How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I never sent you a pm. You offered young males the opportunity to stay at your apartment for the SEC tournament. I'm not the only one that remembers that. I never said you offered kids.
LOL, he accused me of inviting boys to my home you hypocrite. Quit being a fraud and show some integtrity.
Thing is, I remember that thread as well. You were ripped to shreds by plenty of people. There's evidence of your actions. He never said boys, he said the truth.

When it comes to him pm'ing you disgusting, criminal, threatening messages about kids, you have produced zero evidence.

This is a public forum. You cannot make such accusations without backing up your claims. The only fraud with zero integtrity is you, openly lying about him in public, while using children in your lies.
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I'm not engaging anymore about what he has said. Believe what you want to believe. I have him on ignore.
I will. I believe you are lying. If he sent you pm's about kids, then copy and paste the pm's. If they are disgusting, criminal and threatening as you say, then what reason(s) do you have not to produce them?
Let's just move on Moe. He knows enough not to fabricate a pm and post it here. I'm kind of surprised he didn't try though.
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Thing is, I remember that thread as well. You were ripped to shreds by plenty of people. There's evidence of your actions. He never said boys, he said the truth.

When it comes to him pm'ing you disgusting, criminal, threatening messages about kids, you have produced zero evidence.

This is a public forum. You cannot make such accusations without backing up your claims. The only fraud with zero integtrity is you, openly lying about him in public, while using children in your lies.

No, I was talking to someone I knew about coming to Atlanta and it turned into a "come one come all" thing and guys like you that have too much time on their hands starting saying weird stuff like that. Look, I can engage is some political flaming to pass some time, but I'm not going to play the message-board game where some dude makes up something and I spend all afternoon trying to prove the negative. Have fun.
No, there you go. You should be ashamed. This isn't a game. You put someone on blast like that in public, especially considering the subject, it's best not to be lying.
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Pretty sure that is progressive in generally accepted political nomenclature. But fine. Any discussions about a changing voting base that will inevitably be more liberal?

The reason for that is Liberals want open borders and illegal aliens to secure their vote, they now know that depending on the Black vote is not enough.

Reason #2 is the Liberal programming of teachers and college professors that do NOT allow independent thoughts or any type of discussion on a different opinion, and it starts in grade school with the poisoning of young minds. And a lazy assed population of parents that spend too much time on a damn phone and not paying enough attention to what their kids are doing or reading, or what the Liberal school boards are teaching.

You want proof? Go look in a mirror..
The reason for that is Liberals want open borders and illegal aliens to secure their vote, they now know that depending on the Black vote is not enough.

Reason #2 is the Liberal programming of teachers and college professors that do NOT allow independent thoughts or any type of discussion on a different opinion, and it starts in grade school with the poisoning of young minds. And a lazy assed population of parents that spend too much time on a damn phone and not paying enough attention to what their kids are doing or reading, or what the Liberal school boards are teaching.

You want proof? Go look in a mirror..

Are you talking about evolution?
Just read the thread moron.
I have. Haven't came across anything remotely racist towards black people. Although, you're probably the type who thinks "Build the wall" is racist, so you never know. If they specifically said it, you should have no problem providing the posts. Thanks.
I have. Haven't came across anything remotely racist towards black people. Although, you're probably the type who thinks "Build the wall" is racist, so you never know. If they specifically said it, you should have no problem providing the posts. Thanks.

Read the one from the guy that talks about being a Nazi champ.
Read the one from the guy that talks about being a Nazi champ.
I'm not searching for anything. That's your job. You're the accuser. Burden of proof is on you. Aren't you supposed to know that? Thought you were a well educated lawyer?

How's it feel to spend all that money going to school, only to suck so bad at your job? Most would consider that being a failure, educated or not.
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I'm not searching for anything. That's your job. You're the accuser. Burden of proof is on you. Aren't you supposed to know that? Thought you were a well educated lawyer?

How's it feel to spend all that money going to school, only to suck so bad at your job? Most would consider that being a failure, educated or not.

Quote where I said that.
What I thought.
What did you think? I quoted you. I know you saw it. You got called out for playing the race card, as your type always does, now you can't provide any proof of someone being a racist. That's an act of a coward. Lying about children and racist. Shameful.
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What did you think? I quoted you. I know you saw it. You got called out for playing the race card, as your type always does, now you can't provide any proof of someone being a racist. That's an act of a coward. Lying about children and racist. Shameful.

Couldn't find it?