How will they rule ??!

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Whew. I was ready to see this planet get hit by a meteor after I died. Not so much now.

:smiley: GD AMERICA!!

Closest thing I'll get to Ron Paul kinda feeling. HAHAHHAHA WHEWWWWWWWWWW

Yeah, attitudes are changing. People who are Trump haters are even starting to realize that he truly has a chance to be great. The buzz surrounding politics and this country right now is off the charts. Hope is a powerful thing.
Rex Kwon

Bill Cosby

Dammit, I wish these two guys could get a cabinet position

Winning. Trump's speech. Dude is MOTHER F****** NAILING IT
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Is it just me or does anyone else see a little "Blake" (Alec Baldwin) from Glengarry Glen Ross in Donald Trump?

"PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN! Coffee is for closers!"
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One of my in-laws acted like he was all excited that Trump won to my face. Found out today that he voted for Hillary. What a cuck! In-laws... who needs 'em?

Total pussy. Whenever I see a cuck like that, I know they're weak. It's so pathetic what the hell has happened to these people.

Indoctrinated morons either through universities, media or just a tub of goo because they're afraid to stand up against the crowd and get shamed into submission.
CNN doing a great job of conditioning the logical and color-blind to avoid 'dem (pun intended) black politicians like the black plague. As the evidence is clear, eight years worth of it. Either like what the black man say or you is racist, yo.

Colorblind Society -> Something Wayne D could get behind
Diversity and Inclusion -> The opposite of a colorblind society
More and more people will get a dose of what illegals bring with them. California has seen it and now Middle America can see it.

Hopefully so. But how do you put into perspective what it means to depend on such "realization", when what that should be, and is, is something so glaringly obvious to begin with? I liken it to that of a super-natural addict, not just unwilling to concede what is happening to his body, to his life, to his family, friends, career (if he has such a thing), not just so enrapt in a constant cycle of self-indulgence, self-destruction, not just to the limits of "feeding the beast" and "seeking the thrill", but truly believing that everybody must do it also, and that the very best that each of them can do is submit to the will of the drug more at each taking.

Illegals do not belong. There is no argument for maximizing our national health without discussion of minimizing their presence.
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This might get looked over with the trump speech........ but hot digging what the fu****

A. Wtf

B. Can you imagine if crooked won? No one would have the balls to call out obamas bullshiite.

C. But seriously. Wtf. The letter clearly gives them an excuse but it still calls them out. I don't think they were testing, either.
Incredible, indeed. What is to be made of this, the leader of one of the largest material producers in the world, one with a industrial legacy with few comparisons making a visible public appearance in which the sentiment can be concluded: now that this regime is out of the picture, we expect the United States to reclaim a rightful and natural period of productivity, so much so that they will use our base products to produce many valuable and useful products of their own, possibly demanding our workforce to be increased by more than 25%, and resulting in subsequent increases in workforces as these high quality materials are implemented for damn good purposes by our customers and by theirs.

A long period of punishment is on the way for the unskilled and unwilling. If you are a young man approaching mid twenties who is lagging behind in preparation, whether through sloth or though the pursuit of academia with average or sub-average reward, you may soon find yourself regretting these years. Soon you will have friends with skills as electricians, pipe-fitters, millwrights, heavy equipment operators, etc. with nothing to do for the next decade and one-half but work, work, work, work, etc. . . the most important period of their lives (30s) will be enriched by an over-abundance of opportunity. I've known crane operators who made a quarter million in a year and took most of the fall and winter off to hunt and fish. not necessarily recently.

It is a woefully misguided generation on the rise, and it extends to persons now in their late 20s. Made to believe that success will be ensured if they comply with a popular set of beliefs or, better stated, "feelings". This catastrophic occurrence - Obama - has provided zero opportunities. He promoted this guilt tactic of "their fair share". Now, so many of this "deplorable" generation is left relegated with two choices: (1) to reject or (2) to develop a permanent sense of hostility toward separating persons from within their own generation as they steadily seize new opportunities and make choices to believe in themselves, and demand the right to do for themselves.
