Desantis vetoed the redistricting map because it wasn't gerrymandered enough against black people. He wants the 5th removed and cracked, a majority black district. Replaced one racist party leader with another. Go GOP!
No Christmas stocking for the granddaughter either, but one for every other grandchild of Biden’s. Poor kid.
The laughing man of “science.”Everyone alert the CDC. Caveman has a friend that got sick so we've got it all wrong. Halt the global vaccine rollout.
Lol yeah, that’s why everyone moves to be near whites. Idiot.
That was my entire point. Do you think it is a better idea you internet cartoon guy bearded meme warriors address the facts, or maybe have a jury address the facts?I would love for you to address the actual facts that I presented rather than blather on about whatever the hell that was. But I get it. You are incurious.
Literally like 2 weeks ago, this same newspaper claimed crime spikes were Fox and qanon conspiracies
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.
The party of freedom and individual liberties scores another win.... While the party of rights removal continues losing state wide and national elections. Shocker
Pence is a patriot and true American.Mike Pence is a traitor. He might as well switch is party affiliation and sigh up to have a show cancelled at CNN.
Now do your own damn country.