How will they rule ??!

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I was skeptical when that popped up yesterday. The story only appeared on one site with little sourcing. Today, the daily mail picks this up and has the complaint included.

What a psycho. He doesn't travel with checked luggage and goes down to baggage claim to scope out easy pickings.

Amazing that this story took a month to be made public and by foreign press. It's a pretty juicy story if he didn't already look suspect. He's in charge of nuclear waste disposal policy and doesn't have the morals not to felony level steal.

Morals are just relative, right?
I wonder what goes on in the mind of someone so ordinary and incurious?

You drone on about the people who have the curiosity to connect dots while you refuse to use any ounce of inquisitive critical thinking.

We know for a fact democrats were using known pedophilia code words in their emails. A curious mind would want to know why.

We know for a fact a billionaire connected to all our political/Hollywood elites was involved in child/sex trafficking for many years. A curious mind would want to know how.

We know for a fact many of our political/Hollywood elites participated in these actions, yet his client list has been sealed. A curious mind would want to know who.

And We know for a fact our current president is a child sniffing, teenage daughter shower partner weirdo. A curious mind would want to know who, exactly, is Pedo Pete.

Some of us are naturally inquisitive while others are naturally naive and gullible. Why are you so offended by people who are willing to connect the dots?

Just sit over in the corner and color your coloring books while the rest of us *try* to figure out what the hell is really going on.
I routinely encounter this with lefties who view the government as a parent. There's this huge disconnect from history and modern day. For some bizarre reason, governments only did bad things in the past but don't do them now. The powerful and corrupt stopped caring about their thirst for money, power, and control and totally stopped lying and scheming guys EXCEPT FOR THOSE EVIL RIGHT WINGERS and the way we must stop them is to vote Democrat and globalism and never question anything ever.

Sure, the worst atrocities in the history of the world came at the hands of governments but they care about you and it's crazy to ever question them or hold them accountable. But the modern Dems would totally have stood up against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union just like they stand up to China right now. LOL
My favorite aspect of leftist midwits (evidenced here onthe catpaw abundantly by each and everyyone of them) is how they'll use flowery language and jargon in complicated explanations to portray an air of sophistication or insight, making themselves sound or appear smarter than they are.

That's not what a smart person thinks; only a complete idiot can come up with a sentence like that. A smart person realizes what something obviously is, in this case, it's fat people with a caffeine addiction who don't like coffee.
The cans in Elon’s tweet that started all this were gold ones. Caffeine free.
When I saw an article on this geolocation info that the FBI sought from Google, that was my first thought. ACLU should be all over this gross violation of the defendant's civil liberties...but because it's conservative protesters that are being targeted, everybody's OK with this severe government overreach.
honestly the most exposure i get to twitter is people spamming them on this thread and people spamming them on /conservative. The MAGA crowd like to say how much they hate twitter but are absolutely obsessed with spamming every tweet they find. I have a twitter account but have never tweeted anything that wasn't required for a giveaway. Since 2015 i have 8 tweets. If twitter was shutdown today i wouldn't even notice.
My local chick-fil-a has already put up Christmas lights, so has a neighbor down the street...had an appointment today and the woman afterwards was setting up a follow up appointment in 3 months and at the end said 'and you have a Merry Christmas'...I was thinking lady it's not even December...all of it made me think of this meme: