How will they rule ??!

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So the religious polygamy angle isn't the similarity with Koresch at all huh? smh
Where’s the angle about the 40 million shredded babies?

You find these isolated stories and drag them here like a cat dragging a dead bird onto the porch and evidently expect that they somehow outweigh or cancel out the horrific culture of the left.

What this guy did is illegal. Unless he’s Muslim in the Mid-East. Quite the conundrum for your belief system.
Waco was only fired upon in response to outgoing fire. The cultists themselves started the eventual fires. The government did lots of screwed up stuff at Waco but they didn’t burn Koresh’s kids. They did that themselves.
Were they on fire before the government ran a tank through their building?
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I guess Biden has been making other trades?
I was comparing them because they are of the same religious extremism. I'm just glad Biden didn't order all their deaths like Clinton and Janet Reno did.
A gratuitous plug against Biden even though democrats have no place in this story whatsoever. Typical Canned as he avoids the actual similarities with these religious cults.
Were they on fire before the government ran a tank through their building?
They started them themselves in three separate places with gasoline when the tank came in. That can be seen on thermal imaging. The government massively mishandled the whole incident, but they didn’t kill those people. Ruby Ridge on the other hand…

I’m not being an apologist for the dumbass ATF, just trying to be accurate with facts.
Oh the classic, I have black friends so I can’t be racist argument.

Been my experience in real life that the conservatives I know have more black friends than the liberals I know...liberals deal with blacks in paternalistic manner...they think blacks need their help (by help they mean the government's help)...liberals view black people as unable to help themselves and thus need white liberals to rescue them. It is condescending and the most racist view of all.
the Grooming School has shut down all social media. Hopefully, the parents who pay 50k a year will make some noise, i guess, they all may be groomers.
I can sorta understand a discussion arising in a sex ed class with high school students over what sex toys are or demonstrating the use of a condom....but actually bringing them in for handling is nuts and out of line imo. Of course, this is a private they can do whatever the hell they want I guess. Weird as hell.
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I can sorta understand a discussion arising in a sex ed class with high school students over what sex toys are....but actually bringing them in for handling is nuts and out of line imo unless they were trying to teach the kids how to use a condom?? Of course, this is a private they can do whatever the hell they want I guess. Weird as hell.
Been my experience in real life that the conservatives I know have more black friends than the liberals I know...liberals deal with blacks in paternalistic manner...they think blacks need their help (by help they mean the government's help)...liberals view black people as unable to help themselves and thus need white liberals to rescue them. It is condescending and the most racist view of all.
don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth. it's more likely that liberals recognize that evil that has been done on black people throughout our nations history and want to actually try and make an effort to correct those wrongs in some way. racism still exists in every level of society, it's just less out in the open, there's still plenty of policies that are enacted, mainly by conservative leaders that directly harm the lives of minorities, specifically black people
Been my experience in real life that the conservatives I know have more black friends than the liberals I know...liberals deal with blacks in paternalistic manner...they think blacks need their help (by help they mean the government's help)...liberals view black people as unable to help themselves and thus need white liberals to rescue them. It is condescending and the most racist view of all.
Yeah, being given preference in college admissions is much more racist than being lynched. You're smart.
Of course you quoted Goebbels as he was the only major Nazi who supported socialism. He was a rabid antisemite though and resented what he considered its Jewish takeover which led him to ally with Hitler against it. Have a single quote from anyone else? I posted multiple paragraphs from Hitler himself.
don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth. it's more likely that liberals recognize that evil that has been done on black people throughout our nations history and want to actually try and make an effort to correct those wrongs in some way. racism still exists in every level of society, it's just less out in the open, there's still plenty of policies that are enacted, mainly by conservative leaders that directly harm the lives of minorities, specifically black people Lincoln ends the slave trade at the chagrin of the Democrats. Democrats are the party of racism through history and are now trying to pass the buck. Bunch of filthy scum.
Saudi, Russia, China, the whole world. They are all laughing at us and justifying, understandably, why this is a pathetic country under Democratic leadership.

I know the irony of this is going to be lost on people so I need to point out that Jamal Kashoggi's dad was the largest weapons dealer in Saudi Arabia. Jamal was a multimillionaire himself from helping his dad on arms sales. The fact we were pissed at SA for killing a weapons dealer while we had weapons dealer in jail... LOL at our hypocritical government.
Oh the classic, I have black friends so I can’t be racist argument. Paul Whelan is an ex-marine who was discharged for bad conduct. I’m not going to pretend to know his whole situation but Whelan has been stuck in Russia for years now and forgive me for forgetting but I don’t remember anyone making a whole big fuss about him being in Russia until Griner was imprisoned as well. If anybody was so worried about him when he was first arrested, why didn’t they go to Trump at the time and make a whole big situation when Trump was in office.
I can just imagine the DNC Media narrative of Trump negotiating a release with Russia. Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't be used in some impeachment BS.

And yeah, I think it's very clear that Griner being a famous black lesbian was a huge reason for bringing her home in this terrible trade. The O-Biden admin sure as shit didn't care to go get Otto Wambier out and let him be tortured to the point that he was braindead and eventually died.
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don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth. it's more likely that liberals recognize that evil that has been done on black people throughout our nations history and want to actually try and make an effort to correct those wrongs in some way. racism still exists in every level of society, it's just less out in the open, there's still plenty of policies that are enacted, mainly by conservative leaders that directly harm the lives of minorities, specifically black people

You just made my point for me...thanks. Lincoln ends the slave trade at the chagrin of the Democrats. Democrats are the party of racism through history and are now trying to pass the buck. Bunch of filthy scum.
Democrats have been the villain throughout American history. Nothing has changed except they control the narrative now through controlling media, academia, and entertainment. They have been awful throughout American history.
So punish the innocent for the crimes of their parents? When have we ever done that?

Do we make children of US criminals pay back all the ill got gain their parents spent on them? No. But the kids benefited from it, right? Of course they don't keep the assets. Do the kids have to pay back the college tuition criminals spent on them? What about the expense of lavish vacations? No.

Had they been sent back in the first few years they were here, I'm good. Still am for all the illegals coming in now. The border situation PMeO. But these people are in their 20's, many older, and only know the US. They may not even speak the language of their birth much less how to fit in. They are generally well integrated into the US economy. Sending them back now is inhumane & un-American to me - unless they are convicted criminals.
Yes, 'punish' the children if by that you mean confiscate the benefits derived from criminal activity. In many cases, yes, we force sales of assets and try to compensate those who were scammed or it goes to the government's coffers. The children don't get to keep those assets regardless of how innocent they are. Of course you can't un-spend some dollars but they shouldn't be allowed to continue to benefit. How long they've been here is irrelevant. They've already received plenty of benefits from their parents' criminal behavior - why allow them to continue to benefit? John Gotti's kids don't get to live in the houses he bought with criminal activities. But, they've lived in luxury for 25+ years and wouldn't know how to be poor? That's a reasonable excuse? Not in my book. Enforcing immigration laws is inhumane? Well, hell, let's just keep the border wide-ass open and not enforce any of the immigration laws. Wouldn't it be inhumane to send these illegals back to some 3rd world country where there are no jobs and no hope? I just don't see the logic in your position on this.

I can't agree with you on this one, VH. Appreciate your point of view but this is one issue we'll evidently never agree on.
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Reactions: blubo Lincoln ends the slave trade at the chagrin of the Democrats. Democrats are the party of racism through history and are now trying to pass the buck. Bunch of filthy scum.
Democrats in the 1860s are not the same democrats now. the ideology has completely changed over the past 150 years believe it or not. Democrats in the 1860s were trying to keep policies and laws about slavery the way they had always been, obviously a more conservative view of thinking. Republicans were the ones trying to abolish slavery, create change, obviously a more liberal view of thinking. The titles have basically changed so while yes, Democrats were the ones trying to uphold slavery, they are more equated to the Republican conservatives of today
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don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth. it's more likely that liberals recognize that evil that has been done on black people throughout our nations history and want to actually try and make an effort to correct those wrongs in some way. racism still exists in every level of society, it's just less out in the open, there's still plenty of policies that are enacted, mainly by conservative leaders that directly harm the lives of minorities, specifically black people
Lefties view blacks as pets and incapable of doing anything without the "great white savior" lefty and big government. You call conservatives racist yet think blacks are too stupid to know how to use the internet or find the DMV (real things Dem politicians and voters have said as reasons we can't have voter ID).

White lefties looooove living in all-white neighborhoods while virtue signaling online and putting a yard sign up but do everything they can to stay away from the mess they create.

One of the most racist policies in America is Affirmative Action and all of these "equity" BS admissions and hires have been to discriminate against whites and Asians to prop up the preferred race to the ideologue because a "meritocracy is racist."

The truth is, conservatives have absolutely ZERO to do with black problems. Democrats run every single area where there's a large black population. Conservatives have nothing to do with the policies of Dems or the self-inflicted issues that plague black communities and culture.
Lefties view blacks as pets and incapable of doing anything without the "great white savior" lefty and big government. You call conservatives racist yet think blacks are too stupid to know how to use the internet or find the DMV (real things Dem politicians and voters have said as reasons we can't have voter ID).

White lefties looooove living in all-white neighborhoods while virtue signaling online and putting a yard sign up but do everything they can to stay away from the mess they create.

One of the most racist policies in America is Affirmative Action and all of these "equity" BS admissions and hires have been to discriminate against whites and Asians to prop up the preferred race to the ideologue because a "meritocracy is racist."

The truth is, conservatives have absolutely ZERO to do with black problems. Democrats run every single area where there's a large black population. Conservatives have nothing to do with the policies of Dems or the self-inflicted issues that plague black communities and culture.
you are clearly speaking out of your ass. there's a reason that black people vote overwhelmingly on the side of "lefties", maybe your side should do some self-reflecting and wonder why that is. Also, white women have been the biggest benefactors of affirmative action. Conservative policies have had the BIGGEST impact on the problems of black people. Conservatives passed jim crow laws, they were against the civil rights movement, they created the war on drugs that caused decades of mass incarceration that punished black and brown people much more severely than white people, not to mention the fact that conservatives destroyed black neighborhoods throughout the country that could have led to a more equitable economic standing between whites and minorities if the KKK and other terrorist organizations surrounding white nationalism never existed.
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Democrats in the 1860s are not the same democrats now. the ideology has completely changed over the past 150 years believe it or not. Democrats in the 1860s were trying to keep policies and laws about slavery the way they had always been, obviously a more conservative view of thinking. Republicans were the ones trying to abolish slavery, create change, obviously a more liberal view of thinking. The titles have basically changed so while yes, Democrats were the ones trying to uphold slavery, they are more equated to the Republican conservatives of today
I know about 7 racists and all but one of them are Liberals that pretend they care about the black man. You guys are clowns.
Democrats in the 1860s are not the same democrats now. the ideology has completely changed over the past 150 years believe it or not. Democrats in the 1860s were trying to keep policies and laws about slavery the way they had always been, obviously a more conservative view of thinking. Republicans were the ones trying to abolish slavery, create change, obviously a more liberal view of thinking. The titles have basically changed so while yes, Democrats were the ones trying to uphold slavery, they are more equated to the Republican conservatives of today
This is good stuff. Obviously, some things have changed but the "muh party switched" is an absolute lie. Democrats have just changed their strategy. Started losing the white vote then in the 1960s made a deliberate strategy to start importing new voters which has worked magnificently in growing Dem power. Your party always has a platform for identity politics. ALWAYS.

I am curious though about the parties switched notion (because one day the cops just became robbers and the robbers became cops) considering you all try to claim Lincoln but also FDR. Then claim the parties switched again in the 60s. I guess we're just going to glance over Woodrow Wilson too.

Blacks started going to the Dem Party way before the 60s thanks to FDR's New Deal (which led to his appointment of KKK member Hugo Black to the SCOTUS because Black's support of this). You're not the good guys and never have been. It's just you've abandoned any semblance of caring about the blue-collar worker which Dems used to pretend to care about.
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Conservatives passed jim crow laws, they were against the civil rights movement, they created the war on drugs that caused decades of mass incarceration that punished black and brown people much more severely than white people

It's really going to blow your mind when you learn about Joe Biden and mass remind me a bit of the abortion preacher that was once here, same argument style.
It's really going to blow your mind when you learn about Joe Biden and mass remind me a bit of the abortion preacher that was once here, same argument style.
never said Joe Biden was on the right side of history when it comes to mass incarceration, his own VP called him on it
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This is good stuff. Obviously, some things have changed but the "muh party switched" is an absolute lie. Democrats have just changed their strategy. Started losing the white vote then in the 1960s made a deliberate strategy to start importing new voters which has worked magnificently in growing Dem power. Your party always has a platform for identity politics. ALWAYS.

I am curious though about the parties switched notion (because one day the cops just became robbers and the robbers became cops) considering you all try to claim Lincoln but also FDR. Then claim the parties switched again in the 60s. I guess we're just going to glance over Woodrow Wilson too.

Blacks started going to the Dem Party way before the 60s thanks to FDR's New Deal (which led to his appointment of KKK member Hugo Black to the SCOTUS because Black's support of this). You're not the good guys and never have been. It's just you've abandoned any semblance of caring about the blue-collar worker which Dems used to pretend to care about.
if democrats "changed their strategy" then what did Republicans do? LBJ said that passing the civil rights act would lose the South for the Democrats forever, and look what has happened. Democrats arent claiming to be "the good guys" just the ones who see America's history as one that has done a lot of evil to black people meanwhile Republicans are the ones wanting to keep up statues of Confederate War losers
don't act like that is the view of everybody on the left when that can't be farther from the truth. it's more likely that liberals recognize that evil that has been done on black people throughout our nations history and want to actually try and make an effort to correct those wrongs in some way. racism still exists in every level of society, it's just less out in the open, there's still plenty of policies that are enacted, mainly by conservative leaders that directly harm the lives of minorities, specifically black people
Do tell. please be specific.
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never said Joe Biden was on the right side of history when it comes to mass incarceration, his own VP called him on it

The Congressional Black Caucus was for Joe Biden's crime bill that is often referenced with regards to mass incarceration...

In a recent interview Rep. James Clyburn, a member of the House leadership and one of the most powerful African American elected officials, reflected on the reasons for his vote in favor of the bill. “Crack cocaine was a scourge in the Black community,” he recalled. “They wanted it out of those communities, and they had gotten very tough on drugs. And that’s why yours truly, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, voted for that 1994 crime bill.”