How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We are seeing the true colors of so-called Republicans like McCain. He/they are supporters of the powers-that-be, and a system that rewards career politicians regardless of the party in power.

Ready for post-career-politician politics. Hoping Trump ushers that era in.
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So, where exactly is

@AlbanyWildCat and Moe?

Have they shown their face?

I remember explaining to them and a few others a year ago that Trump isn't a mole, he's not doing it for Russian television, and the media was using 2008 and 2012 polling data that was useless and he would probably win. If you thought the spike in African American voter turnout was due to anything other than obamas race, you were about to be sadly mistaken. I also claimed the rust belt states were showing an alarming trend away from union orthodoxy.

Love being right.
So, where exactly is

@AlbanyWildCat and Moe?

Have they shown their face?

I remember explaining to them and a few others a year ago that Trump isn't a mole, he's not doing it for Russian television, and the media was using 2008 and 2012 polling data that was useless and he would probably win. If you thought the spike in African American voter turnout was due to anything other than obamas race, you were about to be sadly mistaken.

A blind man could see it.
Moe disappeared about a month before the election.
White liberals.

"Black people in 2016 aren't smart enough or able enough to use something as simple as a voter ID".

Why black Americans keep accepting the soft bigoted pandering from this class of degenerates is beyond me. Using black victimization as a means to able illegal aliens rights under our constitution is truly disgusting. Especially considering blacks are directly hindered in the work force by illegals.

The hypocrisy of these types is alarming.
I'd like to know what happened to Jamo. He was so sure Hillary was going to win, even mocked me numerous times when I said Trump would win. Hes been nowhere to be found since November 8th. All those polls he would post...smh.

Mad at myself for not taking the bet. That 200 bucks would have been nice right now.. Damnit.
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I'd like to know what happened to Jamo. He was so sure Hillary was going to win, even mocked me numerous times when I said Trump would win. Hes been nowhere to be found since November 8th. All those polls he would post...smh.

Mad at myself for not taking the bet. That 200 bucks would have been nice right now.. Damnit.

I laughed and debated jamo over his polls and theories. Calling trump mole for the clintons and his position on "Russian television networks". Lmao.

He'd be better off starting a new InfoWars for the left.

Actually nevermind. They've already established those on the left. CNN and MSNBC.
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I laughed and debated jamo over his polls and theories. Calling trump mole for the clintons and his position on "Russian television networks". Lmao.

He'd be better off starting a new InfoWars for the left.

Actually nevermind. They've already established those on the left. CNN and MSNBC.
I always got a good laugh when he would post the RCP polls.
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Perhaps all of this Russian interference is more of this fake news in order to lay the blame of their incompetence on something else, thereby keeping their base intact. The left has never taken responsibility for their own failures and their base is easily fooled and willing to believe anything to hold on to their delusions. If the truth was accepted, their worlds would be shattered.
So, where exactly is

@AlbanyWildCat and Moe?

Have they shown their face?

I remember explaining to them and a few others a year ago that Trump isn't a mole, he's not doing it for Russian television, and the media was using 2008 and 2012 polling data that was useless and he would probably win. If you thought the spike in African American voter turnout was due to anything other than obamas race, you were about to be sadly mistaken. I also claimed the rust belt states were showing an alarming trend away from union orthodoxy.

Love being right.

Welcome back brother. I still demand that pussy Albany explain what happened to that 4 TD lead. Or was it another libtard?
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So, where exactly is

@AlbanyWildCat and Moe?

Have they shown their face?

I remember explaining to them and a few others a year ago that Trump isn't a mole, he's not doing it for Russian television, and the media was using 2008 and 2012 polling data that was useless and he would probably win. If you thought the spike in African American voter turnout was due to anything other than obamas race, you were about to be sadly mistaken. I also claimed the rust belt states were showing an alarming trend away from union orthodoxy.

Love being right.

I've been on here and nothing have changed with regards to you being a racist POS.
So who's the biggest POS liberal in this thread? You have to nominate one, but think about it.

Some just disappeared, some are just either tolls or really pathetic, and some actually believe what they post.

Do you trust elected 70 year olds who can't use a smart phone make an informed determination about hacking?

Do you trust the banana phone from 25 year old intelligence agent to 70 year old elected representative and all the steps in between?

Do you trust the "objective journalists" reporting whatever they are being fed from random staffer?

Until whatever evidence of Russian manipulation is presented to the American public live and unedited like the OJ trial, ignore.
I always got a good laugh when he would post the RCP polls.
I've been on here and nothing have changed with regards to you being a racist POS.


I'll let my black family members and friends know I'm a racist. They didn't catch it, but you did. I mean, after all, you're the one that understands blacks can't compete in the marketplace, or even understand how to obtain an ID. How racist of me to believe all races can add up equally. It takes a white goodman such as yourself to get the message out. Such an upstanding white knight.

Thousands of seats lost under your
Bigoted and treasonous pandering political rhetoric.

You're a natural loser. It must suck.
The only thing remotely taking me off cloud nine since Trump was made president is that half the population are such pussies they think Russia manipulated us into voting for Trump through fake news stories. What they're saying is the so-called smartest minds in tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter) couldn't match wits with $10K per year Russian hacker's Boris and Ulga. You can't make this stuff up anymore.
Why on earth does Fox News Sunday still offer a platform to that elitist hack George Will?

"A congressional investigation should attempt to discover why votes were cast and what cause."

What the hell are they gonna do? Round up voters and interrogate them until they disclose why they voted trump?

The most important question is still why is Hillary clinton not sitting her ass in jail? the MSM continues to evade the most serious allegations to date.
So who's the biggest POS liberal in this thread? You have to nominate one, but think about it.

Some just disappeared, some are just either tolls or really pathetic, and some actually believe what they post.

I gotta go with Cardkilla. Hes openly racist and spews hatred towards anyone that disagrees with him.
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@AlbanyWildCat i see it is still the liberal way to call ppl racist you disagree with. sad part is, you guys and gals are the ones with all the racial tendencies and hate. racist no longer has any meaning, thanks to you and CNN and NBC and so on. literally no meaning at all. white America didn't vote Trump in, working class America did. and that demographic knows no color. just blue collar ppl who want to provide for their families. get over it. by this time next year, the entire globalist elites of Merkel and Obama and cohorts and their policies will be voted out of relevancy and their legacies wiped clean. and the world is going to be a better place for it.
I still think my favorite tactic was the "failed businessman" approach. Only a leftist idiot wwould try and convince the population that a man worth billions was a failure in the marketplace.

Trump tower BUT Trump Steak!!

Trump resorts BUT Trump University!!

You can tell these morons have no knowledge about business. Hell, majority of them haven't probably held a full time job.
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@AlbanyWildCat i see it is still the liberal way to call ppl racist you disagree with. sad part is, you guys and gals are the ones with all the racial tendencies and hate. racist no longer has any meaning, thanks to you and CNN and NBC and so on. literally no meaning at all. white America didn't vote Trump in, working class America did. and that demographic knows no color. just blue collar ppl who want to provide for their families. get over it. by this time next year, the entire globalist elites of Merkel and Obama and cohorts and their policies will be voted out of relevancy and their legacies wiped clean. and the world is going to be a better place for it.

The "ist" labeling is dead. It's just not working anymore. Of course, to a liberal, a white male is the only person who can be one.

Their logic for winning is simple.

30% of white males are liberal pusses who will vote D regardless.
Convince the population that white males are against all women and minorities. Convince the population that white males are against all woman and minorities and immigrants. Gain power through the division and grant amnesty to anyone from anywhere. Convince those immigrants that white males are against them.

In theory, this should work. But there are minority voters in those populations that add up. Some women aren't going to buy into gender political narratives. Some immigrants and minorities aren't going to buy into racial politics. At least a huge block of all these groups won't buy into identity politics.

And you hear this play out in the open.

Liberal politicians - "the white population is dwindling" argument. Translation?

If we could just brown the country, and pander, we'd win!

Liberals simply cannot win elections on substance and making people's lives better. If they could, they would. They've tried. They can't.

Its like a kid who can't pass a class because he's not doing the work properly. Just tell your parents the teacher doesn't like you.

And that just shows how dangerous THE MAJORITY of Chicago is. You'll hear Chicago posters talk about how much the city itself isn't that bad, just "this side" or "that side". Good lord, nearly the entire region is plastered with shooting deaths.

BLM better get busy. Seeing as how they care about black lives and all. Surely they will start protesting over the 99%?
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And I don't think that's something he would say unless he had a pretty good read on the situation. Bolton is hardcore anti-Russia. If there was any evidence to the contrary, he would be the first to put Russia on blast.

As soon as it's found that Russia had very little to do with the hacking, you won't hear another word about it. They'll go back to "stoking flames" and "pandering to the dark side of Americans" as the reason.
And I don't think that's something he would say unless he had a pretty good read on the situation. Bolton is hardcore anti-Russia. If there was any evidence to the contrary, he would be the first to put Russia on blast.
The fact that Bolton will be in his cabinet should stop these dumb Trump has Russian ties nonsense.
I like how they started a recount in michigan, then they were like, oh nevermind. Lol, the defeat must have been way worse or they found dems cheating their asses off.

I also love this hysteria of fake news, that the msm has gone to. Basicalky, instead of having self reflection, the media has realized it's lost all credibility and is trying to regain power by deflecting everyone back to them. Newsflash to them....fake news has existed since the beginning of time and if they actually weren't fake news themselves "hands up don't shoot", Rolling Stone Rape, etc, fake news wld surely be easy to identify. Besides no one said "well I was going to vote for Hillary, but did you see that article posted by that unknown twitter account? Better change my mind"
Revealed: Clinton campaign tried to silence MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski after she dared criticize Hillary's 'arrogance'

'I'll just say it,' Brzezinski declared. 'NBC got a call from the campaign. Like I had done something that was journalistically inappropriate or something and needed to be pulled off the air.

'I mean, think about that! That's just - that's shooting the wrong messenger.'

Brzezinski didn't say who had made the call to the MSNBC brass, which came in the campaign's closing days.

But she recalled being critical of 'arrogance' coming from Clintonworld, where long-time loyalists considered Trump a vulgarian political novice and believed the former secretary of state was unbeatable.

'I was concerned the campaign was not understanding that perhaps there was an arrogance,' Brzezinski said Friday.

'They needed to sort of get off their high horse and understand that this isn't over.'

That, she said, is when the Clinton camp tried to silence her.
Isn't that fly-by post of Albany just the most hilarious thing you ever saw? One sentence that perfectly embodies failed liberal labelist politics. Don't address substance or engage in dialogue, just blanket your opponent with a dismissive, knee-jerk derogatory label. Make it all about race, ethnicity, gender and class, so you can wrap yourself in a false sense of smug superiority, insulated from reality and reason.

Keep clinging to that strategy, it worked so well this last election.