How will they rule ??!

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The "ist" labeling is dead. It's just not working anymore. Of course, to a liberal, a white male is the only person who can be one.

I now call SJWs "labelists".

Label speech has no place in our society. Maybe we should be electing candidates who will write policies against label speech. Labelists are dividing our country and we need to act now to end this division causing behavior. Next thing you know there are label groups causing chaos. Look at the protesters, it's already started. Go after the Big Money who is supporting these label groups such as George Soros and Hillary Clinton.
Revealed: Clinton campaign tried to silence MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski after she dared criticize Hillary's 'arrogance'

'I'll just say it,' Brzezinski declared. 'NBC got a call from the campaign. Like I had done something that was journalistically inappropriate or something and needed to be pulled off the air.

'I mean, think about that! That's just - that's shooting the wrong messenger.'

Brzezinski didn't say who had made the call to the MSNBC brass, which came in the campaign's closing days.

But she recalled being critical of 'arrogance' coming from Clintonworld, where long-time loyalists considered Trump a vulgarian political novice and believed the former secretary of state was unbeatable.

'I was concerned the campaign was not understanding that perhaps there was an arrogance,' Brzezinski said Friday.

'They needed to sort of get off their high horse and understand that this isn't over.'

That, she said, is when the Clinton camp tried to silence her.

HOW did Russia influence the election? Did the hacking itself cause Hillary to lose? Suppose for a moment that the hacked emails showed people with nefarious intentions being admonished by Clinton. Wouldn't the hacking have helped her?

It's too late for "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". We've all seen you Hillary and you don't get to blame the little dog for your actions.
But I saw O'bama on tv a couple of days ago telling me that gun control laws are working. Gun control laws are like locks on your door, they keep honest people honest.
So far, the only documented proven case we have of a nation state hacking someone this election is the United States attempting to hack the State of Georgia.

Julian Assange, who's proven to be far more honest than Obama, has claimed Russia had nothing to do with the leaked emails.

Remember, the Obama administration threw a man in jail as a scapegoat for the Benghazi disaster, and was all over TV claiming a YouTube video was to blame, knowing full well that was a lie.

Clinton claimed during her campaign 17 intelligence agencies had concluded Russia was to blame. We all knew that was a lie at the time, and Obama is just now ordering an investigation with the pre-conceived conclusion that Russia was involved.

A sitting US Senator on the Intelligence Committee was on Tucker Carlson, and refused to say Russia was involved with the Podesta emails. Like a weasel, he chose his words carefully to claim Russia had hacked something in the past, but when pressed on the specific issue, would not say Russia was involved with the Podesta emails.

Last, but most importantly, John McCain claims Russia was involved.

All of the above is enough to convince me Russia did not have anything to do with the DNC or Podesta leaks.
Oh and not let's forget that Obama was over in the UK threatening the good people to "take a second look at our relationship" if they choose to Brexit and leave the EU.

Literally Obama was meddling in the UK's election and even threatened the use of financial warfare against them. Liberals can GFT.

The whole left wing sham is one big joke.
Oh and not let's forget that Obama was over in the UK threatening the good people to "take a second look at our relationship" if they choose to Brexit and leave the EU.

Literally Obama was meddling in the UK's election and even threatened the use of financial warfare against them. Liberals can GFT.

The whole left wing sham is one big joke.
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Interesting article on Trump's cabinet and administration strategy.....

2. The refusal of previous GOP presidential nominees George H. W. Bush, John McCain, and George W. Bush to back Trump in the general election has liberated Trump from obligations; he owes very little to them or their followers. “An entire existing infrastructure of establishment Republicans are not favored to run cabinet agencies as would normally be the case,” a key Trump adviser told me. “Fresh faces, new ideas, and résumés unburdened by special-interest ties move towards the top of the pile.”
How the West was won....the lesser of two evils.

In exit polls, 18 per cent of voters identified themselves as negative toward both major party candidates. Political scientist Michael Barone calls these “double negative” voters.

Even so, 78 per cent of them reported having voted for one of the two – again, it’s a two-party country. What’s surprising is how they divided: 49 per cent for Mr. Trump, only 29 per cent for Ms. Clinton. Mr. Barone calculates that had these voters divided evenly, Ms. Clinton would have won the swing states and therefore the election.
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OK I think I have figured the Russian influence out. Before Hillary became Secretary of State the Russian government spies came to her and told her she should set up a private server. Then they told her to use it for government business and on a side note, talk about yoga and getting Chelsea married off. She went along with it and sent out thousands of emails. Then one night the Russian government spies came to her and said let's delete 30,000 of these emails and stir up the pot. By deleting these email congress will be sidetracked and investigate you until Kingdom Come. This will make the electorate feel sorry for you and you can play the victim card. They convinced her with the Race Card, the Women's Card, the Bashing Gays Card and now her Victim Card she was a lock for President. In fact she was such a favorite she could take off a week at a time, have a few more drinks and sleep in. Meanwhile her crazy opponent Donald Trump actually listened to the American people and had 5 or 6 rallies a day. She mocked him and the media carried her water by ridiculing him and tried to make him look like an idiot. Why Hillary was such a lock she wouldn't have to go to places like Wisconsin because no way a Democrat could lose that state. She met with her Hollywood, Wall Street and billionaire supporters who worshiped at her feet knowing it was her turn to be president and she was entitled. But something happened on election day and the first thing you know, she couldn't get to the magic 270. So in a liberal's mind you have to find someone to blame because poor Hillary can do no wrong. The tears started flowing and they asked, who can we blame? Well how about the old evil empire of Russia. Why not? LOL
It really is the best feeling seeing how salty the left are right now.

Still think the hacking came from the US. Have to think there are some folks that know where the skeletons are hidden and did all they could to make sure Clinton never stepped foot in the Oval Office ever again.
Can we take a step back. People keep talking about the "hacking".

The term "hack" should not be used interchangeably with "leak" and at this point, we don't know what actually happened.

And "Russia hacked the election" makes no goddam sense. What does that even mean? Or are we talking "life hacks" now or something?

Actually, maybe that is it. Russia gave Trump the "life hack" for an election. Step one, use Russia as the ceiling of corruption, and never ever rise to the level of Clinton and the D party.
Can we take a step back. People keep talking about the "hacking".

The term "hack" should not be used interchangeably with "leak" and at this point, we don't know what actually happened.

And "Russia hacked the election" makes no goddam sense. What does that even mean? Or are we talking "life hacks" now or something?

Actually, maybe that is it. Russia gave Trump the "life hack" for an election. Step one, use Russia as the ceiling of corruption, and never ever rise to the level of Clinton and the D party.

There was no hack because it never happened. Assange has stated that this was an inside leak.

Obama when the media was pushing fake news that Hillary would win, said that there is no way for anyone to rig the elections. Once hillary lost, Obama changed his tune. He now thinks the Russians have rigged the election. yet no one can specifically say how Russia rigged it.

This whole thing is one big democrat shit show.
Tried to read that. Does everyone else have that quote in the middle of the page that repeatedly changes in size, making it impossible to actually read the part of the story below it?
Yes, very annoying. Took me a little bit to actually read it lol.
This whole thing is one big democrat shit show.

At what point will the more moderate Democrats start speaking out about some of the BS that's going on within their party? Either at the local, state or even national level? They are getting crushed and the fringe seems to be still in control.
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At what point will the more moderate Democrats start speaking out about some of the BS that's going on within their party? Either at the local, state or even national level? They are getting crushed and the fringe seems to be still in control.
Oh there will be long term damage. Dems will be losing more senate seats. Those moderates will be voting for trump in 2020. Those moderate democrats are the blue collar workers who are actually paying taxes. I think the SJW blowback will cause this leftist fringe to fade off in 8 years
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I've been on here and nothing have changed with regards to you being a racist POS.
Everybody who disagrees with you is considered a racist. When you can't come up with an intelligent response (which is the norm) you do what most liberals do....cry racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, hatemongering gun toting, uneducated ignorant old red neck white men. Did I miss any?
Remember when Clinton and dozens of her campaign members were asked hourly about the hack affecting the results of the election? Their answer every single time was "It will not affect anything because it's already baked into the cake."? Welp...
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I've been on here and nothing have changed with regards to you being a racist POS.

You're a labelist. Disgusting.

We definitely need policy to stop your labelist speech. It's causing a major division in our country. We need you labelists to leave this country. There is no place in America for labelist speech. Disgusting