How will they rule ??!

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American Association for Cancer Research article from 2016:

Ivermectin inhibits breast cancer tumor growth...

But the government suppressed the study.


You know in Apollo 13, when all the NASA employees are trying to figure out how to bring home the astronauts safely, using nothing but supplies on board the module and pure enginuity?

I imagine that’s sort of like what was happening in the Biden White House trying to bring Griney home. Except rather than supplies on board a space craft, they were playing with used butt plugs and watching TikTok’s.

Now there's a mental image i can't shake.🤮 lol.
🙄 I thought you guys gave up on the blame Antifa storyline when one longtime Trumper after another was arrested?
They arrested 3 people in Nashville for setting fires and property destruction during a BLM march. Come to find out all three were 3%ers…
So did Antifa call in the Proud Boys, did they coax the horned QAnon shaman into entering the Capitol? Sounds like a bunch of 🐑.
FYI, even if there are informants inside the group, it isn’t the job of the informant to stop what happened. That would blow their cover. Those informants also didn’t direct Trump to not call in support for police nor did they tell Trump to call a rally or to claim that the VP had the power to change the results by accepting alternate slates of electors or throwing out enough to send the vote to the house.

What response are you expecting to get from me here?

I don’t believe things the gov says.
I don’t believe things the media says.

Why? Cause both have very consistent history of lying to the American people.

Now big tech deletes anything if it doesn’t fit the narrative. Truth is irrelevant.

It’s all become Orwellian.
you are clearly speaking out of your ass. there's a reason that black people vote overwhelmingly on the side of "lefties", maybe your side should do some self-reflecting and wonder why that is. Also, white women have been the biggest benefactors of affirmative action. Conservative policies have had the BIGGEST impact on the problems of black people. Conservatives passed jim crow laws, they were against the civil rights movement, they created the war on drugs that caused decades of mass incarceration that punished black and brown people much more severely than white people, not to mention the fact that conservatives destroyed black neighborhoods throughout the country that could have led to a more equitable economic standing between whites and minorities if the KKK and other terrorist organizations surrounding white nationalism never existed.

Yep. Pubs passed the crime bill all on their own just to get black people.
Uhh obviously? Thinking in your head "F that black guy" and lynching them are completely different. They're both racist.
Good luck with that.

I would suggest that the examples given above and the racism you posted about to which I responded are not different levels of racism, but something else. I am a UK fan who wants to see UK play for a national championship, but I won’t cheat and kill to see that happen. The person who will cheat and kill to see UK in the championship is not a bigger fan than I. They are people who will kill and cheat. A racist who will not physically harm someone is probably no less racist.
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unemployment being down means that a lot of people are working, not the other way around obviously. inflation is going down but it was original high across the globe, putting the blame solely on Biden doesnt make sense and the Russian war in Ukraine has had an immense impact on global oil reserves, kind of out of our hands and this point
Oh the classic, I have black friends so I can’t be racist argument. Paul Whelan is an ex-marine who was discharged for bad conduct. I’m not going to pretend to know his whole situation but Whelan has been stuck in Russia for years now and forgive me for forgetting but I don’t remember anyone making a whole big fuss about him being in Russia until Griner was imprisoned as well. If anybody was so worried about him when he was first arrested, why didn’t they go to Trump at the time and make a whole big situation when Trump was in office.
This pretty much sums it up:

The president felt a moral obligation to bring Brittney home. There was an opportunity to do that, and it was either Brittney or no one at all, and we are not going to apologize for that," Jean-Pierre said,
if democrats "changed their strategy" then what did Republicans do? LBJ said that passing the civil rights act would lose the South for the Democrats forever, and look what has happened. Democrats arent claiming to be "the good guys" just the ones who see America's history as one that has done a lot of evil to black people meanwhile Republicans are the ones wanting to keep up statues of Confederate War losers
Do you think the South is more racist than it was in 1960? I would hope you'd acknowledge that it is less. So at a time the South got more republican it got less racist. Spin that how you want but it's weird that people leave out the other LBJ quote about the CRA... "I'll have those N-words voting democrat for the next 100 years".... He was a real open minded liberal I guess.
  • “Researchers have also looked specifically at the turnout of individuals in North Carolina without proper identification, and they found that the enactment of the law reduced turnout. The turnout effects continued even after the strict voter ID law was repealed.”
So are you saying it’s wrong for individuals to be required to provide proper id to vote, or that certain individuals are incapable of getting a legitimate id? suppression?
unemployment being down means that a lot of people are working, not the other way around obviously. inflation is going down but it was original high across the globe, putting the blame solely on Biden doesnt make sense and the Russian war in Ukraine has had an immense impact on global oil reserves, kind of out of our hands and this point
If unemployment is down because more people are working then why is labor participation at record lows?

Inflation isn't going down. Housing prices are going down because interest rates are crushing demand.

Ukraine war didn't affect oil supply at all. The sanctions Biden put in place did cause Russia to have to use intermediaries to sell their oil. Russia has actually increased their oil sales since last year. We could finish the 3 pipelines in the US that Biden shutdown. We could increase drilling and open the area Biden closed to exploration... that isn't out of hands it's just out of his thought process.
Trumpsters know in their minds Trump can't win but their emotions can't let go. They're in a blind bind. So their response is Republicans can't win in 2024. They mean at this point they can't see beyond Trump. It's like if for some reason, say health, Trump doesn't continue, there is no alternative. Have to feel sorry & their pain.
You talk about Trump more than anyone that is a fan. The fact you bring up emotions and "can't let go" is comically ironic. I could post a picture of cheeto and you'd go into a fit for 2 pages.
Musk starting shutting down twitters backend micro services to "remove bloat" and broke everything in the process. He is a Moron genius.
Good luck with that.

I would suggest that the examples given above and the racism you posted about to which I responded are not different levels of racism, but something else. I am a UK fan who wants to see UK play for a national championship, but I won’t cheat and kill to see that happen. The person who will cheat and kill to see UK in the championship is not a bigger fan than I. They are people who will kill and cheat. A racist who will not physically harm someone is probably no less racist.
He literally said:
It is condescending and the most racist view of all.
I didn't start with the racism parsing, he did. And Affirmative Action is not more racist than lynching. Which is exactly what I posted:
Yeah, being given preference in college admissions is much more racist than being lynched. You're smart.
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Sounds legit. That pos is calling legal lawful responsible US gun owners “sick” and then releasing an Russian arms dealer for a WNBA pothead.

Typical Brandon move. The left will celebrate it as a victory despite being in the middle of a damn proxy war with Russia atm.
Economy sucks
Price of fuel
Price of basic goods
The Afghanistan fiasco

Just to name a few. But he doesn't mean tweet and hurt people's feelings so there's that.
If everything is as bad as you say.... Why did the Dems gain a seat in the Senate and lose less House seats than most Presidents have since FDR???
You are living in an alternate reality than most Americans or maybe you just need to ask your boss for a pay raise.
Prices are a little high at the grocery but not enough to make people wanna vote for the party that wouldn't do a damn thing about it but more tax cuts for millionaires, laws against abortion and laws against gay/trans kids.
Republicans do absolutely nothing for the working class even when they gain control.
What laws did Republicans pass to help the working class when Trump was President and they had control of House and Senate from 2015-2019???? NOTHING but tax cuts for the rich.