How will they rule ??!

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I think most on this thread are just conservative in an arguably reasonable sort of way. There are two or three though that are living-on-a-compound angry. Not flaming, but I truly wonder how those two or three root for a basketball team with black players.
Right here is another post proving why you guys lost the election. Just because they may hate your post does not make them racist. Ignorance is not your friend.
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Well, back to life. This has been eye opening to say the least. Maybe I'll see you in another six years if I have to have something else transplanted and have some more unproductive time to waste talking about all the unproductive time wasters in society. Keep on fighting the, um, good fight...evolution and all that stuff. Take care
Sobe is the guy that gets knocked out and then after someone helps pick him off the floor, he starts talking trash while you're walking away.

He has went through all of the stages of leftist defeat.

Lose argument
- Still act superior
- Attack your intelligence
- Make insults
- Call you racist
- Deflect topic to something else (This is my favorite. After they look stupid, they get desperate so they will start trying to talk about climate change or evolution to attack beliefs but these same pussies would never do this with any other race or religion)
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These are very serious things you are accusing him of saying/doing. Since you seem to be ignoring him, I'll ask for him. Will you produce these pm's?

You can't just accuse him of something like this, blast him on a public forum about it, then act like you never did. Thanks.
He has accused of some here as being racist with no basis for his accusation.
Well, back to life. This has been eye opening to say the least. Maybe I'll see you in another six years if I have to have something else transplanted and have some more unproductive time to waste talking about all the unproductive time wasters in society. Keep on fighting the, um, good fight...evoluton and all that stuff. Take care
Still no proof of pedophilia or racism? Sad, sad man you are.
Out comes the race card when you have nothing left to argue. You are a sorry excuse for a person and I am offended you are even a UK fan.
He isn't, he does not how to spell Card. To big of a word so he settled for cat.
Can we please stop allowing the left to use "progressive" as a means for them when "extremism" is the word they are really trying to use especially whenertaining to immigration.
I'm not searching for anything. That's your job. You're the accuser. Burden of proof is on you. Aren't you supposed to know that? Thought you were a well educated lawyer?

How's it feel to spend all that money going to school, only to suck so bad at your job? Most would consider that being a failure, educated or not.
He is probably a public depender....I mean defender.
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Can we please stop allowing the left to use "progressive" as a means for them when "extremism" is the word they are really trying to use especially whenertaining to immigration.
The left is amazing at spinning words to appear appealing to their cause.
The idea that change="progress" is the biggest myth that they've pedaled in the last twenty years.
No joke, there are libs on twitter asking Obama to declare a state of emergency over Russia hacking the election. Libs are crazy individuals.
The left is amazing at spinning words to appear appealing to their cause.
The idea that change="progress" is the biggest myth that they've pedaled in the last twenty years.

The problem with progressivism is it implies no end. And this is a large part of the problem. There are many things that don't require change. Such as the majority of the constitution, modern civil rights, and most of the progressive issues. In order to make up for their inability to win on common causes and positions, they created that term as a means to continue as an ideology. It's why when they get crushed in their European utopian issues, they create new grievances.

The new black civil rights = gay civil rights.

The new gay civil rights = gender identity civil rights.

When that's done, it will most definitely move to soft pedophilia.

Immigration rights is now illegal immigration rights.

The common American that falls for this disgusting soft bigoted, European party of the coast are perhaps the dumbest people on planet earth.
Show us the facts then John, you old POS.

Responding to intelligence officials’ report that Russia tried to influencethe U.S. presidential election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) on Sunday said he doesn’t know what to make of Mr. Trump’s dismissal of the issue.

“I don’t know what to make of it because it’s clear the Russians interfered,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Whether they intended to interfere to the degree that they were trying to elect a certain candidate, I think that’s a subject of investigation. But facts are stubborn things. They did hack into this campaign.”
Is there anyone in this thread from Arizona? Wtf are you people thinking by re electing McCain over and over? Id damn near rather a dumbassocrat win over that POS. He already is a democrat so what's the difference?
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McCain will be just as big of a thorn in Trump's side as the Democrats.

Old establishment. Trump will have issues with anyone ideologically motivated. Trump isn't ideological, he's pragmatic. The goal of most politicians has always been what's in the best interest of their own, not necessarily the people in a broader sense. . Although McCain is a patriot, he's also a career politician. You can't be one without providing for your elite constituency, not the majority voters.

As far as Russia goes, republicans have always been hawks as it pertains to policy. It's not going to change, and it shouldn't. Trump will be checked on policy regarding Russia. Republicans don't follow a company line, they are an independent political body of thought , and really always have been. It's a gift and a curse.

Most of this nonsense is just a way for the treason lobby (libs) to make excuses and pretend there's no mandate. "We won a popular vote", "Russia made it happen", "common workers voted against their interest" etc. it will pass and the cellar is where they are.
Not just McCain. His butt buddy Graham is in on this also.

Congresswoman Lindsey Grahamnesty is useless. Gave up on that moron years ago. If he had his way the left would have 50 million new voters from across the pond and our southern border. He's a globalist hack, not a natural republican constitutionalist.

He can't leave office soon enough.
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Is there anyone in this thread from Arizona? Wtf are you people thinking by re electing McCain over and over? Id damn near rather a dumbassocrat win over that POS. He already is a democrat so what's the difference?

I wouldn't go as far as calling him a democrat. Maybe a 60's democrat. He's done some good things for the country and fought some crazy policy from the left over the last decade. He's nowhere near as bad as Congresswoman Lindsey Grahamnesty. The alternative in Arizona could be an open borders globalist hack. As long as they elect constitutional governors like Brewer it'll be alright. I am worried about the direction of that state though.
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