How will they rule ??!

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Sorry you're not allowed to say Romney and your side knows Russia is a problem while you all are circle jerking a future President who is turning out to be nothing more than a puppet of the Russian communist government. Or making excuses for Russia who has gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar by the CIA. You do know how stupid that sounds right?

Oh look, another Goldman Sachs appointee. Bwahaha. And another friend of Putin for the Sec of State. Yup Donald is gonna be real tough on Russia. Cause they're a problem right?

Lol. The ONLY entity that has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar is obummers DOJ. caught hacking Georgias files. Good thing Georgia has better security than Clinton.
I woke up drunk and see this.

Not saying it's Russians, but it's Russians

Long distance dedication to our leftist friends.

Not as hard as the BBC you regularly choke on. But don't take that the wrong way. I don't mind your proclivity for penis, do what you like. What I mind is you deciding that OUR society needs to be predicated upon your wants and needs. You are free to exercise your thirst for young black males to your heart's and anus' content. What I ask of you is to not make a mission out of my acceptance of it. Just do it.

If your "education" was worth two shits then you would realize that what you are asking for will lead to our country falling into the dark abyss of communism. The utopia you and others seek does not exist. That carrot on a stick is dangled in your face because you are gullible enough to chase it with reckless abandon. Have some respect for yourself and use a little introspection. Are the requests you make of others really the best for you and your progeny?

This country was founded by very smart and knowledgeable white guys who were able to look at history and see how human nature would undermine the best intentions of a society. If you are unable to trust them, do a little research and see the factors that led to the failure of society's that came before ours. Read Frederic Bastiat to counter your studies of Karl Marx.

I couldn't care less if you were raised in a Nazi camp in the Appalachians. If you really were. Stop with the pm's threatening kids. Now quit talking to me pinhead.
Have there been any discussions on this board about the changing demographics that inevitably are going to make this country more progressive?
Have there been any discussions on this board about the changing demographics that inevitably are going to make this country more progressive?
So less white people and more 3rd world foreigners who disrespect the Constitution and care nothing for the country is progressive? Progressing towards what? Being Mexico lite? A 3rd world banana Republic with no rule of law? Enlighten me as to where this so called progress leads.
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So less white people and more 3rd world foreigners who disrespect the Constitution and care nothing for the country is progressive? Progressing towards what? Being Mexico light? A 3rd world banana Republic with no rule of law? Enlighten me as to where this so called progress leads.

I don't know. That's why I asked. Geez
Pretty sure his point was that it isn't progressive so your question is off base.

Pretty sure that is progressive in generally accepted political nomenclature. But fine. Any discussions about a changing voting base that will inevitably be more liberal?
I don't know. That's why I asked. Geez
But you also made a statement within your question. You said the changing of demographics inevitably going to make the country more progressive. I'm asking how? What about that scenario = progress to you? What exactly is the country progressing towards?
Have there been any discussions on this board about the changing demographics that inevitably are going to make this country more progressive?
Unfortunately, the definition of progressive to the left seems to mean anything that is not rooted in this countries constitution. Everything is bad from the past and we must embrace a whole new idea. The problem with that is, most of our old ideas are rooted in sound and solid principles which if taken out will be our eventual undoing. Many on the left who embrace the idea of socialism are progressives and feel this is the better system. Little do they realize that not only will they lose a lot of their freedoms, they will also lose a lot of their free time because they will actually have to work for what they are getting now. Bummer.
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But you also made a statement within your question. You said the changing of demographics inevitably going to make the country more progressive. I'm asking how? What about that scenario = progress to you? What exactly is the country progressing towards?

Um, I guess we can discuss that as well. Any reason you can't just answer my question regarding the discussions first?
Unfortunately, the definition of progressive to the left seems to mean anything that is not rooted in this countries constitution. Everything is bad from the past and we must embrace a whole new idea. The problem with that is, most of our old ideas are rooted in sound and solid principles which if taken out will be our eventual undoing. Many on the left who embrace the idea of socialism are progressives and feel this is the better system. Little do they realize that not only will they lose a lot of their freedoms, they will also lose a lot of their free time because they will actually have to work for what they are getting now. Bummer.

I wasn't really asking for an editorial about its merits. Just wondered if there had been any discussions about its' inevitability.
Pretty sure that is progressive in generally accepted political nomenclature.
How is adding people from 3rd world shit holes that are regressive considered progressive? You're basically saying adding more and more of those people is progressive to our country, but if our country slowly continues to become more similar to the regressive countries that they come from, then wouldn't that be regressing?
Um, I guess we can discuss that as well. Any reason you can't just answer my question regarding the discussions first?
Yeah, I'll answer it. Yes, there's been talk about it, and it was given the same answer I'm giving you now. That it's not progressive, but instead regressive.
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How is adding people from 3rd world shit holes that are regressive considered progressive? You're basically saying adding more and more of those people is progressive to our country, but if our country slowly continues to become more similar the regressive countries that they come from, then wouldn't that be regressing?

LOL, fine. Use any word you want. It was a simple question.
Then the discussion utilized a lot of non sequitur, just like your answers now.
Because the question is based on a false narrative that it is somehow progressive. You want a logical answer, then asked a question based on truth.
Because the question is based on a false narrative that it is somehow progressive. You want a logical answer, then asked a question based in truth.

No, you disagree how I used one word. I said use whatever word you want. It's still a simple question.
I wasn't really asking for an editorial about its merits. Just wondered if there had been any discussions about its' inevitability.
I believe the 2016 has help show that nothing in politics are inevitable.

Edit to add: to answer your question. Yes.

But you were not looking for a one word answer were you? If so, let's move on to the next topic.
No, you disagree how I used one word. I said use whatever word you want. It's still a simple question.
It's not me disagreeing with how you use one word. Your one word is false. It's a fact that it's not progressive. In what world is a 1st world country moving backwards, becoming more and more similar to a 3rd world country considered progressive?

I'll be happy to answer your simple question as soon as you reword it and not try to base it on a completely false narrative.
It's not me disagreeing with how you use one word. Your one word is false. It's a fact that it's not progressive. In what world is a 1st world country moving backwards, becoming more and more similar to a 3rd world country considered progressive?

I'll be happy to answer your simple question as soon as you reword it and not try to base it on a completely false narrative.

LOL, yes. You believing it's false is disagreeing with the word. It's a real word. I looked it up and every thing.
It's not me disagreeing with how you use one word. Your one word is false. It's a fact that it's not progressive. In what world is a 1st world country moving backwards, becoming more and more similar to a 3rd world country considered progressive?

I'll be happy to answer your simple question as soon as you reword it and not try to base it on a completely false narrative.

Ok, change it to diverse then.
It's not me disagreeing with how you use one word. Your one word is false. It's a fact that it's not progressive. In what world is a 1st world country moving backwards, becoming more and more similar to a 3rd world country considered progressive?

I'll be happy to answer your simple question as soon as you reword it and not try to base it on a completely false narrative.

Moe - The problem in arguing with progressives/liberals, and the reason I now generally decline to do so is that the liberal PREMISE is a fundamental mis-ordering of the virtues. This is not me talking out my posterior...see moral matrix link here.

There are several virtues. For example, there is "honor", "Humility", "Generosity". Further, one can sensibly argue that there is a hierarchy of virtue. It is a virtue to be honest, and a virtue to be kind. However the world often puts us in the position where the virtue of honesty clashes with the virtue of kindness. "Do these jeans make my butt look big?" The net sum of suffering in the world often depends on our ability to correctly judge the hierarchy of virtue. Put this in perspective: 20 million people died in the Stalinist purges and 30 million in the Cultural Revolution, both events were driven by the single minded premise that equality-of-outcome was the most important virtue of a society.

So here is the problem. Progressives neither recognize a long list of virtues, nor the potential conflicts between them. They recognize two, and only two, closely associated ones that I will label loosely as "Caring and Sharing". Because only "Care" and "Fair" are the highest of the holies, nothing else matters, not justice, not liberty, not honesty, nor anything smacking "measure and proportion". Indeed, if you look at all the crazy-ass left wing moon-battery that has become so very common in the last 25 years, from political correctness to zero tolerance to whatever else you want to name, you will see that it all makes really perfectly logical sense IF "Caring" and "Fair" are the only things with which you are really concerned. Thus, discourse is useless and we are now seeing this in full living color in Congress and Senate where Dems and Pubs have become absolutely incapable of talking to each other. We even see in the perversion of the language, most predominately in the studied confabulation of "Rights" and "Privileges" and in the confabulation of "Fairness" and "Justice".

The understanding of virtues is of deadly importance because getting it approximately right is what allows a society to maintain itself in a healthy condition through time. Look at the collapse of all great societies and you see either abandonment of virtue (Rome) or what I've discussed above (France after the 1600's).
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Ok, change it to diverse then.
I'd say who cares if the country is more diverse as long as the people being brought here want to assimilate, accept and respect American culture and values, strive to become American and contribute positively to society, are ultimately here for freedom and a better life, and are not here just to live off the government/taxpayers and get free stuff.
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I think most on this thread are just conservative in an arguably reasonable sort of way. There are two or three though that are living-on-a-compound angry. Not flaming, but I truly wonder how those two or three root for a basketball team with black players.
I think most on this thread are just conservative in an arguably reasonable sort of way. There are two or three though that are living-on-a-compound angry. Not flaming, but I truly wonder how those two or three root for a basketball team with black players.
We are angry because scumbags like you are trying to destroy the country. Luckily your ilk got its ass kicked about a month ago. Lmao the race card? You're a joke, but keep using it so we can keep smoking you guys in future elections please.
We are angry because scumbags like you are trying to destroy the country. Luckily your ilk got its ass kicked about a month ago. Lmao the race card? You're a joke, but keep using it so we can keep smoking you guys in future elections please.

See .............angry. So very angry and mean spirited.
That pm you just sent me is Way over the line, disgusting, and criminal. This conversation is over. Take care.

I couldn't care less if you were raised in a Nazi camp in the Appalachians. If you really were. Stop with the pm's threatening kids. Now quit talking to me pinhead.

Hmmm...that's a very specific accusation you're making there hoss. Tell me more about these alleged pm's. Why haven't you produced an example yet?

I want you to produce this pm. Please.

These are very serious things you are accusing him of saying/doing. Since you seem to be ignoring him, I'll ask for him. Will you produce these pm's?

You can't just accuse him of something like this, blast him on a public forum about it, then act like you never did. Thanks.
These are very serious things you are accusing him of saying/doing. Since you seem to be ignoring him, I'll ask for him. Will you produce these pm's?

You can't just accuse him of something like this, blast him on a public forum about it, then act like you never did. Thanks.

LOL, he accused me of inviting boys to my home you hypocrite. Quit being a fraud and show some integtrity. I'm not engaging anymore about what he has said. Believe what you want to believe. I have him on ignore.