language, and why the first thing Pelosi pushed when retaking the House was changing elections which happened due to Covid.
Desantis isn't that though. He isn't an establishment candidate. That's what you only trumpers don't get. You think, "if it's not trump, it's an establishment uniparty guy."
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based on what exactly
Things are going swimmingly if your goal is to destroy the country, create inflation, destroy the Middle Class, usher in globalism, let crime run rampant, love political money laundering, and seek to collapse the west for "climate change." Yeah, they're great!

I wish a leftist had the ability to connect the dots to the consequences of their policies.
He's in the news all the time. They constantly mention his name. Narcissists LOVE that more than anything. You're being a rational human. I'm right with you that anyone with a normal thought process would say, "I don't need this bs. I'm going to count my millions and stay home." But that's not how Narcissists think.

Desantis isn't that though. He isn't an establishment candidate. That's what you only trumpers don't get. You think, "if it's not trump, it's an establishment uniparty guy."
This garbage that DeSantis is "establishment" because there's rumors of GOP wanting to fund him is nonsense. I see it a ton from the Trump forum.

DeSantis did more for conservatives than any Republicans did.
all of the bills passed in conservative-led states as a direct result of widespread black voting for Biden in 2020 that were meant to make it harder to vote in predominately black and brown areas.
Such as…?
Economy sucks
Price of fuel
Price of basic goods
The Afghanistan fiasco

Just to name a few. But he doesn't mean tweet and hurt people's feelings so there's that.
The first four things you mentioned are all on the rebound while Trump wanted to leave Afghanistan even earlier than Biden did.
Things are going swimmingly if your goal is to destroy the country, create inflation, destroy the Middle Class, usher in globalism, let crime run rampant, love political money laundering, and seek to collapse the west for "climate change." Yeah, they're great!

I wish a leftist had the ability to connect the dots to the consequences of their policies.
when all you want to see is the bad in an administration, that's all you're gonna see. I bet you think Trump was a great president
Democrats in the 1860s are not the same democrats now. the ideology has completely changed over the past 150 years believe it or not. Democrats in the 1860s were trying to keep policies and laws about slavery the way they had always been, obviously a more conservative view of thinking. Republicans were the ones trying to abolish slavery, create change, obviously a more liberal view of thinking. The titles have basically changed so while yes, Democrats were the ones trying to uphold slavery, they are more equated to the Republican conservatives of today

You misspelled 1960's.

And the dems haven't changed at all.

Biden is as racist as any 'world leader' I've ever seen ir moreso, but the media just claims he makes 'gaffes'. 🙄
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you are clearly speaking out of your ass. there's a reason that black people vote overwhelmingly on the side of "lefties", maybe your side should do some self-reflecting and wonder why that is. Also, white women have been the biggest benefactors of affirmative action. Conservative policies have had the BIGGEST impact on the problems of black people. Conservatives passed jim crow laws, they were against the civil rights movement, they created the war on drugs that caused decades of mass incarceration that punished black and brown people much more severely than white people, not to mention the fact that conservatives destroyed black neighborhoods throughout the country that could have led to a more equitable economic standing between whites and minorities if the KKK and other terrorist organizations surrounding white nationalism never existed.

And with this reply you go straight to ignore. This is the most insane gibberish I may have ever read. Biden 'wrote' and sponsored the 1994 crime bill you're whining about.

Not reading any more of this idiocy.
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And with this reply you go straight to ignore. This is the most insane gibberish I may have ever read. Biden 'wrote' and sponsored the 1994 crime bill you're whining about.

Not reading any more of this idiocy.
never said to support every little thing Biden did. the crime bill was horrible for minorities

EDIT: also please explain what part is insane gibberish and is incorrect
if democrats "changed their strategy" then what did Republicans do? LBJ said that passing the civil rights act would lose the South for the Democrats forever, and look what has happened. Democrats arent claiming to be "the good guys" just the ones who see America's history as one that has done a lot of evil to black people meanwhile Republicans are the ones wanting to keep up statues of Confederate War losers
I think you're leaving out a pretty famous quote from LBJ on the black vote. LBJ's War on Poverty destroyed the black community. Also, fun tidbit, the JFK files that were released in 2017 included a report from 1963 where a KKK member told an FBI informant that he had "documented proof" that Lyndon Johnson "was formerly a member of the Klan in Texas during the early days of his political career," according to an FBI document. Considering the left's background, their sinister agenda to use blacks (still to this day), and Robert Byrd staying on in the Dem Party...not a stretch to believe.

You have totally misrepresented why we are against destroying statues.

The reality is, the Democrat Party has always used blacks and continues to destroy them and the party continues to use race hustlers to make sure no one strays. How anyone could blame Republicans for their problems is just absurd.
inflation is going down, unemployment is at a very low mark, gas prices are going down, infrastructure investments are the highest they have been in a considerably long time, etc.
Do you know why gas prices are going down, chief? And wanting credit for this after destroying it is comedy. The green energy cult is going to do everything to hurt Americans who don't want their BS.

And where is this inflation going down?
inflation is going down, unemployment is at a very low mark, gas prices are going down, infrastructure investments are the highest they have been in a considerably long time, etc.

Inflation is still high.
Gas is still around 3 dollars a gallon. Way above what we paid with Trump.
Unemployment is down cause no one is working. Many businesses are severely short staffed.
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Yes, 'punish' the children if by that you mean confiscate the benefits derived from criminal activity. In many cases, yes, we force sales of assets and try to compensate those who were scammed or it goes to the government's coffers. The children don't get to keep those assets regardless of how innocent they are. Of course you can't un-spend some dollars but they shouldn't be allowed to continue to benefit. How long they've been here is irrelevant. They've already received plenty of benefits from their parents' criminal behavior - why allow them to continue to benefit? John Gotti's kids don't get to live in the houses he bought with criminal activities. But, they've lived in luxury for 25+ years and wouldn't know how to be poor? That's a reasonable excuse? Not in my book. Enforcing immigration laws is inhumane? Well, hell, let's just keep the border wide-ass open and not enforce any of the immigration laws. Wouldn't it be inhumane to send these illegals back to some 3rd world country where there are no jobs and no hope? I just don't see the logic in your position on this.

I can't agree with you on this one, VH. Appreciate your point of view but this is one issue we'll evidently never agree on.
- That's what I said. We agree despite you saying we'll never agree.
- We do disagree here. Kids should go with their parents till adults. Then they're on there own. They can't help what their parents did & not be punished for that.
If by benefit, you mean stay here, see previous statement. Why you want to punish them is a mystery. Being poor or not isn't the issue to me.
- Enforcing border laws should be done strictly. Why I want a complete strong wall & border enforcement. But these people did nothing wrong & are not doing so by existing here. We wouldn't need to send people back if we enforced the laws.
- Don't know the circumstances of all/any the illegals crossing the border. But I know we don't send people back to Cuba who reach here by boat. Illegals should have their status & need for asylum adjudicated before they enter.
- USA needs immigrants. But we should be deciding how many & who, not whomever wants to come.
I think you're leaving out a pretty famous quote from LBJ on the black vote. LBJ's War on Poverty destroyed the black community. Also, fun tidbit, the JFK files that were released in 2017 included a report from 1963 where a KKK member told an FBI informant that he had "documented proof" that Lyndon Johnson "was formerly a member of the Klan in Texas during the early days of his political career," according to an FBI document. Considering the left's background, their sinister agenda to use blacks (still to this day), and Robert Byrd staying on in the Dem Party...not a stretch to believe.

You have totally misrepresented why we are against destroying statues.

The reality is, the Democrat Party has always used blacks and continues to destroy them and the party continues to use race hustlers to make sure no one strays. How anyone could blame Republicans for their problems is just absurd.
LBJ wasn't a good guy but his comments about the civil rights movement and the south are correct. Southern republicans havent voted democrat in mass since. and please explain why you are against getting rid of those statues.
Inflation is still high.
Gas is still around 3 dollars a gallon. Way above what we paid with Trump.
Unemployment is down cause no one is working. Many businesses are severely short staffed.
unemployment being down means that a lot of people are working, not the other way around obviously. inflation is going down but it was original high across the globe, putting the blame solely on Biden doesnt make sense and the Russian war in Ukraine has had an immense impact on global oil reserves, kind of out of our hands and this point
If they nominate trump, you're correct.
Trumpsters know in their minds Trump can't win but their emotions can't let go. They're in a blind bind. So their response is Republicans can't win in 2024. They mean at this point they can't see beyond Trump. It's like if for some reason, say health, Trump doesn't continue, there is no alternative. Have to feel sorry & their pain.
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