How will they rule ??!

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I remember doing my senior research paper in high school on censorship. The left has had so many books banned. They also banned Goldilocks and the Three Bears because it promoted theft.

Funny thing about Huck Finn is that Jim, the black character, is the most noble and the hero of the story. But it says the "n word" so BAN THIS BOOK, WHITE DEVIL!
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Trump doesn't need to do press conferences. He should hold ralliies like he did last night and talk to the American people. The media is going to lie and spin everything he says, so to hell with the press. Trump should hold a rally or 2 every month of his presidency. He doesn't need the lying press.
Rallies and Youtube videos: bypass the media completely.
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@cardkilla - you going to tell me your fav BO policy that drove the bump last quarter?

An easy answer would be lower energy prices (~$1200 per household) but as luck would have it he said we could not drill our way to lower energy prices. Please humor us.
Hillary's aides accusing of Trump using racism.

Pelosi Galore re- elected.

Ellison heading DNC as a sitting member of Congress.

Has anyone ever seen a more idiotic group ever? If they would have owned the Titanic, they would have rebuilt it, then sent it back with less lifeboats. And then blamed the iceberg for being racist.
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Adam Carolla on SJWs and millennials.

Great video and he 150% correct.

I have said this till I was blue in the face to my wife. Today's millennials are running on shame.

100% shame. I was gonna post a break down on how shame happens, but I know no one here wants to hear about it. But I will simplify it as best as possible.

We learn shame between 1-3 years of age. As we get older, we shed the memory of how we got shamed, but we retain the memory of the feeling of shame. As we start to get towards our teens and become more abstract and more independent, we learn to use anger to displace the feeling of shame and pain. I mean, who wants to be feel shame and pain, right? Welp, anger actually changes the chemical in your body and it removes the feelings of hurt pride.

That's exactly what's ahppening today. These shitty little brats have been shamed by their parents, my generation.
Buzzfeed goes after an HGTV show couple for going to a church that opposes same sex marriage. Meanwhile the DNC is going to name a muslim as head of their party and his mosque's beliefs will not be discussed. SMGDH.

Because anything that has to do with Islam is bad right?

You guys sound ridiculous.

C'mon be better.
Racist SJWs are trying to turn the killing of Joe McKnight into a black vs white thing. They just can't help themselves.

Frankly, I don't give a flying f*** what any American who is pro-Muslim thinks. 99% of the bratty SJWs have never been to a Muslim country. Having stayed off and on in a Muslim country for a year and a wife who experienced extreme racism by Muslims her whole life because she is Chinese, they can all die for I care. My wife wishes someone would just kill every Muslim on the planet.
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Frankly, I don't give a flying f*** what any American who is pro-Muslim thinks. 99% of the bratty SJWs have never been to a Muslim country. Having stayed off and on in a Muslim country for a year and a wife who experienced extreme racism by Muslims her whole life because she is Chinese, they can all die for I care. My wife wishes someone would just kill every Muslim on the planet.
Islam is nothing more than a death cult.
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I'm good friends with Adam Malik's (former UK tennis star) brother Azlan (who had to move back to Kuala Lumpur). he's a Mulsim and he hates it. He gets shamed constantly by his muslim peers because he is married to a white girl from California. He has to fake being muslim because he fears for his safety. AFAIK, Adam married a US girl and stayed in Lexington.
Frankly, I don't give a flying f*** what any American who is pro-Muslim thinks. 99% of the bratty SJWs have never been to a Muslim country. Having stayed off and on in a Muslim country for a year and a wife who experienced extreme racism by Muslims her whole life because she is Chinese, they can all die for I care. My wife wishes someone would just kill every Muslim on the planet.

So as a reaction to bigotry your impulse is more bigotry? Interesting.
Being as diplomatic as I can, does it bother Trump voters that educated people generally supported Clinton and uneducated people generally supported Trump? Is education bad?
The Ohio state attacker pretty much said all muslims are just lying in wait.

I don't believe that to be true but I do believe a lot are future attackers. How do we distinguish the ones who are using taqqiya?
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