How will they rule ??!

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Trump is basically the perfect mix of a conservative and libertarian. He has libertarian stances on war, as in no nation building horse crap.Also has libertarian stances on the economy and on taxes. But he also has a conservative stances like destroying Isis, supporting Israel, wanting to build a wall, law and order etc.... He basically took strong points of both and mixed them up in a perfect way. Very excited to see how he does as President
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Let's see if she qualifies for Primetime:

Smoking hot-check
Willing to take on libs-check

I don't know what Fox is waiting for: she's tailor-made for their audience.
I agree. Fox needs to pick her up before someone else does. No way she stays at the garbage Blaze forever. I'm surprised Glenn Beck has kept her around, as she is pretty much the anti Beck.
Coming from an occupational health professional perspective I'm not sure most people really understand how important clean air and water are to the overall health of individuals and additionally the cost impact that pollution creates. I could cite estimated health costs of polluted air and water all day but I know no one here is that interested... Does the EPA have some specific regulations that are not effective and are overly burdensome to business, perhaps, and if so they should be dropped. However, do you want someone to take away legitimate protections just based on what the gas and coal companies want? For instance, to get around the clean water act, which did not allow companies to dump into navigable rivers and streams, companies started dumping into smaller streams or ditches that lead into the navigable rivers and streams. A new regulation was issued recently that stopped this practice. This is a regulation that the industry/Pruitt is trying to fight. The regulation increases costs for business but decreases health costs and the cost to things like the fishing/tourist industry which are greatly affected by pollution. Where does the increased health care costs land?.... The taxpayer. As with everything a balance should be struck and I hope this is not all about business and the health and welfare of the taxpayer is given priority.

how neat. So many things I could say in response to that, while citing multiple decades in the energy and environmental sectors, spanning almost every US state and multiple countries in every northern continent . . . blah, blah, blah . . .

Here's what I say instead: Scott Pruitt . . . head of the EPA. One of Danville and Lafayette's finest. Former UK Wildcat at 2nd base, he's a home run for this job.
Coming from an occupational health professional perspective I'm not sure most people really understand how important clean air and water are to the overall health of individuals and additionally the cost impact that pollution creates. I could cite estimated health costs of polluted air and water all day but I know no one here is that interested... Does the EPA have some specific regulations that are not effective and are overly burdensome to business, perhaps, and if so they should be dropped. However, do you want someone to take away legitimate protections just based on what the gas and coal companies want? For instance, to get around the clean water act, which did not allow companies to dump into navigable rivers and streams, companies started dumping into smaller streams or ditches that lead into the navigable rivers and streams. A new regulation was issued recently that stopped this practice. This is a regulation that the industry/Pruitt is trying to fight. The regulation increases costs for business but decreases health costs and the cost to things like the fishing/tourist industry which are greatly affected by pollution. Where does the increased health care costs land?.... The taxpayer. As with everything a balance should be struck and I hope this is not all about business and the health and welfare of the taxpayer is given priority.

Agree there is a balance and a limit. Being in business for awhile pollutants used to be measured in parts per million, now there are using parts per billion. You can do anything with that type of measurement.
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Trump is basically the perfect mix of a conservative and libertarian. He has libertarian stances on war, as in no nation building horse crap.Also has libertarian stances on the economy and on taxes.

Just so we're clear, "bombing the shit" out of places we haven't declared war and putting up trade barriers are libertarian? Under what definition of libertarianism do those things fall?

Tomi Lahren is hot AF and excellent troll. As long as she's not talking, she's all right
as far as the trade barriers crap that Transy will harp on, do we, should we do business with countries that have absolutely no restrictions on environmental issues, and have serious problems with the use of children in the labor force? we want to restrict the shit out of our businesses in this country utilizing the EPA, but have no problem with the way Mexico, China, and so on do business. what it cost us to ship our goods into other countries vs. what it cost these countries to ship goods to ours is criminal. there doesn't need to be trade barriers, but the trade laws should be fair for companies in the U.S. doing business here in the U.S. so we can be competitive . our business are fighting with both hands tied behind their backs and the EPA firmly planted up their asses, but if they move all their operations over seas, all those restrictions are gone and they can ship their goods back into this country for virtually nothing.
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Exceptional article about military leadership with a particular focus on Mattis. (Although a little long.) A couple of side comments:

a. In picking Mattis, Trump showed that he's willing to surround himself with people who are not only smart and experienced, but are also willing to speak their minds and not just tell him what they think he wants to hear. I continue to be impressed and pleasantly surprised with Trump's actions since becoming President elect.

b. Transy may have been more correct about the politicalization of our military than I believed. (Still don't think it was 99% but obviously greater than I expected. Certainly not the first time I've been wrong.)
Cuban is dead to me politically. I used to love his ideas and wish hed run. But he was a Trump supporter until the libs turned up the heat. Then he folded and became one of Trumps biggest critics. Now hes back on board.

No leader just folds based on what amounts to peer pressure. Bye.

Megyn must be wanting to get hired by CNN.

I think she was definitely making a play. At the time, no one thought Trump had a serious chance. She thought she could hammer him and garner some liberal viewers, and maybe even get a bigger gig.

Backfired. She had a come to Jesus situation where she told the story about how afterwards, she visited Trump and he was so gracious and she was surprised, etc, etc.
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Cuban is dead to me politically. I used to love his ideas and wish hed run. But he was a Trump supporter until the libs turned up the heat. Then he folded and became one of Trumps biggest critics. Now hes back on board.

No leader just folds based on what amounts to peer pressure. Bye.

I think she was definitely making a play. At the time, no one thought Trump had a serious chance. She thought she could hammer him and garner some liberal viewers, and maybe even get a bigger gig.

Backfired. She had a come to Jesus situation where she told the story about how afterwards, she visited Trump and he was so gracious and she was surprised, etc, etc.

Yep. Totally agree about Cuban.
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To much of our surprise, including myself, I think Trump was a lot more calculated than we ever imagined.

I was sold on Jary Gohnson. But I kept an open mind and listened to what Ukalumni00 was jiving.
Thankfully I may have just voted for one of the best US leaders in history.

I said from the beginning. Trump pretty much had nothing left to achieve. His ego will not let him fail, because that would be a threat to his legacy. He can't have his name fail in history. This guy will get shit done.
I really never understood the Megyn Kelly popularity.

Didn't understand it before Trump. Didn't understand it after. Didn't understand why I saw articles about a bidding war for her services.
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Trump has dominated the news. Everyone just assumes Trump is running shit now. Good.
I really never understood the Megyn Kelly popularity.

Didn't understand it before Trump. Didn't understand it after. Didn't understand why I saw articles about a bidding war for her services.

Me neither.

She'll end up on CNN as a "guest conservative reporter" to "blend in a conservative twist".
as far as the trade barriers crap that Transy will harp on, do we, should we do business with countries that have absolutely no restrictions on environmental issues, and have serious problems with the use of children in the labor force? we want to restrict the shit out of our businesses in this country utilizing the EPA, but have no problem with the way Mexico, China, and so on do business. what it cost us to ship our goods into other countries vs. what it cost these countries to ship goods to ours is criminal. there doesn't need to be trade barriers, but the trade laws should be fair for companies in the U.S. doing business here in the U.S. so we can be competitive . our business are fighting with both hands tied behind their backs and the EPA firmly planted up their asses, but if they move all their operations over seas, all those restrictions are gone and they can ship their goods back into this country for virtually nothing.
That wasn't the content of screwduke's post. I didn't say we should trade with them freely (I do think that, but that's not what was up for discussion), I just said that would be the libertarian opinion on the economy/trade. If you're not libertarian economically and don't want Trump to be, fine. I just took exception with the idea that Trump is libertarian outside of very issues.
That wasn't the content of screwduke's post. I didn't say we should trade with them freely (I do think that, but that's not what was up for discussion), I just said that would be the libertarian opinion on the economy/trade. If you're not libertarian economically and don't want Trump to be, fine. I just took exception with the idea that Trump is libertarian outside of very issues.

i see what your saying. i skim through the posts and don't always catch all the content. and i am fine with free trade with countries as well, as long as those countries are playing by the same rules as we are. China needs us to buy their crap way more than we need them to make it
A new regulation was issued recently that stopped this practice. This is a regulation that the industry/Pruitt is trying to fight.
I think they're fighting it because the new regulation is so extreme it covers things like standing puddles of water.
Agree there is a balance and a limit. Being in business for awhile pollutants used to be measured in parts per million, now there are using parts per billion. You can do anything with that type of measurement.
Dems don't understand ppm or ppb. They think an increase from 300ppm to 400ppm is catastrophic.
Un-fking believable. Woman is so decimated about Trump's victory that she decides she can't date anymore, and then feels compelled to share her pain with the rest of the World.

At what point will these people start looking into the mirror?

There is no room for dating in this place of grief. Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope in seeing the words “President-elect Trump.”

stephanieland.png's because of Trump she isn't dating.
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Un-fking believable. Woman is so decimated about Trump's victory that she decides she can't date anymore, and then feels compelled to share her pain with the rest of the World.

At what point will these people start looking into the mirror?

There is no room for dating in this place of grief. Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope in seeing the words “President-elect Trump.”

She obviously shouldn't be dating. Get an f'ing cat lady.
When Meghan Kelly jumps ship and shows her true colors I think they move Tucker to the 9 spot. Kelly has become unbearable. She goes after both sides, but her "feminist" spin recently going after Aires and Hannity/Orielly has shined her in a negative light. Not to mention her piggy backing Trump to increase her popularity.
I guess since she didn't toe the line and put up with sexual harassment she's unbearable now. Sounds similar to the Glenn Beck backlash. He was God Almighty on here a few years ago. Now he's blowing sailors at TGI Fridays
I guess since she didn't toe the line and put up with sexual harassment she's unbearable now. Sounds similar to the Glenn Beck backlash. He was God Almighty on here a few years ago. Now he's blowing sailors at TGI Fridays

You know there is a class action lawsuit by black CNN employees against its employers.

CNN getting sued for racism.

Let that sink in
Conversation at dinner tonight. If you could make a movie about how Obama and Hillary tried to destroy this country for liberals like Ole George. With the supreme Court and other illegal shit...

They already did. It's called the pelican brief. Like the movie is shockingly similar. Scary
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I guess since she didn't toe the line and put up with sexual harassment she's unbearable now. Sounds similar to the Glenn Beck backlash. He was God Almighty on here a few years ago. Now he's blowing sailors at TGI Fridays
No, but when there's no proof of sexual harassment and she tries to blame people who have always been outstanding individuals she loses credibility with me. Glenn Beck has always been a quack. She used the Trump deal to first paint herself as a hopeless female and then she decided she "wasn't going to take it" and lashed out and never stopped lol. She's a joke who showed her true colors during this campaign and will jump ship to a libtard network or become a morning television host.
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Don't think of Megyn as a sexual creature, it makes her uncomfortable...





Exactly lol. She started wearing stuff just to get a rise out of people and when they stated their opinion that she shouldn't be wearing such revealing clothing being a commentator she cried "sexism"!
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No, but when there's no proof of sexual harassment and she tries to blame people who have always been outstanding individuals she loses credibility with me. Glenn Beck has always been a quack. She used the Trump deal to first paint herself as a hopeless female and then she decided she "wasn't going to take it" and lashed out and never stopped lol. She's a joke who showed her true colors during this campaign and will jump ship to a libtard network or become a morning television host.

Exactly. And to think she use to be dam good at her job. But she saw the dollar signs and boom.