How will they rule ??!

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And he's criticized both trump and Obama for their views. I assume the difference is Trump will listen to the expert he hired to do the job instead of firing him.
Yep. Even told Trump no to waterboarding.

They were from a top 10 article. I like them. I posted them.
Fair enough. I like them, too. Was only asking because I've been seeing people only talk about the killing quotes in an effort to make him look like a warmongering lunatic.
Gonna have to do a bit more than saving 1000/2300 jobs. And it's actually Pence who was able to deliver, not really Trump. If that wasn't Pence's state, nope.

Obama: "No magic wand can bring these jobs back"


Obama nearly destroyed this country, but USA is back in business baby
Oh look, yet another month of job growth. Believe that's yet another record. So instead of ending his Presidency with an epic fail of a financial collapse and losing millions of jobs a month, he's going out in style. But cheers to the 1000 jobs Trump saved out of 2300+. Only 24.99 million to go!

You guys are worse than the Obama slurpers and he hasn't even taken over yet. Will you do the Heil Trump or bow down? Will you put pictures of him in your homes or prefer statues? Will you applaud his government takeover of the free markets? I'm just trying to figure out where you 'free market, less government' folks are on the scale of delusion.

You mean another month of hopelessly unemployed people running out of benefits, so theyre no longer counted? Or is it because a handful of those people got Christmas employment stocking shelves at Kmart till the end the month?

Labor participation is still pathetically low.

Ya, awesome.
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so you're moving the goalposts already...nice. Not as many people have 401k's as you'd think. And what does that have to do with those jobs you said were created?

Obama doubled the stock market but that seemed to not matter to you. But now all of a sudden yay 401k!!

More people have 401K's than saving accounts bud so I'd suggest doing some research.

I didn't say the money coming back from hidden oversea's accounts would create jobs. I've said it coming back to America will help America more than it being overseas.......and dividends(probably large dividends if you think about it) helps a lot of people too!

I do not knock Obama for where the stock market is. While I know and understand it's inflated right now it is still thriving and that's great. Of course it had no where to go but up.......and my retirement has gained greatly from it.

So how am I moving goalposts? Sounds more like you are nitpicking
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Gonna have to do a bit more than saving 1000/2300 jobs. And it's actually Pence who was able to deliver, not really Trump. If that wasn't Pence's state, nope.

Apple is already in negotiations to bring half its overseas operations back to America.

Apple is more than 1000 jobs.
Gonna have to do a bit more than saving 1000/2300 jobs. And it's actually Pence who was able to deliver, not really Trump. If that wasn't Pence's state, nope.

Trump, Trumps regime, trumps it what you want bud the fact is under trump this will be more common than jobs going overseas.
Oh look, yet another month of job growth. Believe that's yet another record. So instead of ending his Presidency with an epic fail of a financial collapse and losing millions of jobs a month, he's going out in style. But cheers to the 1000 jobs Trump saved out of 2300+. Only 24.99 million to go!

You guys are worse than the Obama slurpers and he hasn't even taken over yet. Will you do the Heil Trump or bow down? Will you put pictures of him in your homes or prefer statues? Will you applaud his government takeover of the free markets? I'm just trying to figure out where you 'free market, less government' folks are on the scale of delusion.
pls link my slurping of Trump

Where were you during all those quarters of 1%? What Obama policy do you think has spurred this bump?
Real GDP...breaking: copkilla thinks Bush was awesome for our economy, more real GDP growth and far less debt.
Date Value
Sep 30, 2016 1.50%
Dec 31, 2015 1.88%
Dec 31, 2014 2.49%
Dec 31, 2013 2.66%
Dec 31, 2012 1.28%
Dec 31, 2011 1.68%
Dec 31, 2010 2.73%
Dec 31, 2009 -0.24%
Dec 31, 2008 -2.77%
Dec 31, 2007 1.87%
Dec 31, 2006 2.39%
Dec 31, 2005 3.03%
Dec 31, 2004 3.12%
Dec 31, 2003 4.36%
Let's be honest: Obama got elected RIGHT AFTER the economic black swan. That's the only reason his numbers look as good as they do.
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Obama: "No magic wand can bring these jobs back"


Obama nearly destroyed this country, but USA is back in business baby

Shows you how important it is/was to get this nation away from the left and the money masters from both sides of the parties. Use common sense and get that social issues BS out and things can work properly. Focus on this nation being strong in every way and eff the rest of the world and eff ideologues who think it's our moral duty to save the world and act as a charity.
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Has there been any definitive statement on if and/or how long Trump can blame everything on Obama? Or is he just going to rely on a continuance of Bush is still at fault?
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Let's be honest: Obama got elected RIGHT AFTER the economic black swan. That's the only reason his numbers look as good as they do.
Right and they benchmark dishonestly from the bottom. If Bush had benchmarked himself based on the 9/11 tank he would have been mocked deservedly. And copkilla hated Bush and trashed him regarding the economy but praises worse metrics...and at the same time accuses others of slurping. Loser.
Job growth in November you say?

In my best Cleveland Brown voice - No.......way......!

It's almost like people need to be hired to fulfill orders for some sort of holiday coming up. Could be wrong though.
Hell, I've hired 150+ people over the last month. That's nothing compared to Amazon, Radial (Formerly E-bay logistics)..etc...
For those who have an interest in the Kurds and their place in the Middle East, this is an excellent overview of both past and current scenarios. 30 million Kurds live in and around Northern Iraq, they are stuck in the middle of several different Middle Eastern major conflicts and have been for the past 30 years. Understanding their situation helps to better understand what's going on..and Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, ISIS, etc.

(There are also 10,000 Kurds living in Nashville who, for the most part, are everything you would want from immigrants moving to our country.)
Has there been any definitive statement on if and/or how long Trump can blame everything on Obama? Or is he just going to rely on a continuance of Bush is still at fault?
I believe it goes beyond that, some are still blaming Reagan. The left never takes responsibility for their mistakes. I'll bet cardkilla's own parents don't claim him.
Right and they benchmark dishonestly from the bottom. If Bush had benchmarked himself based on the 9/11 tank he would have been mocked deservedly. And copkilla hated Bush and trashed him regarding the economy but praises worse metrics...and at the same time accuses others of slurping. Loser.
What's the old saying (I'm paraphrasing)?

"Stats are like bikinis: they show you a lot, but they don't show you everything".
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Oh look, yet another month of job growth. Believe that's yet another record. So instead of ending his Presidency with an epic fail of a financial collapse and losing millions of jobs a month, he's going out in style. But cheers to the 1000 jobs Trump saved out of 2300+. Only 24.99 million to go!

You guys are worse than the Obama slurpers and he hasn't even taken over yet. Will you do the Heil Trump or bow down? Will you put pictures of him in your homes or prefer statues? Will you applaud his government takeover of the free markets? I'm just trying to figure out where you 'free market, less government' folks are on the scale of delusion.
Yup, the unemployment numbers are just about as true as Hillary being up 14 points and Obamas approval rating being 57%.
So any sightings of Hill or Bill? Are they in hiding trying to avoid paying back all those donations for which they can not deliver on promises made?
Trump doesn't need to do press conferences. He should hold ralliies like he did last night and talk to the American people. The media is going to lie and spin everything he says, so to hell with the press. Trump should hold a rally or 2 every month of his presidency. He doesn't need the lying press.

I would bypass the media all together. No law that says Trump has to talk to the media.

I would just tweet or do you tube vids. F*** the MSM fake news
Yup, the unemployment numbers are just about as true as Hillary being up 14 points and Obamas approval rating being 57%.

When somebody has been on unemployment so long that their "benefits" run out, unemployment rate drops by a count of 1. So what you can have (using our model) is a society that has put everybody out of work, no longer has ANY jobs and within a couple/three years has an unemployment rate of 0%. This is the effective trend being experienced within the American employment dynamic now, as reflected by the current unemployment "rate".
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When somebody has been on unemployment so long that their "benefits" run out, unemployment rate drops by a count of 1. So what you can have (using our model) is a society that has put everybody out of work, no longer has ANY jobs and within a couple/three years has an unemployment rate of 0%. This is the effective trend being experienced within the American employment dynamic now, as reflected by the current unemployment "rate".
Very well stated Kopi.
So Hillary and Obama focus their attention on BLM, the kid who made the clock bomb, Bergdahl's parents, Syrian refugees, transgender bathrooms, etc. Trump focuses on saving 1,000 jobs in middle America.

I don't give a damn whether he actually made a real difference in those jobs staying or not...the simply fact that the focus is back on our economy, our jobs and real people who are willing to work for a living is a huge positive for me.

I like what I see so far.
Report from nevada, a state clinton won, has found 9K fraud votes.

Wow that's seems like a problem. How in the shit can we not even vote good.

Re: what hill is doing

Lmaoo I saw a headline yesterday "WOW LOOK WHO SUPRISED EVERYBODY AT THR KATY PERRY CONCERT" and it was fn Hilldawg looking all surprised like OMG didn't know you people would be here, just enjoying some tunes from my BFF Katy Perry, I love her tits.

Then right after the election there was that classic "WOW LOOK WHO THIS PINTEREST MOMMA RAN IN TO WHILE ON A HIKE" and it was fn Hilldawg again lolokng like she has Alzheimer's and was just wondering the forest looking for the stars that weren't out yet. Fn shameless weirdo.
The drop in Clinton Foundation donations prove all of us right about it being a slush fund. No government favors to sell so no more generous six figure speeches and millions donated.

Regardless of what Trump accomplishes, his victory over the Clintons and the media will be one of my favorite American events ever.
Wow that's seems like a problem. How in the shit can we not even vote good.

Re: what hill is doing

Lmaoo I saw a headline yesterday "WOW LOOK WHO SUPRISED EVERYBODY AT THR KATY PERRY CONCERT" and it was fn Hilldawg looking all surprised like OMG didn't know you people would be here, just enjoying some tunes from my BFF Katy Perry, I love her tits.

Then right after the election there was that classic "WOW LOOK WHO THIS PINTEREST MOMMA RAN IN TO WHILE ON A HIKE" and it was fn Hilldawg again lolokng like she has Alzheimer's and was just wondering the forest looking for the stars that weren't out yet. Fn shameless weirdo.

Not to mention she already knew that lady too. Haha.